Auction House Lag

Still kinda slow, but at least the auction house aint eating items now.

If stupid EA can make AH so slow, then I fear what comes in next 24 hours. :open_mouth:

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Please fix AH
it’s outrageous how bad it is working or not working at all

There is a stupid scamfest going on. Thousands of greedy goblinds and AH bots are smashing refresh button hoping they will be the first one to buy the low priced material auctions created by mistake. Its disgusting and Blizz dont care there are thousands of people getting scammed every minute.


Going back to this would be the best, atleast back before i did not have to compete with every single bot on every single server and every single AH goblin

I miss the old ah on my low pop server


Yeah, they should at least split the AH while the rush is going on. In 2-3 months they can go to region wide AH again. But currently it’s just unplayable if you want to buy something for your professions

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i lost a leatherworking recepy and 30k gold they are gone/ not in my mail/ on the auctionhouse… i thought i was just paranoid lol

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I just spent the last of my gold and used up my profession concentration to make a Gem (worth more than the gold I had), posted it on the AH and now its gone. The listing doesn’t exist, the item is gone from my inventory.

So I just lost it all? It’s just broken with no way to get anything back? Great, thanks.

So when can I get a refund for the Expac? Really not interested in having my time wasted like this, I dont care if it is slow, but dont let it just swallow items and gold. I don’t want “free game time” as an apology I want the time I spent doing stuff back, and as you cant do that as least give me my money back so I can just leave.

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Good news is your stuff didnt vanish. Its there somewhere, maybe already sold.
The only problem is AH is so broken right now, it doesnt show all the auctions, and some of those that are shown there no longer exist, its a complete mess right now :smiley:
So dont dispair if something “disappear” in there, you gonna get it back or you will receive gold once its sold, you cant just really track it, just sit and pray :smiley:


It sounds like a technology issue. Whatever DB is powering the AH clearly hasn’t scaled well from server to region. The technology exists to scale horizontally for OLTP loads (cockroachDB is particularly popular currently), so I’m putting it down to a tooling issue that will need addressing sooner rather than later.

All these AH Add-onns need to stop. Blizzard need to make them unusable and we need ways to Identify and Bann Bots as fast as possible


It’s not the AH addons, it’s the malignant action from bots or players repeatedly posting, then cancelling, 1 item at half-market value (or 1 silver in some cases). They will be using the vanilla, or a specially crafted add-on or script, to quickly post and cancel this one item.

Blackrock Ore, Truesilver Ore and Draenic Dust are all currently borked in the EU. Trying to purchase them gets “This item is unavailable” no matter how many times you refresh or close the AH window. When this happened in DF, it required intervention to delete the “stuck” auction.


Canceling auctions is currently impossible since i dont see any of my created auctions in the “auctions” tab. :smiley:

That’s actually big issue now with all mats from all expansions.
Bots/players post mats for half their price and buyout quickly when poeple not pay attention for how much they post. I believe this is causing most AH traffic.

For some reason Auctionator bypass this bug and you can buy everything normally.

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Great addon, people only think of TSM when it comes to the AH… :unamused:

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I can´t even cancel my god damn auctions, it says item is missing. Neither could I buy the item from my alt, cause the item wasn´t availible.

The AH is broken as hell right now.

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Now I finally did be able to actually cancel all auctions, they are in my bag, however: they do still stand as listed on auction house, making the faction change I was planning impossible.

This AH lagfest is an epic fail. I hope nothing gets lost after server maintenance and they finally fix it.

Just ban all auction house addons, I can’t imagine what the strain they will be having on the AH DB, and they are just non stop querying the AH for deals.

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I do agree / Ban all addons on AH or do something against bots… can’t do anything on AH now…