Asmongold is switching to FF14

Jesus frick, Asmon, Bellular and Preach can live rent free in the head of some of you, kinda weird.


Who? Why should I care?


Would these be the streamers that the Edgelords like to claim are all mindless shills, who never diss corporations, to guarantee they get early access.

Hmmm…logically that means they are all now mindless shills of FFIV and Square Enix… Final Fantasy is dead, confirmed…it’s only a matter of time…Mwahahahah!

Go back to Classic, no change purity necessitates no new content…deal with it.

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They can have him. Wonder if his followers will go to ff14 too and we can stop seeing topics about him here!


Implying he doesnt return the moment 9.1 hits.


Very much doubt this but we will see :rofl:


Out of all wow streamers asmongold is the very definition of an addict.


well - he will get perma banned like few hours tops into playing anyway since FF dont alow toxicity so its not like its problem for players :joy:

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that streamer were not a thing is just to the fact, that streaming was not a thing during the time of dinosaurs

It is absolutely normal to try new thing’s. I do like oatmeal but sometimes I just want something else for my breakfast and after - while I can enjoy oatmeal again. Circle of life! (Yea I’m Einstein)

All you’re kind of justifying there is “It is OK for someone to exploit Idiots, and we shouldn’t think bad of them for exploiting idiots” ?

I mean are we saying that is cool now? Because I can be very persuasive, I would make an excellent con-man, I’m still not sure that would sit well with my personal ethics however…

But yeah, the opening theme to this thread seems to be ‘If someone dishonest can make money out of the gullible then that is cool’

Which to be honest would have been excellent careers advice at school.

“Hey boy, you have a talent for influencing the hard of thinking, have you considered a career in marketing?” “Well Jeepers, here was me wanting to be a fighter pilot, but you sure turned my mind around!”

If Every Asmongold drone follows him, WoW will improve. They have only been a negative influence since he started.
Frankly, the sort of people who will blindly follow a streamer, are no loss. The fact that he is a ‘millionaire’ at the age of 30, is also not an accolade. Some other people have been, and they have not been good people. Fiscal matters are -not- a barometer as to whether someone is a decent human being, and in fact, often have a negative impact on that scale…

Placing undue importance upon such people is not a good thing, it is a sign of weakness of character.

We should absolutely leave that to the FF14 fanatics who have come over in conspicuous numbers to do so…

I think it is his fans, rather than anything else. Some of them are indeed very controversial and unpleasant. He has himself got form for saying he deliberately wanted to disrupt RP servers (Gods know how he is going to get on with FFXIV!) and had his drones emoting doing fascist Salutes whilst saying “Heil Asmongold” and /yelling things like " ****** did nothing wrong, apart from not gassing more Jews"

So…y’know, that kind of made me think his drones are not the best people. Don’t even get me started on some of their opinions towards homosexuals and women, because they were just as bad.

Were you one of the ones doing the salutes? You seem awfully invested in this matter…

How old is ‘Really old’ by the way? I’m just asking, because if you are some 20 year old calling people ‘really old’ then I have this cool bridge to sell you. Though that might be a reference you are not old enough to get. See what I did there? Made an age disparaging joke… Pretty cool huh?

No, I don’t like him because he is a one trick pony without any actual screen charisma, and some of his fans are anti-semites, homophobes and misogynists, which I think are pretty sound reasons to not like them, unless you have a compelling reason as to why I -should- like those people?

That is true. I absolutely hate it. The instant someone is famous for being famous, without any actual skill in any field, is a sure sign that this is a trash tier person. Lets give an example. Paris Hilton. What is she actually for? What has she done, to justify her celebrity status? Had a rich Dad. Is that it? She can’t sing, she can’t act, she doesn’t seem to have any talents at…well…anything? Oh she has acted, she has sung, she has DJ’d, but not one of these things have been based on her own merits. It has all been because she is famous, and a sex tape. I mean I could make a sex tape, with the permission of my partner, it wouldn’t be that enthralling. I mean -we’d- be having fun, but it again is that ‘famous for being famous’ thing. I mean if I did, does that make me an international celebrity? How about if my daddy also coincidentally happened to be phenomenally rich? Would that change things?

