Auction House Lag

anyone know what’s actually causing this issue?? I’ve been trying to buy cloth to make bags but its just the same thing over and over! item no longer available but the total amount doesn’t really change! :frowning:

Buy from someone with a large stock (and higher prices ofc). Everyone tries to buy the lowest priced items.
They are gone as soon as they are listed. I noticed it when I sold some leather and herbs. Sold as soon as I listed them.

I’m selling three different contracts (Assembly of the Deeps, Council of Dornogal, Hallowfall Arathi), but it’s showing I have 7 of Assembly of the Deeps listed. The numbers are wrong. Has anyone else seen this or know how to fix it?


It probably is bugged.
Yesterday I listed a reagent and a regular 34 slot bag. They ‘disapeared’, (nothing in my selling list and no notice they were sold), but today I found in my mailbox that they were sold.

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Auction House lag is not fun, therefore “NO FUN DETECTED”, therefore no plans on changing it.

Ah but the fun of leveling fast in dungeons… less than a day :saluting_face:

Great fun… AH bugged like crazy… jebuz blizz get your expansion together

Can someone kind tell me if a fix is planned? :skull:

It doesn’t matter what item I want to buy, every time I see “item was not found” but after refreshing the page it’s still there, it just can’t be bought. :sob:

I’m quite confused and haven’t found a fix anywhere, I don’t even have any addons for AH

That are scammers. They list an item at a low price, remove it immediately. Rinse and repeat. They want to trick players into selling items low.

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AH is laging from lauch prepatch 11.0.2 day, it start when they add warband bank, now you have diferent prices for cfarting items on diferent servers in one region, and “half” items have the same prices in all one region, now you can send itms to alt oposition faction on another server also they make DELAY puting (it takes more time then normal bank) items to warband bank, so i think it is why AH laging. cause too many staff are implemented to old AH system and it not work as should.

This happened to me now, the bags dissapeared and they are nowhere to be found and i don´t get any gold yet, it´s been three hours.

Since today it’s not even possible to by anything on the Auction house. Also items from earlier expansions are not found. SORT OUT YOUR xxxx BLIZZARD

I have a really simple and quick fix for the AH. Limit addons API requests , especially those that snipe and scan whole AH database to undercut etc. Simple as that, if that isn’t botting, I don’t know what is. It does multitudes of actions that normal player is not able to perform.

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AH interface is no longer to be trusted, it shows items that are no longer there and no refresh helps, those are ghost items.
The AH is HAUNTED! :ghost: :ghost: :ghost:

I just posted rank 3 Bismuth on the auction house, it made the sound as if it got posted and disappeared from my bags, now I have nothing in my bags, nothing on the auction house and nothing that I can cancel or even view if it has been bought. It’s as if it has apparead into dust… :> Nice

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The item is there somewhere, its just AH UI lagged and bugged like hell so it doesnt show anything and what it shows is mostly no longer there.
Go sleep, tomorrow you will find your item or sold gold in your mailbox.
Sadly there is no way to track your auctions right now, AH UI is broken af. :sleepy:

Also im not sure but i feel like the money from sold auctions has longer than usual 1 hour delay. Or maybe i lost some money in that all eating lagging AH, who knows, nobody knows, surely blizz doesnt know either.

still bugged cant buy anything…

You have my seal of approval

Read this comment used Actionator - problem solved - thanks buddy

Not a fix if you have to use 3rd party addons. That’s called a workaround.

That being said - this is unbearable. Feedback from the blizzdudes would be greated appreciated.

This addon does nothing for me. Just as slow as without.

It’s so bad the AH thing it makes me log off. Farming and selling is a key thing for me now, and using ten times as much time on putting up auctions just kills my pleasure.

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