Asmongold is switching to FF14

He will never switch to FF. He is a player who likes to play basketball where baskets are counted and winner declared, but FF is basketball where baskets are not counter and everyone is declared winner at the end of the match.

What irks me is he spends 90% of any FFXIV-related discussions on his stream throwing weeb/furry comments and then complains about how he supposedly ‘wants to try it out but I don’t want chat making it weird for me’, which is essentially a self-made problem that will just play into whatever complaints he’s guaranteed to have by dipping his toe briefly into ARR with chat-sheep egging it on.

All I can think of is… If you don’t want your own chat making it weird, then either cut them from the equation and play it in your own time (off-stream), or stop making your own chat ACT that way with your OWN comments and then berate them for following your own words.

Like I said before, it’s basically just a stunt to quell WoW’s content drought and give viewers something to watch until WoW gives him something new to do on stream. Him playing FFXIV (as someone who doesn’t care for story vs ARR, a slow-burn story-centric early-game with combat he won’t like) will be nothing but a sh*t-show, and even if there was some slim possibility that he might actually like it, his own chat will put an end to that very quickly.

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Ah, so the shepherd with the word “mongo” in his name is jumping ship to a game where people are nice to one another? Does this also mean that you, his sheep, are gonna follow him there? :sheep:

He is a great guy to follow anywhere

Its not quite his type of game but he is right to try it out. Its in fact probably better since his future criticisms towards FF14 couldnt get blamed for not coming from a place of knowledge. :slight_smile:

And what when it does and it comes from people who tried it. (Beyond what I did) And even Asmon if that happens.

I’m not sure why the focus is on Asmongold in particular, I’m not even sure he actually ventured into the game. Lots of other wow streamers have also played FF and other games. I really fail to see what the big deal is though.

He isn’t, he just said he was gonna try it out. No switching talk at all.

Because Asmongold has the same number of followers as most other big wow streamers combined. He’s pretty much the most influential WoW content creator.

You are aware he stopped playing WoW all together at one point and WoW didn’t collapse or anything.

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Oh no, not Asmongold.

This is truly a sign that WoW is dead. Everyone knows that Asmongold was what kept WoW running.

Whatever will happen now?


This isn’t about wow collapsing without him. It’s about the fact that he’s willing to try out another MMO, which will give lots of publicity to that MMO. WoW can survive just fine without him, but he’s still one of the celebrities of this game.

I think it’s good that he’s willing to give another MMO a genuine try since so far he’s been making conclusions about other MMOs based on random videos he saw on YouTube.

It is not a big deal that streamers play other games. It is no bigger deal with it being Asmongold.

He should try other games, if he wants to. His following watch him for his personality. At present he still seems very busy in WoW though.

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Apparently it’s a big deal to a great many of people.

:smiley: today i was watching streamer playing FF for the first time
and he was siting in some chicken vehicle and talking to a guy
and there was conversation but no voices
so if this is the first impresion the game is gonna give you
imagine what incomplete nonsence will be next? :smiley:

Not really. Unless you are an Asmongold fan who only likes to watch WoW then yes it’s going to be a big deal to see your fave streamer do something you don’t want to watch. However, like I said, I think most watch him for the entertainment factor, his personality, so they’ll watch him doing anything.

I didn’t say him trying it was a bad thing. I said it’s big news for many people. And that’s at least 100k+ people.

Then they have short memories. Not his venture into other games.

How many MMOs did he try aside from WoW? Only one I know of is New World. And that generated a lot of hype for the game.

He is maybe successful in terms money then me and he play games for living .
but listen to this
I was doing what he is doing for 15 years since i was 10 to my 25 i enjoyed everyday of it
NOW i have a child with a woman i love and im happy when i’m with them.
My success is that my child is happy and smile all the time.
I have money to provide enough to live like a decent human being and still play wow
and BTW i have beautiful long hair
so who is now more successful?
cause asmon is maybe a POPstar on the internet but he didn’t sound successful
when he was talking to that therapist or that twitch Doctor
meanwhile im happy where i’m and i don’t need to cry for OLD days with my BOYS as asmon is doing
Don’t get me wrong i’m not hating asmon cause i watch his stream and lot of his opinion on gaming and all that is what i think too
but i don’t like people who Follow him like a BLIND sheeps

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