Auction House Lag

Interesting thing is Blizz already did something like 1 year ago. The auction posts that below %5 of the current lowest price were hiding so nobody were able to scam people and also there were no lag. Like 3-4 months ago they removed it. Guess which playerbase hated that the most and reported it as a bug. Yeah Blizz keep favoring bots like this and lets see whats gonna happen when there’s no casual players for them to sell their things.

Now i noticed my “auctions” tab shows all my active auctions have 49710 day to expire :rofl:
wtf is that ? Thats 136 years! :smiley:

unacceptable, can’t delist my items, prices are not updating for hours, just says “Time left: 49710 days 5 Hr” when I hover over my items, it’s been like this for almost 2 days

49710 days! That is probably the estimated time it will take blizz to fix this issue :rofl:

Make the functions associated with them protected.

It is the ridiculous number of API calls that those addons make that flood the server with requests and as a result we get this AH lag.


All they need to do to make all AH addons redundant is add a scan for all items on the AH, and make the UI more user friendly. Ie copy auctionator

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They also need to limit listings per player or even account

Hate to break it to you, but that would result in same flooding of the server with requests…

Idk about this, perhaps a time limit for reposting things after you bought something or took down your listing.

Because limiting total number the listings per player would harm people who farm mats or do alot with proffesions without abusing the ah as well. People who just farmed until their bags are mostly full cant post everything , meanwhile the real problems like botters likely would just switch to another account to sell more there

dear blizzard for xmas this year off you i dont want any pressie,s under the xmas tree in ironforge or oggrimarr i would like a working AH without any bots ruining the game

yours sincerly a well annoyed person who cant buy ANYTHING off the ah


Most low tier profession materials are UNUSABLE in the auction house. Everytime you try to buy something its “The item is no longer available.” even if you instantly SPAM buy. And since this genius system doesnt allow to buy stacks that are actually higher priced that the lowest you have no option but to buy the lowest stack everytime which causes this bug.
Guess what happens when 50 people try to buy the same auction at once (the lowest one). 49 CANT BUY IT.

Change this AWFUL system OR fix the LAG. The combination of both make it unusable. We already had this disaster when you introduced regional wide AH 2 years ago in Dragonflight. The EXACT SAME THING happened for weeks or more. And here we are 2 years later with an even larger load on the auction house. WHo couldve predicted that on an expansion launch! What a joke.

And im pretty sure that 50% of the lag comes from all the AH bots. But that would be the last thing you would be able to fix due to the incompetency in regards to bots overall.


Transactions at its finest. Annoying as hell but at least it is consistent.

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Its crazy slow right now… apparently NA ah started lagging yesterday as well… so blizzard turned it off for 1 hour and then after it was fine again(no idea what they actually did more than that). meanwhile EU have had horrible AH lag since EA release and nothing has been done.

EDIT: and lets not forget the influx of players coming in 24ish hours… the AH will actually be unusable if nothing is done.

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This is a concurrency issue. The only way to fix it is to split the auction house by servers or something.

You ever seen those old videos of stock traders standing in a big crowd yelling over each other trying to buy or sell and almost none of them being heard?

This is exactly like that.


Weird, I use Auctionator and it allows me to select the price a stack of that price is going for, inputing how many I want from said stack.

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It’s probably getting hammered by bots and players alike.

I feel they should implement daily posting restrictions to combat bots and pseudo-bots, but that is probably a controversial idea.

It’s the ‘stackable’ items. All the AH sharks are monitoring the War Within items constantly.

It’s annoying but everyone’s buying up new TWW mats. I’ve made 100k buying low and selling high just one of the new mats. I really should level a char to 80 :grinning:

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I strongly believe the AH needs a 1 hour delay before an item can get cancelled.


Looks like they just disabled/closed the AH. So at least they are aware of the issues.

edit: works again, and is responsive at least for the moment.