Asmongold is switching to FF14

I never said FF was superior for that reason, I said it’s refreshing to see a different approach to the matter, but I never said it makes the game superior or whatnot or even said that that culture is superior.

My main point was you can look at the difference in moderation approaches from a cultural PoV than a “carebear” one. ie in the US there is less strict expectations on how one “should” behave, in Japan that’s not the case, so you can look at it like that. Nothing less nothing more.

It’s mainly refreshing because you don’t see (in the main) mainstream MMO games with a “non-western” philosophy guiding them.

So yeah, apologies, but I didn’t actually say what you said I said at all:

There’s what I said. I can’t see the word superior even once, nor any commentary about FF being a better game. I can’t actually see how you took what I said to mean anything other than “refreshing” which simply means “different” to most people.



Yes, it is.

And where I live, we laugh it off when someone calls the other gypsy, jew, slav, or anything else. This eastern european / balkan region slowly overcame these cultural differences, and embraced it. It’s what makes us unique. Lot of different people live here with different backrounds, and I love it. When I call my neighbour a gypsy he doesn’t get offended, just like I didn’t get offended when pewdiepie made the “you slav you loose” videos, or when anyone else assumes that I drink vodka for breakfast, I travel with Lada, wear adidas all day, listen to hardbass 24/7, and put mayonnaise on everything. The last one is actually true btw. These are just funny stereotypes, and if you cant laugh it off, I’m sorry but you are just a snowflake.

Now tell me, which enviroment would you prefer to live in? The classic american style, where everyone gets offended for basically anything?


Eww. Now that’s just needlessly offensive.


I’m pretty sure that violates biological warfare treaties.

I’ll tell you what. Since you’re so hard and edgy and “know the real world” Fly over to London and say your “n word joke” infront of a group of young black men.

Here you are talking about Reckful and Asmongold being bullied, Yet normal everyday people have to listen to your racial slurs from behind a keyboard? Makes sense.

You went from accusing edgy people making Reckful commit suicide to saying it’s ok to run around saying racial slurs. Thanks for proving my point.

I can listen to offensive jokes all day and laugh. You talk about being Eastern European like it makes you this hard person, Being racist doesn’t make you a tough guy. You’re making jokes between you and your edgy friends who have a bad taste of humor.

The point is your hiding behind safe spots to act like that. If you’re really hard go be that way in a random place. A joke has a punch line.

You seem to think the Western side of Europe is soft and can’t take a joke, More like as the guy said above, If you act like that you get smacked around over here.

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You can sort of tell he wants to try it out, but his viewers would lynch him if he did, i think hes prob already playing and just working his viewers up to getting over the fact

No need for the snowflake term, your experience is valid, mine is valid.

My point is exactly what you highlighted, where you live is different to where I live. So making an assumption that “everything is like my experience” is probably one you’ll run into issues with.

I mean you can think of these other people as snowflakes if it makes you feel better or validated, but it doesn’t actually change anything if their stance on the matter has been formed by experiences completely different to yours.

More to the point, taking issue with people taking issue with it is demonstrative of the same kind of sensitivity to differences of opinion you’re supposedly making fun of them for, which makes it hypocritical and contradictory. If you didn’t care what other people think about it, there’d be no need to label them as snowflakes.

This is why I don’t call people snowflakes, because I actually don’t care what other people think of what I think, and thus don’t feel a need to try and denigrate their opinion. It doesn’t matter to me, it is what it is. Me calling them names does nothing to change that fact. Them thinking i’m a snowflake does nothing to change my thoughts. It’s an exercise in pointlessness merely done for the sake of namecalling.

Regarding the environment I prefer to live in, I prefer to live in the actual american one (not that which you describe) which is “you can do what you like, but similarly so can everyone else” so if a group of people conclude someone is a moron because they’re mouthing off with offensive buzzwords, they have the right to exclude or otherwise do what they like with that person, and that person (having freely entered into that situation) has no right to complain.

Let the people sort it out, but if you think it’s “nanny state” in America that promotes this sort of thing, you’re wrong. The state doesn’t give a crap about this sort of thing in America, it’s arisen as a form of majority social consensus, which means it’s freely entered into. So to complain against it is to complain about the very freedom you’re advocating should be the case.

That’s the thing about freedom, it can go any which way, but you can’t like it when it goes your way, and then hate it if it doesnt. Contrary to popular belief the government in most western countries labelled by people as “snowflakey” don’t police this sort of thing hugely because they don’t care to. The backlash against it is freely chosen behaviour - and if others don’t like that then maybe they don’t like freedom at all.

