Asmongold is switching to FF14

I don’t have to say a better argument than what I already said. You don’t know him. Go watch some of his videos on his second youtube channel. If you are unable to separate his streamer personality from his real one, that’s your problem.


Acting toxic and passing it off as “It’s just a act” while being the way he is isn’t an excuse. He does toxic actions and encourages other people to do it.

Read my earlier post about that. It’s the same as “it’s just a prank bro”

Linking a video of someone acting calm and normal doesn’t change any of the points being made. You’re just ignoring why people don’t like him. I would understand if you said “He can be toxic but I like when he’s like this” The “it’s just an act” doesn’t fly with me.

Everyone has their nice moments. Even the most messed up people in the world. Linking a random video showing this doens’t change the bad things and pretending they don’t exist.


If You not waching then what is the problem?
I don’t even have twitch account. Streamers are on twitch right? Guess who sleep well at night.
And You get triggered because? Some 13y old is bullying You? lol?

But I must say something in his defence - thanks for his reaction video I get to know some awsome content creators.
Like Gorak Guide, Barny64, CaptainGrimm or WoWisHard.


Please tell me one occasion when he was toxic beyond acceptance? When he typed a /spit emote in an online game? Please don’t leave your room, you’ll be shocked how cruel the real world can be.

Btw while we are at it, I’d like to know why people still defend blizzard after what they did with classic. In-game shop? They are leeching off people who try to re-live their childhood memories in a 15 year old game. And you wonder why he got angry and sad about it, and rebels against it?

I’m not surprised you didn’t take the time to actually whatch it and listen to him in this, or any other videos on this channel. It’s not about how calm he is, but what he’s saying.


Read the post again and the one above from Arunae. It seems you aren’t able to actually read the posts.

You don’t have to watch Asmongold to know all about him. Look at the thread you’re in.

Here you are with another generic reply that the internet horde can only use over and over again about everything.

I’m from the roughest area in Glasgow, I’ve had two knifes pulled on me and been in many messed up situations. You don’t need to be soft to ignore when someones being that way. Here you are guessing again. Yet another pasted generic counter arguement that doens’t address what’s being said.

Do you agree with the N word all over his earlier videos then? Is that just a joke is it? I guess I’m just soft and not been out in the real world then.

“N word- it’s just an act bro!”

You’ve actually not read my posts in this thread. The 2nd part of your post proves it, You fixated on the spit and shop thing. When I’ve actually talked about other stuff he has done.

It’s not up to you or him to decide what people find acceptable to buy and abuse them for it anyway. That’s the first time I’ve talked about that subject in here. You would know that if you actually read what others write.

You’re really a fan of guessing about stuff, Yet you ignore all the things about Asmongold. Weird

This tells me everything I need to know. This is you.

Are you tRiggeRed because someone doesn’t like your QUeen Asmongold LOLLOLOL. I’ll come down to your level, So you understand.


“We” Are you so scared that you need to feel like you’re in some sort of a group? You need to feel safe in a group to go up against a girl? I could reply to you all day until you run out of your generic insults, there isn’t many left.

Are you triggered that you’ve found a safe space in a group? You don’t care yet here you are posting multiple times defending your lord and savior.

You see how easy it is to use the same generic insults as you? Think of something orginal please.

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Somone didn’t learn to read. Oh well.
Anway why You think ppl should liesten to You more then they should some streamer? You are not more intelligent or interesting really.
Your reactions are funny tho.
Oh You don’t like when ppl asume something about You but then You proseed to assuming stuff about others.

You get what You deserve. No sympathy for You girl.

No one is. They are the best among us

You don’t watch Twitch but you watch “clips” and you don’t care what they say, Yet here you are caring what people are writing on the wow forums, Why do you care so much? Are you soft?

I did read and I can tell when someone is lying from their actions. You watch him and you’re clearly angry that people don’t like the stuff he does.

You know what’s funny? That your copy and paste insults can be used against you. You haven’t had an orginal thought in the whole thread.

You don’t watch twitch but you watch clips, Sure! Let’s hope Asmon mentions your name when he reads this.

Imagine thinking talking trash online makes you hard. Run away back into your little group. :joy:


Where? I wan quote or shut up.
A least I know whay are You so hysterical.
And so much projection lol. Being bullied by 13yo must be hard if You are 12yo I guess.


:yawning_face: You win, You’re so hard and I’m scared of you.

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Projection still.
(and she run away becouse no quote)

It’s a shame when streamers or players in general encourage bad behaviour. The spit thing does nothing to stop people from spending money in the shop, it also has no impact on Blizzard. All it does is make the spitter look bad.


Using racist and homophobic slurs for one. I mean you mgiht just go “it’s just words bro” but many people regard that kind of behaviour as toxic.

Encouraging his fan base to make very on-the-nose anti-semitic comments and gestures, and when called to account, trying to point the finger to his fans being the instigators.

I mean, he’s not the most toxic individual alive granted, but the guy has done some pretty douche things, you can;'t deny it.

Him having a “real persona” behind it doesn’t change it, in the same way if i’m pretending to be a dinosaur, me biting your leg doesn’t stop it from actually hurting and isn’t really a good defence of my actions given you may not know I was pretending to be a dinosaur.

I won’t go as far as to say he’s a bad person (I don’t know him) but yeah, he’s done toxic stuff, he’s probably done nice stuff as well. The fact he has done nice stuff doesn’t cancel out the toxic stuff, and neither does the whole “it’s a joke bro” approach, or the “why so sensitive” defence.

I mean, people are free to “joke” and be offensive, and people are free to object to it. That’s how freedom works. One’s freedom to joke in an offensive manner doesn’t trump one’s freedom to not liking being the butt of the joke, and if the one making the joke doesn’t like the fact they can protest (and respond) then they are the one whom needs to grow up honestly.
The reason people defend this freedom (to joke and be offensive) so vehemently on the internet is largely because the consequences of doing so are little, so they feel empowered.
Where I live, if you go about derping about people being the “N word” kinda like he did “as jokes” you will probably get a brick thrown at your head or worse, whatever the case complaining about the one throwing the brick being “a snowflake” would be the least of your worries.


Blizz fault for putting store mount in first place.
Then streamers figured out they can cash on this too.
When You don’t know wat’s going on, it’s about money.


This is why I laugh at the replies in this thread. You know fine well they wouldn’t agree with it when out in the real world. The same people thinking being edgy on the internet relates to them being “hard” :joy:


Oi, You that guy that was saying FF IV is better than WoW because Japan have “superior” culture and don’t vaule western freedom?

You’re putting suspiciously much effort into claiming you’re not a dinosaur :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I’m aware. But that doesn’t absolve one from their responsibilities, and it doesn’t justify doing whatever to make it. I find that funny about some who defend the behaviour, and explain it with it generating money.

It’s not as if the options are to either be poor but principled, or rich and unprincipled. There’s most of the time a choice one can consciously make. And Asmongold chooses to make his money by antagonising and emotionally playing people. It being an act or not is irrelevant, these are the actions, these are the consequences. Want other consequences? Choose different actions.


None is defending. Just stating facts. They just want to make cash. And they make cash when ppl wach them. All more reason to not care.

As they say “Doesn’t matter what people talk about You as long as they talk”
Or something.