Asmongold is switching to FF14

I just can’t get over the 2.5 seconds gcd. Maybe i should just give it a shot to see, i really do not like slow combat.

Honestly, if i could, i would even reduce wow gcd to 1 sec, with haste reducing it to 0.5 seconds at 100 %.


I won’t lie to you, it feels really slow in the lower levels, but it picks up greatly beyond level 50. Lvl 80 Summoner in comparison to the lower levels is night and day, it’s like a finely tuned machine that feels like a delight to play. 2.5 GCD isn’t noticable when you are pushing 2 more buttons in-between.

I see, thanks.

Then again Asmon may noisily come back to WoW, while quietly keeping a Kitty-lady Alt in FFIV…


I just saved a ton of money by switching to GEICO.


If Asmongold or any of his followers start acting toxic in FF14 they will quickly realize that the GMs crack down on them pretty hard. Yoshi P., praise his name, and other developers made it clear that they will not tolerate toxicity.


Then chances are high he’ll be back in WoW.
Dawww. :weary:

Will be a culture shock for sure. I don’t think people like him necessarily realise that not every single gaming culture in the world has the same view of “toxic lulz” being “omegawin” or whatever. The fact FF is moderated and designed by Japanese developers plays no small part in the stark contrast they have on this stuff in comparison to US-based games like WoW. Not everywhere in the world views “the right to be a knobhead” as something worth protecting or some kind of noble freedom they musn’t dare intervene regarding.

And kudos to them I say, it’s refreshing to hear of a game team being that dedicated to it. Even if blizz could (manpower) I don’t think they would. It’s a cultural thing.

This is not the first time he quits wow for another game he will be back just like always.


Didn’t work for me. Although I fear it may have something to do with there not really being an audience for sitting at my window waiting to throw abuse at people walking past.

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Geico Gecko thanks you for his new car, as he races Bobby Kotick.


It is just sad to see how many people know nothing about him, yet they are so quick to judge blindly. You call out others for toxicity, while you are the most toxic people by a long shot. Calling other people parasites and trash…

He’s among the most honest, down to earth dudes on youtube and twitch. I hate it how it’s acceptable to constantly bully streamers for no reason at all. Remember Reckful? After he died everyone stood in the line to pay respects, but before that, they laughed at him on twitter and reddit constantly.

As for content creators switching games: It is not surprising by any means. 9.1 is not even announced, so this is the perfect time to give a try for other MMOs like FF or GW2. I for myself might not even come back. GW seems like a very good game, with unique ideas.


Fatter cat mount wins the internet for today, this week, this year, in fact this decade.

But after clicking the link for the lolz, i saw the back of the fatter cat. And I think i know why it’s so fat. I can only assume it ate way too many Dreamies and it’s owner tried to give it an enema with a toilet plunger.

The handle snapped off, they just left it and slapped it on the FF store as a novelty covering


I knew everything I needed to know about him when he actively encouraged his sycophants to /spit on complete strangers who happened to spend their money how they saw fit.

THAT’S a person you’re defending?



Man your posts are quite desperate. Its like you see everyone going off to have fun in another game and realise the clock is ticking so instead of either going with them , wishing them luck or just leaving it be you panic and spam vitriol about FF14.

It exists, its a good game, you dont have to like it, but others will. Leave it be man.

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You should tell that to people that keep posting about FF in WoW forums.
Go play game if it’s so great, why come and bother us?
Action - reaction my friend.


The times where I, rather unwillingly, bumped into him and his herd, I simply observed he doesn’t care about having a reputation as a decent person and then when the fall out gets rather bad, he’s quick to point fingers at his fans and blame them. That complete lack of a sense of responsibility for what he sets in motion every time is why I don’t like him. It’s funny till it’s not funny but then it wasn’t me, I’m actually a nice guy. Right. If you don’t want the consequences, change your behaviour. Just the fact there are consequences to acting like a douche, is upsetting to people like this. Muh freedom. Yes, one is free to act like a douche. And I’m free to object to it. That’s not toxic lol.


Never said a bad word about that guy ever. That statement is just an utter guess.

“people know nothing about him” people talk about things he has done. That’s knowing nothing? More like you ignoring the things he does. So are the things people have talked about in this thread lies? Even the videos I’ve linked from his own channel? Weird.

You know what I find funny? Everyone who is defending him doesn’t counter argue any of the points being made against him. Pretending Asmongold isn’t toxic is laughable.

You having a laugh? Asmongold bullied? He’s the bully.

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I have tip for You. Don’t tell anyone.

  • You don’t have to wach streamer.

Who said I watch him? Here’s another one guessing. Do you really think I watch him from my posts? I don’t watch streamers at all.

That’s the point. People who don’t even watch him see the toxic that comes from him. We see threads like this as well. He’s in your face and his toxic fans. He’s mentioned everywhere.


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