Asmongold is switching to FF14

No, he is not…Asmon courts controversy, because it generates views, which drives advertising revenue.
He’s an elitist hypocrite and a fan of ‘gatekeeping’ systems…he also indulges in whipping his fanbase up into a state of frenzy and then claims the behaviour of the more rabid individuals is not of his making (since he keeps doing it, that indicates he is either incredibly stupid, or he knows exactly what he is doing) which is gutless, irresponsible and a classic cult of personality.


Let’s see how this series work out frst :sweat_smile: Before we say anyone has ‘‘Switched’’ yet

I mean, Asmongold seems like he’s barely played WoW the last year or more. I think it’s simply his natural time to look for a different game.

That said, does he have good, well-considered reasons? Probably. For one, he can go to any game and a thousand people will volunteer to be in his guild, group with him, accompany him through any content. He can freely jump ship and never have to deal with being that guy who doesn’t have anyone to group with.

As for gameplay reasons, I guess we’ll see over the coming months. He may well be complaining about the lack of challenging endgame by september. Or he might be the best advert FF ever had and prove that it is by far the more fulfilling game - in which case WoW will probably suffer. Either way it’s good data for the rest of us :smile_cat:

they wont have a change - thx god community in FF14 is policing iself very nicely with help of game GMs who care about game - so any asmongoldoloids who behave like cavemen will get perma banned extremly fast.

He’s not that stupid. His main audience is WoW, this is where money come from. He just play ff14 to fill time till SL get more content.
“Famus guy x play other big game y” always bring views.

So I wouldn’t hold my breath thinking streamers like ff14 more now.
(also let’s be honest here - WoW aint top dog because it’s sooo good. It’s because other MMO’s are preety bad)

I think someone told me FF has a GCD of like 2.5s? Seems ridiculously slow paced if true?

I will never ever understand why there is some people in the world that literally wants to play a game, which is just basically a movie. 10% gameplay, 90% cutscenes.

Asmon can i have your mounts?

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Yes it is but i think at max level it does reduce a little but i could not be bothered to get that far i just did not like the theme .

I like MOBAs and MMORPGS both, albeit for different reasons.

If I want a gaming session where I walk away having “built up” something over the session (as part of a long term plan) then MMORPG.

If I just want to “game” and not really have some overarching noble objective, then MOBA it is.

I used to play League a lot but these days I pref HOTS despite it being unpopular as I prefer the crossover of MMOrPG elements into it (like talents and there being objectives/quests to do in a match).

The solution i’ve found for wow’s content drought for me, was being hugely indecisive about my main early game. I’m now rushing to get as much done as I can with the time I have left, and it’s fabulous at keeping me busy.

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FF14 also has too little competive content to make for interesting streams I think

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Eager to see if he sticks with it, and with his personality and fans being there how many of them start making posts/getting upset when they get actioned for being toxic. Especially since FF isn’t afraid to action people for stuff they say on stream about people in the game.


Bit clickbaity. He’s going to try it. Something of a leap to say he’s switching. He will of course ultimately go where the money is so if FF offers significantly more viewers and subs then it would make sense to do so.


This is my take. It will be about them all pointing and laughing at the “triggered players” whom they can upset. Anyone expecting some actual calm detailed streaming of FF with some kind of reasonable reviewing/commentary is kidding themselves. That kind of thing is not why he is well-known. He’s well known because he tries to trigger other players and be controversial, and then tries to weasel out of responsibility for doing those things. Very much a case of “I love to be known for this thing, except for when I don’t want to be known for this thing”. Kinda like the celebrities who want to make a living by having the paps follow them everywhere and inviting them to follow them everywhere and then complaining when the paps want to follow them everywhere.


well good luck to him then
only streamers i follow are fandy and annie fuschia with videos such as bc classic or the occasional m+ key/raid plus they got better personalities than him xd


I knew there was a reason i liked you so much !

ah thank you well they were the better choice
and oh gnome warlock with corruptor set looks cool


for me i got too much time on my hands,i reached plat rank recently and i think its my peak rank,i got nothing to do now thats why im setting up goal to reach high rank at dota 2,i wanna spend time in WOW but got nobody to play with,i ve been searching for 19:00 raiding guild for like month now, i did find couple of guilds but they are dead atm

Wouldn’t surprise me if raiding is a bit dead atm, given the logistics required. Most people who needed it, have done it - and after the introduction of KSM achis, going for a M+ progression route is just infinitely more valuable for meaningful alt progress too for a player. I mean unless you’re aiming for mythic raiding there’s no need as you can get the means to upgrade to 220 gear with M+ alone.

Asmongold will be back once 9.1 comes out, he’s an addict, he’s had the fanbase to switch for years but always sticks around, he hated the GCD changes Blizzard did in the past and he’ll almost certainly hate how slow FFXIV’s combat is by comparison.

He also doesn’t strike me as the type of person to sit through hours of cutscenes and FFXIV is an RPG before it’s an MMO, I don’t think he’ll last honestly.

Best of luck to him if he actually does try it out though.