Asmongold is switching to FF14

nobody cares asmongold is leaving all he does is cry about Blizzard making money whyile he makes money because of World of warcraft. so by bye i hope he never comes back with his crying. go cry on FF14

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Neither did I, after giving it like 10 chances.
Maybe if it’s the first MMO someone’s ever played, i can understand why you’d think it’s “the best”, but coming off WoW into FF14, everything is just so slow and clunky, even the combat is more boring.


Asmon himself said it’s not a big deal to him and others shouldn’t make a big deal out of it too. FFXIV early impression is pretty solid, not gonna lie. I’m enjoying the game. But come on, he’s not quitting WoW.

Start a streaming channel, be edgy and controversial, et voila, more shinies than you can eat.

lol ^^ ah awesome 10 words


I just ran out of my ‘Like’ allowance (I wish there was a countdown meter)… please accept an IOU.

Good luck but I don’t think he will enjoy it, going from WoW’s melee to FF14 is very dull, and unless you can boost then you NEED to stick through the first 20 odds to get through to the part where the game gets good. If he isnt into RPGs then itll be a struggle, if you dont connect with FF’s story then the game has very little outside of that.

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Just switch to your worgen alt, Lupie :wolf:


I dont know, he played dark souls and it looked like he was about to give up on that, but he kept at it and got pretty decent at it.

Also, was very entertaining to watch.

I like it, however it’s a little too obviously mockable…


Ehh, thats more a case of ‘Somebody has put some bread on the table…you decide to have some’. I’m not exactly here complaining about him. I was here anyway. Somebody brought him up in conversation, so I gave my thoughts. If someone had -not- brought him up in conversation, I wouldn’t have given a monkey’s as to what he was up to, and not made a comment about him.

He can, and has, had a negative impact on people though, that much is true, and more tellingly, is incredibly unrepentant when he does so, which, y’know, in any other walk of life would generally meet with a fair degree of social ostracism, which then means you have to look at his drones and go “This is your role model? You find him funny?” But hey, it’s a big old world and people are different. I mean you even had people who found ‘Mr Bean’ funny, so y’know, people be people I guess.

It’s better than it was. I mean Transmog was an absolute godsend for RPing, as to the emote thing, well…that…doesn’t matter? Those are just the ones Blizzard chucked in there? If you want to emote that your character is leaning against a wall smoking a pipe you just type /e leans against the wall smoking a pipe. They don’t need to add any emotes, because you literally can emote whatever you like! The standard ones are more there for casual players, not RP’ers…

It could be, and you’re right, arguably -should- be, as an RPG better in terms of supporting RP’ers, but I think some steps have been taken. Removing Sharding from RP realms was a major thing, Transmog as I mention, and the Elixir of Tongues potion has been invaluable.

As for being easy to grief, I think that comes down to the fact that some people are scared of intelligence, and like to score Internet Badman points, when in actual fact if they tried to do that to say, LARP’ers in real life, they’d end up punched into a sticky pulp. I think a bit of it is just social nervousness on their part. Which is…Y’know, cool. I mean not cool, but we mustn’t mock griefers for their lack of social skills.

I mean is there any situation in which that would -not- help?

I really doubt he is. He actually strikes me as a bit of a lonely man. Sort of like…you know Hermit Crabs, how they move shells. He’s like that. He’s built this persona, and now he’s trapped by it, and has to behave like it, because that makes him money, but he clearly isn’t actually making as much money as some of his fans think he is, or there would be significant changes in his presentation. I mean let us be honest here, let us be brutally honest chaps, There comes a point, in a man’s life, where they may have to accept the dread mathematics of loss…

You know what I mean.

“I hate my receding hairline, Shall I just style it out, all guns blazing and shave my head?”

I mean I’m more successful that Asmongold, I’m older than him, and I have no sign of any hair loss at all. Or was that not the criteria we were using here? It was supposed to be bank balance? Is that what it was? We were actually using -money- as a sign of success?
What is this? I mean I was a teenager in the 80’s, but even back then we thought that was a hilarious way of looking at things. He’s not a success…He’s a bit…well…mangy. If he was a success, he could at least act like it. Just take a stance, either get a hair transplant and look like a bargain basement Donald Trump, or just style it the heck out and go full head shaved. That can be a strong look! That would sell! Hells, that’s what I’ll do when the Grim Reaper comes for my hair follicles “Oh, the Army of my hairline is retreating is it? Right then. Exterminatus it is”.

