I have never seen AH being that slow and I play since WOTLK. Posting a single auction takes flew minutes. any feedback Blizzard?
TwistingNether EU has same issue and I already lost around 1m of gold into the void, will I get it back at some point?
As I type this I’ve spent the past two hours trying to get the AH to cooperate with me to do a few simple tasks that should take 15 minutes. I’ve spent the past half an hour trying to buy two inverted prisms which I still haven’t been able to do.
I’m not a crazy goblin but I like to make gold and the expansion launch is an exciting time for that. It has been completely ruined by the AH experience. It’s midday on a weekday and it feels like it’s the worst it’s ever been, and only getting worse by the day.
This is not acceptable when people pay for a game. To the point where I dont even feel any desire to do weekly content and explore the xpac because simple chores that should just be maintenance - use concentration, repost some stuff, etc - take so long that I feel burnt out.
Again, this is not acceptable. So much effort into respecting people’s time, only for people’s time to be massively wasted by technical issues. I’m not a diehard wow player and I unsub frequently. Feels like it’s time for that again until you fix your game.
Eu-Silvermoon here - Auction house taking 8-10 seconds to respond. Unable to buy any reagents/enchants/comsumables
Totally unusable atm, contstant message item is no longer available with everything I do. This game…
Completely not usable on Magtheridon also, takes 5/6 seconds for window to show, all the auctions i have up are wrong and it’s not updating as what has been sold and recently put up.
I reckon this has a lot to do with the region wide reagents and people playing the AH to make gold and that’s slowing it down as it takes about 10 minutes to successfully buy any reagent.
Darkspear experiencing major AH issues for a number of days now.
It has been better overnight but I haven’t noticed any change for over 24 hours straight now.
One example: I had a Blade of Wizardry posted which I cancelled. I was able to get the item from my mailbox, re-post it and the AH still showed the item I had cancelled. The item is now showing as 49,711 days remaining until auction expiry…
AH. Silvermoon. Lag. Massive. Unplayable. Logged out.
In my opinion Blizzard could (and should) have found a way to automatically ban bots ages ago but they don’t because bots are also clients / accounts who pay money to be in the game. If you have someone buying and selling the same items for hours, it can only mean they are a bot, so just ban the account or at least disable the auction house for this account. I’m sure there are ways, I’m not a technician, but Blizzard should have found a way by now.
What if you temporarily disabled automated actions on AH via the API? That would help a lot as a quickfix.
Only time I have any luck is early morning.
Imagine blizzard telling you to address your server about a regionwide problem. Yeah they will fix it soon for sure
I understand that lost lots will not be returned? I’ve shot over 1 million golds
The local Auction House on Ragnaros EU is completely dead. Items stay listed on the AH hours after they sold so you only get an error message. People can’t find new items you post so it’s impossible to sell anything.
The region wide AH is laggy, but at least it works. The local AH on Ragnaros EU is completely unusable.
How can you change between the AH? I created a char on other regions. everywhere its laggy.
As this player suggested you have to make a character on another realm them make use of the warband system.
Doesnt work for me. 1 Char on Italian low pop, 1 on french, 1 on english, 1 on german. all lagging
Every time you try to buy something it just throws an error saying “This item is no longer available.”.
It’s impossible to buy anything from the AH.
It is getting old and annoying when you try to buy stuff off AH. It is hopeless so please stop waste time to wait much longer?!?!?! What about to fix quick?
I have stuff on AH for over 1 million and they sold and didnt get the money since this morning. Be careful - you might loose everything you post…