Asmongold is switching to FF14

Apparently there is. We all need to be saved from ourselves and brought the Good News of Final Fantasy, rather than making up our own minds what we want to do. And it must happen -This Week-! Weird that…when you think about it…

How long has FF14 been out? And yet it suddenly becomes vitally important -this week-.

How very, very odd…

He’s what? I don’t think he is…How does that pan out? Someone who sabotages servers and doesn’t even try to rein in the racist element of his drones? I don’t think that classifies as ‘keeping WoW alive’, that more sounds to me like ‘Giving WoW a bad reputation’.

Then they are weak willed, and the game will be better without them. A grown Adult should be able to form their own opinion.

I give it about two minutes after they start glorifying the Nasti’s before the bans start rolling out.

Take it you’re a fan of his then?

It would not surprise me.

Also, if you don’t like roleplayers, can you kindly give your head a wobble, look up what the term MMORPG stands for, and adjust your attitude accordingly.

Also, despite what overused silly memes say, human beings do need a certain amount of salt in order to survive. I mean that is a biological requirement. Sorry if factual information disturbs you.

Pretty much same as, yeah.

Meh, a Scumbag is a Scumbag, regardless of their bank balance, and lets face it, it isn’t exactly like people on the forums are quiet about criticising the Blizzard top dogs!

Possibly the most wholesome thing I will read on the internet all day, Kudos Sir/Ma’am.


I do not mind any streamer as it’s entertainment and not much more. What I mind is the people who use twitch emotes written out everywhere, even in WoW. What’s worse than having someone in your party communicating with “monkaS” or “Omegalul” ? Not to say… they also use it in their daily speech… some take twitch too serious.

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The hypocrisy and jealousy in this thread is close to staggering lol.

Same old faces showing their true colours once again.
Makes it alot easier to pick them out though I suppose.

Disgusting two-faced cretins :slight_smile:

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what is omega in omegalul ?
last laugh or something ?

It wouldn’t be worrying if he would’ve been the only one… but I keep watching these creators switching side to FF and it’s getting me worried.
And we can say that every month there is already a “WoW is dead” post since Vanilla. That’s no concern :rofl:
The fact is… Many loyal WoW streamers are changing for the first time and that is the scary part…

Wait, so THAT’S where that garbage is from? I assumed reddit and/or 4chan.


who cares?

It is a bit weird…I mean I personally find some of the other aspects a bit more strange. It’s like…-seriously- are you citing things that aren’t true, and then giggling “Streamer said so” and it is like…“Yeah, but Streamer also thought that the Nasti’s were OK, and was OK with his fans doing Nasti salutes to him…That…didn’t strike you as weird?”

Yep. Seems like we ain’t done with Racism and anti Semitic behaviour just yet. We just need to keep an eye on Asmon Fans if they start trickling back…

I’d be careful, His fans get very touchy about being called what they are, you might get flagged, but yeah, your summary is accurate.

I -think- that is what they were hoping for, but it is a massive swing and a miss.

“OK, so Omega is the last letter in the Greek Alphabet, right, so this is the last thing?”
“So the Lul bit?”
“ummm… ermmmmm…errrrr”
“You don’t know, do you? Did some punk on Reddit coin this term and you all formed a daisy chain and went with it?”
"It means lke…‘lol’ "
“So let me just stop you, You’re saying, that it is a shortened, or abbreviated term, for a word that is exactly the same length and has the same amount of consonants and vowels, to replace a word that is in itself idiotic and counter intuitive to what it pretends to mean, is that what you are saying?”

“You’re using a lot of words, TL:DR man”
“Right you are now officially an idiot, who is too simple to speak the human tongue. Get out of my sight before I call pest control”

That kind of is my feeling when I see kids use terms like ‘omegalul’…


Not esactly a fan of him, i find him to soft for my taste, i would enjoy watching more “hardocore” people but there are none in the wow section.
But i enjoy how a single persone can negativly impact others to a point that you are here complaing about him.

About roleplayers, i dont like them per se, it’s the wow roleplayers that makes me laugh as wow is probably the game with the worst roleplay support out in the market (same emotes as 16 years ago it’s a good example) and it’s the most easily griefable

No, because it’s vacuous.


Well it’s really hard to find people atm cause all playing FF14 With asmongold, Damm it !

he is not toxic, he is a just himself, and it pays off for him =D… i wish i could just summon muppets as well to give me all loot i ever wanted. oh well =D

Make an onlyfans account

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It’s working well for you?

Yes, being a handsome bald hunchback orc helps.


Haha according to the replies on my reply seems like Asmongold indeed is in every way more successful than nearly everyone here :smiley:

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You’ve got something on your nose, might want to wipe it off.

I am curious how many moneys he got for switching…
Blizzard for now is focused on draining cash from old titles once again. It’s reason in my opinion why we don’t have new patch yet. I think their workers are focused on rebuild old titles and don’t have time for new patch.
So anyway he can’t as a Youtuber stick only to WoW if nothing new comming…

If that is how you choose to interpret the content of a YouTube video, far be it from me to dissuade you otherwise… I’d hate to be cited as a heretic for deriding a YouTube game streamers thinking processes.


No one yet they keep going at it and how a great and superior human being he is. Like money was the epitome of what define a good individual from a bad one , how poor that generation is …

It is both a publicity topic and a bragging one by his followers and a lame attempt to get some people banned.

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