Asmongold is switching to FF14

Anyone that still buys into any kind of Hype has been asleep for the last decade

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Hey I’m just stating the facts. Not my fault people are easily hyped. Plenty of people were hyped for Shadowlands as well.

Ye and im just stating that people still buying into hypes havent paid any attention for a while. At best a hype should rise an eyebrow and doubt.

Yeah I agree. But that’s the way it is.

I think I’m just immune. I do not care what any streamer plays or if they switch, it has zero impact on me. The bulk of streamers play more than one game and try new things when they come out. Just as any other gamer would.

I also think it’s lovely that people can make a living from streaming. It’s not something I would ever want to do but there are some lovely streamers out there. I personally have no interest in watching someone else play a game. I can see why some people like certain personalities and it’s entertaining to watch them. Or they just play a game and watch a stream at the same time.

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Tbf if asmongold leaves. The community will get less toxic.

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So it’s a bit like farting instead of using perfume then? Or drinking spoiled cream instead of a fine wine.

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He’s not everyone’s cup of tea :stuck_out_tongue:

He is more successful tho :slight_smile: . So what if you have wife and children???

Also I dont like when people are literal sheep for thinking that kids = success.

I already explain why so if you didn’t read it not my problem BOY :slight_smile:

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Cringe :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

He’s living a happy and fulfilling life and calls that a success. Only seeing the amount of money someone makes as a measurement of their success in life can be considered a rather narrowminded view when success as a concept is open to individual interpretation.


Indeed, some would love to be like Asmon, have a load of followers, be able to make a living purely from gaming, and other would consider that their worst nightmare. Each to their own. :slight_smile:

The day I wake up with thousands of followers chasing my tail in a game, is the day I stay in bed. Or hide in my closet. Definitely nightmare material :smile:


I would hate to be watched playing any game. I hate that most things we do in game these days is ‘streamed’ or ‘screen shared’ by someone. I miss the simpler times of gaming just being you and your friends.

I have no aspirations to ever be a streamer, good luck to those who do want it :slight_smile:


It reminds me of people who work in a chocolate factory and end up hating chocolate. I’m sure if my hobbies became work, or had an element that was worklike (all streamers who get big get this, where you now have to manage things and be more conscious about what to do, it’s not just having a camera in you whilst you game) it’d spoil them for me.

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She’s an evil mastermind. Probably spits on players who use cash shop mounts too…

As a FF14 player, thank you.
Please leave that game alone.


Ahahaahah what an act…