Like where I live I mentioned earlier. There’s no government or police enforcing that standard, it’s simply a social norm of where I live, which is very multicultural, and people here don’t tolerate racist or sexist slurs, they don’t like it, and so they socially police the area in a way they freely choose. To complain about them doing them is to complain about them using their freedom.
Most of them ironically have an antagonistic view of the state and police, and yet are very vigilant in “dealing with” people whom try to involve racism and sexism into the community.

Either way it doesn’t bother me.


This is the difference I’m speaking about, I don’t know if you noticed it or not. I don’t want to travel to London and call a group of black guys the n word because I don’t want to end up in a hospital. Thank you, but I’m pretty comfortable in my little town where I don’t have to watch my mouth constantly in fear of what if I offend someone. In my country most people are able to put aside their differences, therefore racists ceases to exist. Seems like it’s still a problem at your place.

Then why are you triggered?

I’m not hard, and I’m not racist.

From my point of view it’s your taste of humor that is bad.


Nobody is going to take you serious when that’s your reply to everything. The point is Asmongold is toxic and you claimed he isn’t, Which is just a stright out lie.

You’re saying everyone should be able to say what they want and people shouldn’t be so sensitive. Then you talk about Reckful suicide like people we’re bad for doing that? What one is it?

You’re contradicting yourself.

“snowflake” “triggered” then you proceed to talk about streamers being bullied. You don’t need to be triggered to know what Toxic is. You’re just setting yourself up so nobody can challenge you acting like you do.

What do you think Toxic is? Your attitude.


It’s very much dependant on personal tastes
I tried it, didn’t like it, way to slow paced, snailpaced even. Their GCD is way too high for me to be enjoyable, not even BFA’s power crunch left me feeling that slow.

That said WoW itself until the final patch each expansion is also too slow paced for me, but FF takes the absolute cake there

I’ll give you additional context so you can understand better how things work where I live. It’s a small town in the countryside. 10K people live here, almost everyone knows everyone else. We depend on each other, so we cannot even consider to exclude someone from the “community”. Obviously this plays a big part for why all these different people with different cultures were able to forge friendships. More than 50% of the total population lives in these small villages and cities. But this trend is present in the big capital cities as well, where people don’t have to rely on each other. People very very rarely hate on each other simply because of their origins.

This isn’t regulated either, it’s just a “silent consensus”.

I take you back what you said to me.

It seems you should actually apply that to yourself. You’ve pretty much confirmed you’re in a sheltered bubble we’re you can say what you want and do what you want without consequence. Then you have the nerve to tell people that they don’t know the real world.


I’d assume tho, that there are things you should not do or say. For a sense of community, there are silent agreements. And anyone who does do or say that thing gets consequences for their actions.

In that sense, the same system is at work. There may be cultural differences, but freedom doesn’t and shouldn’t equate ‘I can do whatever I want and I never have to face consequences’.

As a streamer like Asmongold, you can’t ignore the fact that you interact with the world, not just a tightknit community where everyone speaks the same cultural language. You can pretend it is that way, and ignore everyone else, but yes, that will give backlash and rightfully so.

She seem to rage in every streamer topic. Don’t swollow bite.
And then those people will come to cry, because they get triggerd by something on forums.
Because they are so tough irl right?


I’m a guy, Can’t even tell when I’m mocking you for your logic. :joy:

There is a difference between an offensive joke with context behind it that doesn’t mean anything, To just randomly saying a racist slur and laughing.

There is kids watching his old videos parroting what he’s saying in them and being influenced by him.

The people saying that to Reckful most likely had the same mentality as you do, They didn’t actually want him to do what he did but they thought they were being funny with an edgy joke. I’m sure black streamers don’t want to hear everyone calling them an n word and laughing and hiding behind it being a “joke”

The topic at hand we’re discussing is Asmongold toxic? Yes he is. You can’t even deny it, So I don’t understand what you’re trying to defend, You’re deflecting valid points of why people don’t like the guy.


love all the people taking the moral high ground trying to convince us they have never told offensive joke or laughed at them.


Well You can’t be offended by truth
(also carpet on wall)


And yeah, things like that make me genuinely angry and sad. Because it’s still a human being on the other side and you should be considerate of that fact.

But exactly that gets ridiculed. Grow a thicker skin, don’t act like a girl, it’s the internet etc. And from personal observations I’d say those who propagate the freedom to say anything you want online, use those oneliners a great, great deal more.


Don’t worry. FF is not a game that lends itself to streaming until you are done with story content.
It will be a disaster. Especially with group of WoW players in chat.

The MMO genre in itself is incompatible with streaming. It’s boring to watch. Viewers who watch streamers playing MMO games watch them for the person behind the stream, not for the game they’re playing.