Asmongold is switching to FF14

The worse one is “grow a thicker skin its only the net LOLloleorleor”

Why not just try and be polite it costs nothing and people will listen to your more ,they may not like or agree with what you say but they will read and re-act in a calm manner :slight_smile:


We’re truely living a strange epoch, people are giving guy like this their time religiously, their money ,people that raid with him are getting the loot taken … it truely is a strange phenom even going to make him publicity and praise him …


Final Fantasy 14 gameplay:

Respect is earned not given


We are also playing a game with no content right now

I just hope he won’t bring toxicity with him, but I know he will, because one of the worst things about wow is it’s playerbase and how they treat each other. I feel like I was boiled like a frog over the years with the increasing hatred I tolerate, since in wow I saw people insulting each other for not knowing mechanics on the second day of m-0’s in the first patch. FF community is a lovely bunch that makes me feel like a rabid dog being pet.

You are very much example to why.
Minwhile nobody talk about my boy Nexos :C

And yet the foundations of law in pretty much every country spring from the recognition that you need to force people to give respect freely to some degree, because the concept of a society run entirely on the concept of “no respect unless earned” leads to no society at all.

This was recognised as far back as the 15th century. Arguably it’s the whole point behind why society even exists as a functional entity. If humans do not accord each other any modicum of respect simply by virtue of existing, you end up with a state where people are freely entitled to kill each other for whatever reason they like (given there is no onus to respect them and their right to life) and if you multiply this mindset to everyone, you see that you can’t have a functional society if everyone adopts this mindset.

The way out is if some people give respect freely, as this promotes stability by having them not bother or interfere with others as they like, but then they fall prey to those whom give no respect and take as they please and view others as objects.

Therefore the only logical conclusion is that there must exist some system that forces people to respect eachother on a basic level, to ensure this is spread on a societal level and to ensure everyone participates. This system is the law.

To maintain respect is only ever earned and never given freely, is to maintain that law shouldn’t exist, as law fundementally is simply forcing you do that with threat of punishment if you don’t. The lawmakers haven’t earned our respect, and neither have the strangers we don’t murder or Rob as a result of their laws. But we follow them because it’s recognised viewing people without a baseline level of respect leads to a situation that doesn’t work out for anyone involved.

So it’s quite ironic to claim that respect is only ever earned, whilst living in the shelter of a society that protects you from the disrespect of others with the principle “basic respect is guaranteed by the law”.

Obviously there are levels to this respect. For example the difference between respecting ones right to exist versus respecting ones right to not be called a doody head. The fact the former is guaranteed by the law however is enough to show us that the principle that respect should “only ever be earned” is not true. Fundemental respect of each other is coerced by the law, and socially affable respect is the dimension that is open to interpretation - but I’d actually call this admiration or compassion and not respect.


It’s all a stunt either way.

Hating on FFXIV garners attention, as does actually going over there. It’ll be the same old thing he’s been doing for a while - going on about weebs and furries to stir the pot while looking to generate content to keep their cycle going. If your life revolves around generating content, well, sometimes you just have to move with the times, but it’s obvious he’s just filling the gap until a new WoW patch comes out. He can’t stick to FFXIV for long as the die-hard Asmon-fans will still want their WoW-related fix.

The worst part is, FFXIV early game will do nothing but fuel his type of comments and give an even worse impression that he’s been giving for a while now, but I doubt many in FFXIV will actually care. It’ll only impact the sheep who live by their favourite streamer’s views/opinions.

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Can you show me were i asked for respect or used the word at all ? I said people should be polite nothing else please dont put words into my mouth or insinuate that i meant something else thank you have a great day .

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Such I have noticed. This is why despite being good at it, I am still single :stuck_out_tongue:

Sadly throughout just about almost recorded history the answer to that is “YES! We like to give really unpleasant people with the amiable nature of a compost heap some degree of attention…and if you don’t like that, you are clearly just a ‘hater’”

Dee. You are so right.
There are some words you just see, and you go ‘I know I am discussing with a mind almost immeasurably inferior to mine’ (Yeah I know how that sounds…) Bunch of friends of mine have a game of ‘Internet Bingo’ Where you know when the other person is typing really aggressively, and they’re angry, but they don’t really know why…and all the token words will come flooding out. “Triggered…Woke, Snowflake, Marxist, Feminazi, Hater, Leftist”

Then you can all sit there and get drunk on a Zoom call. You have to play it online, and the minute you see people coming out with that inane nonsense, on whatever website you check (No One except the suicidal use Reddit or Twitch) you have to take a swig for every buzzword that these angry kids use, then when you tick off all of them, you have to down whatever you are drinking.

