Yea, it is really bad. Some items cannot be bought at all. They seem to be listed there and then once you try to buy them, says they cannot be bought.
It seems like heavy bot traffic as well (1 item listed way below purchase price, then all items in between the low price and high price are traded immediately)
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Basically, what players see is a delayed image of the auction house:
- When user search for items, it displays the list of items in the past
- When they try to buy, if the item is still here, it may work, but if someone already bought it, it will say that you can’t purchase this
- When a player list auctions, it doesn’t appear in the list of posted auctions (until some time)
- When a player tries to cancel an auction, if the auction got sold in between, it will say “cannot find item”, otherwise it may work
Also, selling an item is sometimes erroneous. Sometimes item sell and you don’t see the gold, sometime you sell (message in UI) but it’s not really sold (you don’t get the gold and item appear in the listed auctions). Might be an after effect of the fact that people see a delayed picture of the auction house, and multiple people do transaction on the same items (who knows).
What it tells me as a developers: the picture of the auction house that the players see is a replica of the transaction database (which receive the real sell/shop transactions). Update of the copies are erroneous, so people see a delayed auction house. My assumption is that the transaction database is overloaded because of new items and high interactions (it was already laggy during ea), so the copy are not updated fast enough. Because of that, players send even more transactions to buy/sell because of errors.
What i think developers should do: I don’t think the limit on operations is high enough (if it exists), so limit operations (search, sell, item detail, buy) to 60 per minutes per account, on a rolling window. People with Auctionator/TSM are destroying the images of the AH with queries of high number of items at the same time (explaining the search lag). Also these addons (and others) allow sniping of good deals, adding load on the transaction database. It should not impact “real players”. The item disappearing is IMO a side bug of the load (but should still be protected against).
Draenor-EU Fine first thing in the morning, but by 11 am, couldn’t buy out a stack of commodity items. Trying to do my weekly post of transmog items has taken almost an hour as it takes 4-5 seconds to list the items available, then another 5 seconds to post each one. Yesterday there was a “stuck” commodity item that no-one could purchase (I reported that in-game as a bug because, as I recall, it had to be manually deleted from the AH last time in DragonFlight launch).
Despite being an (intermittently) heavy user of the AH (I play lots of alts, so tend to end up with lots to sell). I would be quite happy if the Sniper functionality of TSM and Auctionator etc were turned off, at least for the first 2 months of an expansion, and there was a limit of how many posts and cancels (say 100 per hour per account) to spread out the load on the server.
As someone else suggested, allowing people to buy out, or from, stacks of more expensive commodity items would also reduce the frustration when 1000s of people are trying to buy the same 1 ore at the same time.
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Punyelf-Draenor and I just can’t buy on the AH. It’s constantly item not available.
It seems the only option is to use an addon to keep trying to buy an item because using the in game version just doesn’t work.
Maybe its all those AH bots that is behind all this lag and “item not found”?
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It’s also happening on the Shadowsong server
a few seconds to post items
Cant buy anything. Just “Item was not found”. Trying another character, trying disable all AddOns. Idk what is it.
I haven’t managed to use the AH to buy anything, I gave up out of frustration but the BoEs that drop that I list, do sell so I have no idea how others manage but I can’t.
Well…thought I’d try accessing the AH at around 5am UK time on Azjol EU to see what actually happened to the all the items Id listed (or tried to) yesterday
Utter joke! Even at that ungodly hour the AH was still unusable. Horrendous lag of 20 secs just to interact with it.
For players who enjoy the gathering and crafting professions, youve pretty much ruined things. When you list an item, you have no idea if its been accepted. When you got a message in the chat window that something has sold, you cannot check in the AH window because it doesnt update…oh yeah, and you cant cancel items either.
Pretty much the full sets of foul ups
I get it that the bots are ruining it during the active hours, but at 5am? Cmon Blizz theres more to this than you are admitting!
High/Full Populated Realms are having more auction house lag than smaller ones. You may try smaller realms, use your new warband bank feature for transfering gold and items to any desired characters. I couldn’t find any other solution.
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It’s 7:49 on Alexstrasza EU and the AH is completely unusable.
I play on Draenor - EU. I am very familiar with lag as it can get like that on very busy hours but now it’s utterly broken since Tuesday. Besides the fact that mostly it takes more than 20-30 minutes to load data to post an auction, now I am seeing it doesn’t even have a concrete expiration date (23456789 expire message I see). Also, at some point I get the message that the item is no longer available but it’s kind of stuck in my bag because when I try to use the Blizz future to Clean Up Bags I get the message that items is locked. This doesn’t bother me that much since anyways I want to play the content. It bothers me more that I actually can’t even buy anything on AH. Every time I try to go to a specific tab like Armor for example to try to buy gear for my alts, it says no results found. I try going for commodities to upgrade my profession, same stuff. Mind you I do all this without addons at all as I am aware most are kind of broken now still. Also, it doesn’t matter what hour is. I was up at 7am server time I have experienced this issues. Surely at this point it’s no longer the point oh hey there are a lot of people playing, right?
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This morning on Ragnaros(EU) I experienced around 30 second delay just to open the auction house panel. Not to mention that when i searched for the armors for example I saw the same for the same price which i saw yesterday around midnight (a boots for 76 gold 49 silver) and it all says item is not available. Items disappeared when listed, etc. The AH has to be fixed somehow. Blizzard, start working on it please.
This Char had item not found for hours untill it stopped working completly: there is no items on AH.
Draenor AH is a mess, item not found, thousands of days shows as duration of items that had been canceled, maybe find the problem with those that keep auto scanning the AH after baiting ???
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EU DrakThul is hell as well…
blizz, this is getting seriously out of hand, many expansions have had their problems, but nothing has had THIS many bugs and problems that give the advantage to people using bloody addons, fix your shiet, im not going to play WoW at all untill you do.
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Cant buy anything on Shattered Hands today, constant:
“The item was not found”
Pls fix this asap!
On Draenor EU it takes between 5 and 10 seconds to search and post an auction. Purchasing is impossible as, presumably, I’m in a very long queue of many people buying the same item. The only way I’ve been able to purchase an item without frustration is to buy very expensive items intended for whales to misclick.
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if the item you’re trying to buy is a bargain price, and is not there when you finally try to purchase it, it’s probably not you, or blizzard, it’s bots constantly posting items at rock bottom prices and immediately cancelling them to try and get people to post new auctions at terrible prices so they can swipe them and resell them for the full value.
So the item not found problem is more likely that, but yeah, would be nice if they could do something about it.
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