Asmongold is switching to FF14

I really enjoyed reading it, don’t you dare apologise :wink:


I didn’t. Many words are is make head hurt :frowning:


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He said he will try it not jump ship ffs

insert sound of Brigante crying here

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I mean…yeah…

Unless you have read War and Peace you don’t know what ‘too many words’ even looks like…

Preaching to the choir my friend. One of the curriculum I have designed and lecture on requires my guys and gals to have read Aristotle’s “Politics”, Machiavelli’s “The Prince”, Rosseau’s “The Social Contract”, Hobbes’ “Leviathan” and Locke’s “Two Treatises” by the end of the academic year. Another introduces them to the delights of Kant, Hume, Descartes and Heidegger.
Too many words is one thing, oh-so-many words with a bit of archaic and overly pretentious and pedantically fussy language is what I call “a day at work”.

I’ll just wait for the movie adaptations :thinking:

Preferably they’ll be by Mickey Bay.

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The only parts where I started to feel like ‘too many words!’ was when he would be having another rant about Napoleon not being a brilliant strategist.

Besides that, great book.

You know what, Michael Bay could easily direct Leviathan because the long and short of it is “everything will be explosions and death and suck to the seventh hell” for most of the book with a recommendation for a super-powerful tyrant to get things in order. I mean that is a Michael Bay film.

I can’t think of a film right now re: it but the thing that comes to mind for “The Prince” is “House of Cards” which is basically a televised version of a fictional book, which was heavily based upon the ideas in The Prince.

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House of Cards is supposedly very good. Until it suddenly isn’t anymore because everyone hates the main actor or something.

Asmongold won’t even start it now that 9.1 is coming.

I still regret I couldn’t watch it. I watched the first two episodes or so and I thought they were just odious human beings, I couldn’t envision watching myself the whole of it.

It’s interesting tho, one of my all time favourite books, les Liaisons Dangereuses, delves deep into depravity vs morality and while the main characters are quite horrible, it didn’t bother me there.

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I mean if you actually watch it without paying heed to that sort of thing, I think it is actually very good and a very fine “tune up” of the basis of the original book, which I rarely say (I find most TV adaptations of books miss the mark where they try to reinvent things, but this one reimagined in American Politics works fantastically well imo)

In my honest opinion (nothing to do with my stance on the actor in question or what he may or may not have been doing) the show went down in terms of quality when they were written out because the remaining characters were not intriguing or as well-developed as this actor’s character, and the show very much centered on this character, who they are, why they are the way they are and what that means.
So when they ceased to be part of it, all of the intrigue around that just vanishes and you now have other characters having to be made infinitely more interesting to make up for the loss of this fantastically presented and delivered character- and it shows badly.

I’d recommend giving season 1 a spin if you haven’t seen it, you’ll know whether you’ll like it not on the basis of watching most of season 1 alone. Whether you like the main actor’s delivery of the character (and the style of him breaking the fourth wall) or not will largely determine how you find it, but i’d recommend trying it to anyone.

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If you let Ecelebs dictate your feelings or views about something you are never going to make it

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Recommendation noted, series added to the list :+1:t2:

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The Brothers Karamazov is one of my favourite books though. How, Dostayevsky! How do you do this? Start off a Whodunnit story when we all know Whodunnit at the very damned start of the book. We know who did the murder, we know how they did the murder! How can you possibly build up the suspense factor when we know that in the first few pages!

Moby Dick however is very much a love/hate book for me. What are you trying to write here Herman Melville, a treatise about 19th century whaling? (Entirely possible, as he was crew on a whaling ship out of Nantucket) a philosophy of the clash of cultures between Ishmael and Queequeg? a bizarre spiralling ramble about the similarity between Whales and God? (Not even making that up) the hilarious, surprising but entirely believable usage to which a …ahem…gentleman whale’s ‘bits’ can be put (Just saying, I have never been able to see someone in a full scale anorak since, without thinking of that!) a redemption arc, or a biblical scale epic of hubris and hatred! Pick one, damn you Herman! Pick one and tell that story! Stop trying to tell us six or seven stories at once in one Novel!

Yes, I realise the essential hypocrisy of -me- making that comment, given how my posts veer off into odd tangents at times…

One of the most bizarre things about that novel though, is that of all the characters in it, only one is based on a real entity, and that is the damned White Whale, For some reason the name was changed, presumably to spare the innocent, from Mocha Dick to Moby Dick, but that leviathan was an absolute unit! He survived more than 100 run in’s with whaling ships, sank about 20-30 of the whaling boats, and killed a heck tonne of people, before finally meeting his end.

Sorry, I did the lots of words thing again…

“Me like book” would have sufficed on these forums. :joy:

Only joking before someone takes me serious.

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Good riddance.

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Final Fantasy is like that episode of Star Trek TNG where Wesley falls into that garden thingy. A society full of friendly smiling people that are all about happiness and friendship…until you say something they don’t like…then you disappear. Kinda like the real world right now…creepy.

Asmongolds viewership is mostly 4chan/v/, they won’t admit to it but it’s true. Since every “based” content creator got banned from the normie plattforms he rose in popularity despite being a complete milktoast fencesh***er. They will not play Final Fantasy. Go ahead and make an FF thread there and you will get their oppinion on the game really quick.

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