Asmongold is switching to FF14

what do you mean by good , in term of difficulty , how are they ? if there are no M+ , it seem like you can roll it easily , and get bored very fast

WoW player’s playing 14 are in for a huge shock because FF14 is one of the best community based games I have personally ever played. There is little to no toxicity and atleast in my experience everyone is extremely helpful and inclusive towards total strangers.

A fair few ex wow player’s use 14 as their refuge for an MMO but it’s much more RP friendly and chill so I’d say to anyone trying out FF14 to give it a real chance and don’t let the change spoil your experience just because you are used to playing WoW for so many years.

OH and read up on classes as in FF14 a Warrior for example is only a Tank same with Paladin.


FF14 doesn’t use Mythic system but they use a difficulty called Savage and they are challenging to the point where a split second mistake of any player can wipe the raid and there are numerous mechanics to deal with on Boss fights etc.

I’d say look at some boss fights on YT at Savage difficulty to get a better grasp of it.

i enjoyed every one of them … the bosses have good mechanics in most of them and some can be quite challenging. there is hard mode versions of them as well.

EDIT: as mervil said above…

only a few of the top guilds complete savage raids… they are some of the hardest raids on the mmorpgs market.

there is no M+ in ff14…

No this is good if preach, asmon and bellular all go exclusively to ffxiv and their fanboys follow this will be good for the community.

But its unlikely they will be back when 9.1 content brings in views again.

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Asmongold is more successful in any possible way than nearly everyone here.


He is only going to bash the game and keep WOW players from going there, thats all this is. I doubt he will stay.

pretty sad if he does do that shows how worried he is about ff14 as a challenger lol.

Of course he is worried and for the following reasons:

  1. He lives off streaming, so his views and likes must be down
  2. WOW is just not interesting or has anything these days
  3. He knows if he tries FFVIX he will get some huge views, as people cant believe he is actually playing the game
  4. If WOW goes, he will need a backup plan, so he will need to get invested in another game to keep living off streaming
  5. Hes imitating other WOW streamers at the moment and I bet his Twitch check was lower the past couple of months so why not hop on the FFXIV bandwagon? Even if it means bashing the hell out of the game, that vid will still get views
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Why ?

He ninja’ed from his own guild in classic
He constantly armoury shames players who disagree with him
He lambasted people who used the boost in TBCC then went and bought one
He gets his fans to abuse others streamers partners
He has all the store mounts but tells his fans to spit on players who have them

Yeah real shame he is going FF can keep him .


might surprise you he could end up enjoying it if he gets far enough into it.

I don’t watch twitch ,but i do watch Asmongold transmog competitions.Hopefully he will do some in FF too .
In case he decide to play longer that is.

That’s more to do with the poor net code where 100ms is considered unplayable.

its very good. and i think they are planned this for give a lesson to blizzard. even if streamers gone to another game they will start to listen people and try to make game better.

but TBC is worst thing now. blizz split their dev teams to TBC and retail . after TBC start they thought they can work and release 9.1 quickly but there is a lot of bugs and whiners in TBC forums too.

so they should split again for fix TBC bugs.

just shut down TBC and let them live with their nostalgic dreams in classic and we will be okay

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Asmon, is that you?

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Count on that and drink some fresh water, look like you’re making dreams thinking we’re gonna get cut off he he !

There was a line and we cuted through the line and passed in front ! :smiley:

First of all , I am happy. You see Blizzard, these are the streamers you give early access to your game every expansion. Serves you right!

Now to my reply:
Retail WOW is dead.

It got severly injured with MOP, its condition got stable with Legion then BFA/SL killed it.

There is no saving WOW.

What they can do is release WOW2 as a real MMORPG. Take the basic Classic elements such as old talent tree, difficult leveling no LFD/LFR, most importantly RPG games elements that were removed due to convenience and build it up from there.

Don’t try your monkey grinding systems. Keep it simple, but deep. Oh and no Pandas.


