Auction House Lag

Its 6:59 AM realm time, less than 5-10% of players are online, maybe 5% of them are using the AH at same time? and AH still LAGS CRAZY! not a single item can be bought without seeing “The item was not found” error 1293128931289312 times…

When Multi-dollar Company is going to OWN up for its horrible game/code design? how many more expansions do we have to wait and suffer till you do get to work and fix this EXACT, same crap show every expansion??? are we not paying you enough to work on problems such as this??? stop putting band aids on AH and do something useful for once Blizzard…


I dont think its necessarily a game/code design issue as much as a botting issue. But I do agree the AH is practically unusable at the moment so something does need to be done about it.


i have spent more time starring at my AH UI than playing the actual expansion…


Calling them retard and incompetent is not gonna help. But yeah, Auction house structure has to be reworked so it can be actually useful again. I was lucky because i made like 800.000 gold from friday until sunday, but after sunday the auction house is just dead and we can’t do anything anymore because of the bots and the lag what the AH got. Items bought yesterday night are still showing up when you search for the specific reagent/item and it makes the farming game unplayable. We need a fix. Or at least an answer.


Who cares about the AH as long as there are a million new quests to do.

(obviously I’m being sarcastic)

what would you call someone who you PAY for their services , and they mess up the same exact thing over and over and over again? player base gone soft , you ARE PAYING FOR THIS, monthly and every time they pump out an expansion. don’t you earn your money, don’t you care about your money?

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pls blizzard let us use the AH PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASE

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They should just close the ah and fix it and keep it closed until them have fixed the problem because current system is just unworkable.


I think the problem is more the system. I try to buy cloth, but i must buy the cheapest option, there is no other way. Everytime you get the error, item sold. with the latency it is impossible to buy items.

The other problem is, many need stuff and wanne buy it right now, i am 1 of them. Didn’t get enough weavercloth from the mobs. Don’t know why, i am a tailer have the buff, but after 100 mobs with only 5 weavercloth the AH was waving to me.

@ the same time, we have a lot of peeps, that wanne buy the cheap stuf to sell for a higer price to get profit, now i understand that, easy money. Bbut put all those things together and you have this mess. So blaming only Blizzard aint fair in my opinion.

I put 84 Saltwater potions up for sale on AH and they just vanished into thin air. Not in my inventory nor in my mail and they are also not listed on AH…

Okay, they have only “kind of” disappeared. Got the message that a “buyer has been found” but I still don’t have anything listed on AH when I check, also can’t see what I have sold…

Just took me about 48 minutes to buy 3 items off the AH. It’s really unplayable currently if you wanna do anything that involves the AH when items don’t change in quantity at all but items still “aren’t avaliable” and something that could help would be like someone suggested on my server is to mitigate the thousands upon thousands of scripting AH bots buying/selling/reposting sh*t to make gold…

I do care about my money, but still, calling them incompetent is not gonna help. Legally you are not able to do anything about it because other services are working and you are able to play the game and do quests and stuff. And it’s not that i don’t agree with you, I totally do. I would call them small indie company who only cares about people money. Except the AH my experience is smooth. I just wanted to make more gold, which now im not able. Hope for a compensation(probably not gonna happen tho). Don’t spread hate, it kills you brother :slight_smile:

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Hey all,

Quick update from our side. The developers are still investigating several issues related to the auction house, including some listings disappearing and performance issues. I don’t have more information that I can share right now, but rest assured that this is still very much a high priority.

Thanks again for your patience, and sorry for the inconvenience. :pray:


high priority? how many times have we heard this before and you havent fixed it untill the next expansion…if we’ve been lucky…


Minor server Stormscale same issue super lags and has lagged since we started ( both horde and alliance )

“buyer has been found” means someone bought it. That ALSO means YOU get your money for it one hour later.
Was that way since retail was … BC? WoTLK? Dunno but take it as “long long ago”

(EU) Norgannon, on my auctioning character Mégitsuné
right now respond time is bigger than timeout counter, AH does not respond at all.
(AH window opens, but i cannot auction any item)
Also funny: some of my still-running auctions show with 50thousand day running time. Guess that is something that makes the AH database crash

Also when using the AH, items just disappear into thin air. Im not really spending any more time on gathering or spending time and gold on crafting etc,when Auction house just makes the items vanish as soon as I post.
They are just gone, not being tracked anywhere, no listings showing, no items or gold recieved in the mail later on.

u should get the money back, i did last time it happened ( was in mailbox at some point), cant say im not concerned myself having about 1m that seems to have dissapeared out in thin air as well

Really, the auction house is unusable. If you want to buy some reagent, you may spend tens of minutes battling the “The item is no longer available” message. Posting items takes ages, one is unable to check if the auction has not been yet undercut…

If the given instance of item is no longer available why the hell won’t you just automatically sell me another one then?

Come on devs, surely there is a better way how to implement it!