Asmongold is switching to FF14

Lots of salty people here.

You could supply the entire world with all the salt harvested here.


What a great counter argument to the points people have made. You win.

I await my generic boring responce. Thanks


Their reward is being entertained with divine wit and charm


Could you?

I don’t think you could.

I’m pretty sure you would run out at about the point where you tried to apportion even a small amount of salt, smaller than the average human being actually needs to survive.

Because you are using a stupid meme that doesn’t even make any Gods Damned Sense and never did ever since you kids starting using it, and somehow simultaneously started to forget how to read.

When did lots of words become annoyance? That was short, terse statements. That is what we used them for. That was William Shatner in Star Trek.

Now, use more words than a Beano Comic and people go “You mad bro!” to which the response is “No, I just have an education…unlike you, wretch.”

Also, why would you be supplying the world with salt? I mean any educated person would know that we have a certain amount of it, and in fact, probably too much of it. What ermm…what purpose are you looking to supply more for? I’m just not so sure…I mean, clearly you have done the research, not just done the angry kid spam reply thing, so was it an industrial purpose this excess salt was needed for? or some sort of military application? I’m pretty sure this would be a non financially viable idea if you tried to sell salt, that you somehow promised your suppliers, you had managed to harvest via a computer screen.

Or, there is the other possibility, that you are chatting utter whiff.

I mean basically this thread is “Scruffy anti-social toe-rag is playing a different game this week, maybe his racist friends will join him, he has lots of money you know, so it is terribly important you pay attention, and if you are not a fan you are a big doo-doo head, as all his adult friends say! Watch us get defensive when you say the scruffy man is bad. Scruffy man is Gooood”


Nailed it.

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The less people like Asmongold influencing WoW the better.


imagine watching and giving money to such a guy :rofl: !


Lots of streamers play other games. This is not the first time Asmon has ventured into something other than WoW. I’m sure he and his followers will have lots of fun.

They have rather a large store but I doubt he’ll know what is and isn’t shop bought if he’s starting out.

OMG I love this mount :cat:


Quickly hide it before Schmuse sees this.


And to think he would spit on it.


bites my lip


I like the Chocobo carriage thingy.

But yeah… no. I played FF for 50+ hours and it was more than I could bare.

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Who is Asmongold?

As soon as he sees a cat girl he will come back to wow


uhh yeah about that annie fuschia already has one haha
level 31 arcanist
me got lvl 6 elf hunter in lotr online and one medicine quest 4 out of 5 herb pouches

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I think I had like a two week trial and a month sub a long time ago but it wasn’t for me :slight_smile:

Damn, i just knew you would respond to this, i guess you do have some self awareness. It seems when i talked about salty people, you immediately responded to me, that should tell you something.

All i see is a lot of people being overly pissed about something that doesn’t affect them. Maybe even envious, and of course you are gonna deny it.

That’s about it.

You responded to him, You must be salty. Why so much salt about someone criticising someone that has nothing to do with you? So salty.

Don’t forget to link Asmongold your replies, he might even mention your name, Then your year will be complete.


Hmmm…now I may just have to investigate FFIV.

(…but kill chocobos with fire! …tastes like chicken noises)