I don’t even think those people saying these things realise how angry, little and frustrated they sound.

Good drinking game though.

Genuinely one of the funniest shows on TV that I have seen in my entire life. “Are we all supposed to be racists now Father Ted? Is that the Church’s stance?” But like so much of Brit Comedy, it is taking the mickey out of those attitudes, it is going “You’re funny, but we’re not laughing -with- you, we’re laughing -at- you!” I always maintain that the British Isles are the only people who have managed to turn taking the (Redacted) out of themselves into an Art Form.

Alright, apart from Germany’s Comedian ambassador to the UK, Henning Wehn. I mean…when we watch ‘Fawlty Towers’ we’re nervously laughing about Basil Fawlty going “Don’t talk about Ze War” when he has German guests staying at his hotel, and it was nervous laughter, because we probably all had parents who actually did ‘talk about the war’ though these days it is more ‘We survived the Blitz, we can survive Covid’ and you get a filthy look when you go “No you didn’t, you’re sixty six! You weren’t even alive when the Blitz happened! That is literally like me saying I was a Vietnam veteran and “You Wouldn’t know man! You weren’t There!” because I was born two years after it ended!”

But yeah. Mocking -yourself- is a very appreciable and acceptable style of humour over here, mocking others? Not so good. Few examples, got a mate, genuine nickname is ‘Afro Celt’ because at LARP, we all play Celts, and Mickey is a large fella, who does indeed have an Afro, and indeed is a man of colour. This one time I go “Mickey, can you chuck me a tinnie over, you owe me one” He tried to (But we were all a bit rascally drunk) and it landed in someone else’s lap, I went “No, Mickey, I asked for a Tinnie” and his response was “Oh I don’t know, you white folk all look the same to me!”
I was just like…“yeah, Legit, Thats funny…because of the dynamic involved”

Actually. As popular a phrase as it is, that has not been correct for about four thousand years now.

Really depends what you mean by respect. But yeah, in every society on the planet, Respect is generally granted by virtue of who mommy and daddy were, or by how many neckbeard reprobates voted for you. So it isn’t really earned.

I mean it -should- be. but it ain’t.


Father Ted - that episode alongside the one where Jack answers everything with “That would be an ecumenical matter.” in order to hide the fact he’s basically a grizzled drunk when hobnobbing with the priesthood officially. Absolute telly gold. Mate of mine (roomie at uni) whom went on to become a priest introduced me to it. It’s a good example of the “laugh, because of their error” type of humour that surrounds the notion of being offensive in UK culture. It’s not funny because it’s offensive, it’s funny because of the one being offensive, as it were.

Unrelated to above gushing for father ted, can’t say I agree that respect should be earned always. I think at a baseline level a degree of it must be given unequivocally without complaint else society just doesn’t work. I disagree that the rich and the privvy lot also benefit from “additional respect” due to their position as well, i’d say they benefit from “additional acknowledgment” or something like that, but I wouldn’t call it respect. I think they would like to believe it means they are respected, but I would argue they are wrong on that.

Perhaps it is a UK thing (stemming from our rich and very class-dripped history) but it’s a bit of a cultural mainstay for us to dislike people whom “take an air of assuming they’re hot crap” so often, where someone is like “don’t you know who I am? who my parents were?” a good deal of brits use that as a reason to take an antagonistic stance towards them.

So whilst we may operate firmly with a “deeds, not words” in virtue of respect, I do think, a baseline amount of it needs to be maintained by default. ie I don’t have to like Sir Johnathan Double-Barrellton owing to his daddy’s legacy, but I should respect the fact he has freedoms and rights and is due a certain level of treatment simply by virtue of being, because I expect the same myself. Doesn’t mean I can’t think he’s a total knobhead however.

I think my view on the matter is very old-school. I completely divorce respect and like/admiration from each other. I tend to respect everyone (until they demonstrate when they shouldn’t) and even then, they still get the minimum i’d expect them to give me, but that has no bearing on whether I like them at all.

Apologies for a bit of a waffle, but this topic (nature of respect and basis for it) is really interesting to me.


If I wanted an history lesson I will not ask for in on a game forum


It’s the same thing


The meaning it’s the same


read above please .

That’s an hyperbole


The moment you shifted the topic from the streamer in question to the topic of respect in general, you beget replies that “don’t belong on a game forum”.

Free enterprise and all that, open space, open season, but i’ll take a mental note that you’re not a fan of that sort of thing and spare you it again.

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Excuse me i do not know what you mean by that ?


For my part i do not know you so i can not atm respect you but that does not mean i can not be polite to you out of manners .