People who buy into Celebrity Culture without examining it are basically idiots. They are not well informed enough to …actually, I shouldn’t even need to explain it. They are not smart people. Lets leave it at that.

Social Media however, can be a force for good. just look at the ‘Arab Spring’ and the overthrow of tyrannical regimes, how revolutions against truly despotic regimes were coordinated and actually -happened-! These are good things!
We can also use them to send memes of cats. Cats make people happy…

I have heard his casts. The man needs a voice coach, so, yeah…but no.

Citation needed…

It’s gonna be hilarious…and I’m never gonna stop ripping apart that streamer’s rant about FFXIV. “Tell me again how a non existent country had more subscriptions than people who existed in that country, seven years before a game was launched! Come on!”

Some day, you kids will learn.

Just let people play games.


I only hope retail implodes in itself and players left, ONLY because I want that the devs are forced to put some real effort in it again. To make it something I would like to play again…

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I wish they do, but now Activision has taken full control I doubt they will ever take care of WoW now.

  1. who honestly cares. This is akin to some D Lister from Geordie shore suddenly deciding they’re only gonna shop at X so oh my giddy days I need to as well. Hard pass.

  2. if anyone actually thinks he’ll stick at it they’re in for a surprise. Anyone who has out themselves through his streams knows whatever he plays is largely a tool to make his living. All the game is for him is a way for him to make quips, be relevant and generate backpats from his baying mob.
    I strongly suspect owing to the type of game FF is reported to be, he won’t be generating buzz on it for generous reasons, it’ll be a case of “look at this wierd thing people do omglul” “I got banned because of nerds” “lol this game” etc. It’ll get him the clicks he needs regardless.
    This is an individual whom makes their name being purposefully controversial and stand offish and poking at other people. All that will change is he’s going to try it in another game, where this mentality is even more heavily frowned upon than it is in WoW. The only reason he’s humoured in wow is because there’s this long unspoken acknowledgement that “this kind of stuff happens and is lulz” but that’s not the case in FF.

Once 9.1 comes back he’ll be back, where he’ll be met with less resistance from the Devs and mods when he goes about his performance routine. He won’t seriously stick at it in a game where it’s likely to get him into trouble every 5 minutes. There’s also the tidbit that he’s pretty much a wow addict.

This is just a sideshow to generate buzz because he’s run out of jokes in his routine in WoW.

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The devs have work so hard at building FF14 to what it is and now Asmon’s army of spergs will destroy it :rofl:


same, i wont be resubbing to this horrible game

To be fair, I’m not sure that’s true… I think a percentile of the more toxic WoW demographic, have decided if they cannot have EXACTLY the WoW they want, then they will try to break it for everyone else.
This would explain the multiplicity of threads knocking Retail and evangelising other games, even those that are ancient…on life support… in beta…some devs are talking about maybe creating, sometime…or, not even MMORPGs.

If FF14 players do not tolerate toxicity (even if it’s partially due to Dev moderation), seems unlikely they are on the WoW Forum being toxic… the Gamergate and Comicsgate demographic seem a much more likely source of all the vitriol.


Yeah, they don’t really vibe with the kind of mentality that a lot of Streamer fans seem to come packaged with, so I can’t see it going down well…maybe a couple of weeks till the Streamers are slamming FFXIV without actually stopping and going “Wait, were -we- the problem?”

I think we all know the answer to that question…

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Everybody angry till the new patch is launched. That’s how it always goes. Its like giving a pacifier to a crying baby.

Streamers are useless, they go where the money is and make content that pays their bills. Right now negativity is what gives them the most views since people are drawn to negativity. If positivity sold then the news would be full of happy messages and puppy’s instead of X amount of people died in terrible insert tragedy.


Bye…good luck trying this nonsense on the FF14 forum, if you are not happy there either.

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