Auction House Lag

9 AM in the morning in EU and the Auction House is already almost unusuable due to lag. Well done.


Could Blizzard please post something to at least acknowledge something is not right? Even if the news is not what we want to hear, we’d at least know Blizzard are aware. Keeping your customers in the dark (just like a lot of my auctions at the moment!) is so frustrating…


Right now AH is completly unusable, we dont have mythic 0, no mythic+, no raid, no deeper delves. What is that expansion? :smiley:

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Day 5 of playing with small bags from leveling. Nice experience =_=

You ruined launch experience by making AH this garbage

It’s not the AH, it’s all the automation addons and blizzard countermeasures having an arms race over the AH causing it to lag out

Can’t they do some backend stuff to make it so the AH can’t be interacted with via scripts or overlays? This is getting ridiculous

Can’t buy anything from AH, everything is “unavailable”. I even listed a few auctions and they all disappeared into the nether. Also completely zero communication or acknowledgement by Blizzard.

Fix this please.

Delete all addons Blizzard.

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Auction House is basically unusable at the moment… Don’t know how or why but to be fair I don’t care… Only thing I care about is that it gets fixed!

Can’t even buy regular items anymore, like profession equipment, everything is “not found”

Close the damn thing down, add a cooldown on refreshing, cancelling and posting new items, and then bring it back. The equipment AH has been unusable for days now, do something!

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I’m trying to buy something from an old expansion that is not a part of the current rush, and even those items are “not found” even though the listings are not changing. It’s two different issues giving the same error, everyone trying to buy the same item, and the AH being overloaded also spits out that error. I’m starting to think there needs to be some kind of rate limiting at times of extreme demand. Start with one refresh/listing/purchase per few seconds, increase it to 10 or 20 if that’s what it takes. If they are refusing to invest in better servers, you have to lower the demand on the current system. Even a small delay will have a huge impact on the bots.

I read a post here by someone saying they had 10k items returned to their mailbox from the ah… you don’t think that’s a little excessive?

If the addons are spoiling the experience for a majoriity of users then the addon needs to be gone simple as, I do not care about your money making on the AH I care that I am paying real money for this and people spamming the AH with these updates scans and almost inhumanely finding the lowest prices for items and instantly buying them faster than a human can search.

Just limit the number of transactions a player can do per hour this would put a stop to the bots and limit the number of search requests lets be real the “real” players are not sitting there in the AH refreshing it every 1 minute trying to find the cheap items or cancelling and relisting the same item to trick people into posting at a lower price to bot buy instantly.


You don’t have addons for it, but other people do. That’s what’s causing the lag, and the delays.

People scanning the AH with the addon, and buying out all the cheap stuff and reselling it for a higher price. Also why you go to buy things and it instantly says the item is no longer available.

The AH addons people are using look and feel more like third party botting software. Addons shouldn’t be able to automate ANYTHING.

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This AH issue is getting out of control. I refuse to accept that whenever people complain about a legitimate issue within a paid service, it eventually circles back to accepting the status quo of ‘Well, this is every expansion launch’.

If they know it has been an issue in the past, why the actual duck aren’t they taking any action of preventing it?

Until now I was just sitting here and reading people complain about it, whilst I was also annoyed by this ‘technical issue’, I swallowed it and kept on trying until I somehow got what I wanted from the AH, BUT the fun part just happened to me recently:
I have created a Crowd Pummeler 2-30, posted it, and as many people experienced this before me, it disappeared from my bag, but also didn’t get posted.

Whilst I understand that in theory I should get it back via mail after 48 hours, or God knows how much, and also 3 mill may not be much for a lot of players, but for me it is. I took a gamble, started building capital, and started moving a few pummelers here and there to sell, but this sets me back by a lot.

Again, I understand that there are bigger issues in the world (of warcraft, hah), but for me this is a huge turn-off. We are paying for this service, and every single time something like this happens, it feels like a huge spit in the face by the company we continuously pay money to.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk, till’ next time.

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That’s it. If the issue is well known for a long time then there is no any sane excuses why we are experiencing it again.

Its insane lol.

sold things for over 2 million this morning and havent got gold yet. Care what you put on AH might be lost.