Thing is, you could say “Thats his look, like some sort of scuzzy shaman of the streets, a cyber cuckoo”, but there are ways of making that work for you, and he just isn’t doing it. Which is why I doubt when his drones keep going “He’s a millionaire”.

Is he though?

Because if he is, this millionaire business really isn’t, heh, paying off that well…

So in short, no Asmongold is not in every way more successful than me. I still have all my hair, and I know when to have a damned shave to look good and suave, and not like I eat out of bins. I also have not created a bizarre persona that is essentially a cage.

I think grown ups call it discussion, feel free to keep just going “Triggers” but equally we will feel free to politely smile, and show disdain, and pat the child on the head at the silly things that come out of their mouths…

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Asmongold is an exaggerated act, essentially a comic persona by his own admission. Ironically, he does some streaming as himself on a 2nd channel which is literally just playing wow, chilling and nothing serious.

Actually I ended up watching his mental health talk with the gaming doctor, he is a quite intelligent guy, as someone of the same age who went a different route, alot of what he said resonated.


Ladies and gentleman, reporting live from the site of this unimaginable tragedy, Redoctober, CNN.

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There is a simple problem, when you do /e your character stand still watching the void, there is no change in space and objects.

Griefing on the other hand is not simply “people that want to do bad for their lack of social skills”, games allows to have a vicarious experience and this applies to a griefer, i can’t crash a play or a concert but here I can do so, and easily too considering that the targets are players standing still

True. It is hard to find someone more rational, intelligent and charming.

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People can try out different things, it does not mean they are “switching” or dropping the previous game.

He said he would play it after a bit of time into tbc and before 9.1. Doesn’t seem like “switching”.

The game is a wonderful journey but I dont see the end game keeping him playing.

The people who take every word he says as a message from god and defend bad actions from him as “you’re just jealous” need to open your eyes a little. This is the guy who would take £50 off you and forget your name 12 secs later.

He’s willing to take your money as a working class person while he sits as a self proclaimed millionaire? All for what? To get attention off a random guy? So you finally get into a raid with your idol, Guess what? The guy you throw money at just ninja’d your tier helmet while you outplayed him in every single way.

If you think this guy cares about you the same way back you have to be deluded. You’re a piece of dog execrement on his shoe that provides him money. His actions prove it. He doesn’t even hide the fact that his goal is himself.

“it’s just an act” is borderline “it’s just a prank bro” in another light. He’s still ninjaing off his own fans who provide his income. Yet here you are defending him to the death. Think about it for a sec.

If you like him or not, pretending he doesn’t do questionable stuff is just stright out lying to yourself.

Please go a raid with him and see how you get treated, If you think he’s so great. Now question why you would defend someones bad actions so much?

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No, that is actually a valid point, you are absolutely right. More could be done, but we know Blizz, and we know the Fan Base, People would probably scream that it had cost them a Raid Tier!

But yeah, you do make a valid point.

You’d really hope they were at least talking, otherwise that sounds like one of the creepiest scenario’s ever. You’ve got like…fifteen people…stood…just looking at each other…nobody moving…nobody even looking directly at each other, nobody saying a word…just silence…

Man, I couldn’t be doing with that. The Roleplayers I know, and I am no exception, have the opposite problem, you can’t shut us up, we’re chattering away like we were getting paid per syllable with a bonus stipend thrown in for every custom emote. It gets so bad, that at big RP events like the Conclave of Silvermoon which is a Biannual thing, we actually have to have people going “No, You shut up…No, You’ve had your turn to speak, You’ve been told!” as if it were the Houses of Parliament, which in a way, I suppose it is!
But yeah, if people are stood, and they’re not talking…I’d be a bit morbidly curious as to what sort of RP is going on in Whispers, and if it -is- that, then it -ain’t- RP…

Are you actually the last cuck? Are there no more? That is going to make a people very sad, they were getting such mileage out of looking like idiots and misusing a word.

I mean, if you -are- the last Cuck, then, my condolences, and hopefully you can reconcile things with your Spouse, but equally, thank you for taking one for the team, and meaning that no one else has to suffer that indignity ever again, as you were the last.

I mean…people do know what the word ‘cuck’ means, right? You wouldn’t have had kids just flinging the word around like a chimp with it’s own mess at a zoo would you?

Would you?

So yes, Thanks for being the last cuck, and I hope you can work out the issues…

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Let’s just leave this here.

His fans sure do appreciate him but he doesn’t seem to give it back.

“Why was masterloot removed?!!??!!”

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