At the rate of which things are going, Rank 14 will likely be more of a badge of shame

Rank 14, the people who ruined Classic through their insane grinding. Rank 14, the people who feel like they have to prove themselves in a 14 year old game. To gain gear which is worse than probably puggable raids later down the line.

I for one wont be looking up to them.


Sounds like you have an axe to grind with people putting in effort.


It’s not about how good the gear is. Its what it symbolizes. Its a status thing. Same with all games with ranks and leaderboards.


What status? That you are actively contributing to how bad the community is?


Salty retailer jumping on classic forum too cry that their game died.


I dont know about any of that, but from the looks of this forum it is Classic which is already dead and has revived as a zombie.

I find it hilarious that people who roamed the world and ganked are now reduced to running mindless PvE stuff over and over to get their rank.


Yeah, what for? Some bad gear and a title which will be worthless because it will only shout “Look at me, I have no life and no desire to actually engage in meaningful PVP.”

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And probably not enough skill for retail rated pvp and mithic raids.


Pve has a ceiling and it’s easy to reach. But only few can reach the top in PvP. I understand why people are going for it.


Careful with statements like these, you are going to trigger the mindless masses.

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The weapons for Melee is BIS until Naxx, so your “bad gear” statement is based on nothing but lack of knowledge

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If it was any other system than the Classic Honor System then I would agree.

But the Classic Honor System was literally designed by someone with absolutely no idea how to create something that even just slightly resembles a fair and balanced system. It rewards the opposite of actual PVP and does NOT require you to actually be good at it, just to be at the right place at the right time, or rather, at all times.

Anyone who actually feels like they are doing something worthwhile and competitive inside the Classic WoW Honor System should get checked out.

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Some people cant deal with the truth

Yeah, until Naxx. Ergo it will probably be worthless past March or April.

Its not worth for the time and effort you put into it. Rank 14 is literally THE hardest grind the game has ever had, ever, and all you get is weapons you will likely replace in Naxx, a Raid that, by the way things are looking, will be pugged after a month.

If the reward would be proportionate to the effort then the weapons would have to be legendaries.

They’re either the epitome of no-lifer gaming nerdery at ~10 hours a day for months inside of nothing but battlegrounds, or they’re account sharers.

Either way, time spent is so much more important than skill that it’s nothing to look up to, but rather a case of being amused when you beat them despite their gear.

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Exactly what I am talking about!

Actually PvP in Classic used to be pretty good.
I’ve had a lot amazing Premade vs Premade games in WSG and Arathi Basin.

Running 10 minutes on your mount to grind honor is pretty bad though.
Just nerf AV honor gain and people will start compete in WSG and AB properly.

Curretnly PvP system rewards mount running instead of actual PvP.

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Rank 14 is not easy to get timewise. You need atleast 12 weeks it is imposible to get there faster.
You will also need tobe n1 in your bracket for 12 weeks straight.
It is a major timesink i made it to rank 11 in vanilla wow i pvp’d day and night in a pre made for upto 6 or more hours a day each day.
I simply gave up at rank 11.
I still my hunter now and again being LT general.

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This is my hunter from old days.