You realize that in WoW’s current state TBC is the more active game of the two…

I understand the love for retail but don’t be blinded by the fact that Blizzard’s sub numbers had a huge spike in numbers from Classic’s /TBC release so you can try and treat TBC like some sort of spoilt child’s side project but you’re only deluding yourself with that mindset.

Retail has been terrible since before Classic was even being worked on so you can’t blame splitting the dev team as the problem as to why Retail is in such a terrible place.

The dev team continue over the course of multiple expansions of releasing half baked new idea’s with the intention of fixing them by the last patch only for them to throw the entire idea out of the window when the new one rolls around so people leaving WoW regardless if they are famous or not is not due to some mental choice it’s based on the fact that Blizzard/WoW dev team just don’t know how to make a good game anymore… which is horrible to say but they have had 3 expansions with borrowed power systems which the vast majority of people detest and yet they still push it through only to abandon it 12 months later.

TBC isn’t perfect but it’s atleast enjoyable with some sort of RPG feel to it as opposed to Retail where they attempted to follow FF14’s lead and make a really indepth story but failed to make anything decent beyond that point.

Short and Sweat - TBC benefit’s WoW more than you realize and the team splitting isn’t why WoW sucks atm.

Of course not it’s a sign of streamers hearing about something and having a go, once he’s played it for a bit he’ll be back, mark my words.

AS someone who’s played it a bit I can say that some will like it and other will hate it, they will like the levelling mostly.

errrrrrrrrrrrrr… No…

Not really. He’s actually a slave to his sycophants, he has to pander to them and keep validating them or they will turn on him in an instant if he so much even begins to take chips out of their little bubble and bringing him crashing down so hard they won’t even notice will they scour the streamerverse looking for their next hero.

There are no bigger “simps” than streamer or YouTube sycophants.

In fact, if he wasn’t such a tiresome wretch I’d actually feel sorry for him.

And the cycle will complete.

Oh but he will because that is his shtick. Play a few weeks, wax lyrical about how great FFXIV is, and when he has suckered enough people, he’ll turn on it to keep his viewerbase up. Like I said earlier. this is a man who encouraged his sycophants to /spit on people who bought anything from the ingame store.

Just wait till they get a glimpse of the FFXIV shop…

They will have to install windscreen wipers on their monitor or whatever.

Which just goes to show how pathetic he is and utterly lacking in argument.

Asmonsilver was never one to shy away from hypocrisy when it suited him.

Good for him if he does and hopefully he enjoys it so much he devotes more time to it than WoW. Hopefully, it will spare us the rest of his rabble-rousing drivel.
He won’t be a loss, except to sycophants who worship at the altar of Asmonbronze and take his word as gospel.

For example. /spit at target using a store mount because Asmonsteel said it was the right thing to do

if Blizzard start listening to streamers they might as well shut down WoW now.

And I know this is difficult for people but again, and I find myself repeating this all too frequently. Listening to the players only works when the players all want the exact same thing.

And guess what.

They don’t. So Blizzard have to try and please EVERYBODY, while pleasing NOBODY.

Again, good for him, but considering there are 15-year-olds who have become millionaires due to a Twitch or Youtube content creation it isn’t exactly unique and makes him special.

No. Not in the slightest. You just want us to hate him purely because he’s a 30 year old millionaire.

I have never felt the need to be “jealous” of someone who famously encouraged his followers to spit on complete strangers purely because they had exercised their right to spend their money how they wanted.

Jealous? No.
Is Asmontin “toxic”? Oh good god yes, very much so.

Again no. Not in the slightest. but if it makes you feel better, I suppose I could pretend I’m jealous.

Actually I’m not going to pretend I am because I’m not in the habit of validating people who make childish claims that I would expect to hear from a trio of squabbling 5 year olds in the play ground.

“You don’t like my sneakers? Jealous!! Jealous!! Jealous!! Jealous!!”
