Auction House Lag

yep my auctions displaying after 1-2 hours

better just shut down the feature till its fixed

The AH lag isn’t due to TSM. When it comes to market related things: TSM doesn’t change much, it just automates work you’d do anyway like cancel scanning but people would still go capitalist mode.

Wanted to buy some bags to put the things i want to sell later in the ah because its not working atm. Guess what happened, i couldn’t buy any bags to my bank :smiley:

Ye, sure, lets make only one thread so it can be more easily ignored :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

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Isnt it funny how fast they are with feedback about scaling but you see nothing about this problem? That shows enough on how Blizz feels about these bots :wink:


its less excessive than limiting how much you can list entirely at atleast. It does make sure people cant buy things up and instantly repost things after

The core problem is that bots are paying protection money (subscription).
Blizz cant lose that money.


Wrong. Addons have nothing to do with it. It’s the bots constantly posting lowball orders to bait people into selling stuff cheap and then immediately cancelling the order. There are thousands of them, making the AH laggy as hell.


Nvm, not arguing with a plum.

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both are there, i dont mind the goblins that much

Blizz could simply add a cd on the “scan thing” but when it comes to bots, they always have a Lua blocker on, and will bypass this change

they are also worse when it comes to scanning, I would say that the algorithm of how a bot scans the ah, uses more server capacity than 100 players with Tsm

it´s like crashing a server with fast repeating actions, what are not on a human level.

easiest solution, to add a cd on scan for tsm users / or ban this function

and ban bots (which wont happen :money_mouth_face: :money_with_wings:

Don’t worry, the items are not lost. You get your money ‘eventually’ (a day later or so).
Happened to me too.

How is the AH still down after nearly 2 days, Nightmare.

Its not just just lagging its literally eating auctions, i put up like 500k worth of items a few hours ago and it’s just disappeared, gone like a f in the wind. i cant see any of it its not sold ITS JUST GONE. to say im not happy would be a joke

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yeah same, it’s gonna appear within 30 minutes if you are lucky, sometimes takes few hours, absolute nightmare, I can’t sell anything, probably missed out on 200k+ gold in the last 2 days…

This is easily the dumbest take in the thread. Instead of proposing ways to actually improve the auction house for everyone, your solution is to ruin it for everyone, with or without addons. Addons aren’t the reason your experience sucks. Even without them, those players would still be better than you. And by the way, Blizzard can’t just remove addons—they can’t stop people from using them unless they make the system so good that no one wants third-party help. But that wouldn’t solve your problem because the real issue isn’t the addons; it’s that others are simply better than you. Even with enhanced functionality, you’d still be trash. So your only solution is to hamstring everyone else because you can’t keep up.

It is exactly what they do, correct. That doesn´t make it legal, and I personall question the validity of their statement that it was implemented in accordance with all relevant DPLs when many of them specifically forbid kernel level access for any reason. But I don´t care beyond that because I neither work for them nor consume their products, but my employer and the according departments are watching very closely to see how it develops over time… Becasue if we can use that as precedent for why such measures are fine, we absolutely will, and iof it all goes pear shaped, then we´re not the ones getting nuked.

Because when all teh hullabaloo and cheast beating is removed, what it boils down to is that iff somebody in the proper locale actually employs a competent lawyer and complains to their CPA about it instead of just whining on forums, reddit, or whatever other irrelevant platform they choose to vent their frustrations on, the repercussions can potentially be massive, for the entire industry…

And I personally also think that´s also a significant part of why many people don´t complain… They don´t´ want cheaters so are on board with it on some level, but more importanly they also realize that they will potentially not have a game to play at all if they were to press the issue. However, they also implicitly trust Riot to not screw them over, which is IMO always a huge mistake as countless cases in the past have proven no matter how spotless teh coammpany in question´s reoputation was before. That is, however, their potential problem and not mine.

But either way, this entire discussion is wholly irrelevant here, as the addons in question, specifically TSM, all run in client and are not external applications, ergo the earlier clarification that in every other game community they would be referred to as “mods” for those that apparently think that these are in fact external programs therefore requiring external measures as opposed to “simply” disabling certain API hooks or limiting the number of scans a client can request in timeframe x, or , or , or… “breaking” this is as easy as breaking a weakaura…

The hard part is breaking it for certain addons without simultaneously screwing Joe Casual that just wants to sell the 10 Weavercloth bags he crafted to skill up tailoring or the hundred flasks his wife crafted, and I honestly do not have a reasonable suggestion to actually accomplish the former without the latter potentially being hit just as hard if not harder…
The only thing that would come to mind off the top of my head would be something along the lines of forced 15 timeouts for clients DDosing the AH, but even that is just a pitifully bad bandaid… because then someone that is actually botting just starts up his 15 AH bots 1 minute apart, so in the end you only have 1 /15th of the initially intended impact and the search volume is barely changed… but then as an unwanted side effect you have actually just timeouted all of the legitimate players that themselves “Couldn´t beat them so just joined them” just so they could buy 2 glimmering shards to complete their ferschlugginer crafting weekly via patron orders, without actually causing any measurable impact on the actual problem… :wink:

Who cares how it was implemented. I don’t care My windows PC has nothing on it other than valorant and wow. Nerd philophy vs. anti-cheat - I always go anti cheat. Crack that b… open.

Most addon users will instantly quit without them. Especially snipers. Sniping only become relevant with TSM or similar addons. Most snipers cant do what they do right now without automated system. With your take it’s obvious you’re one of TSM or Auctinator user so it will be pointless to argue with you anyway.

Also %90 of the players are gucci without addon. They have no problem with normal AH UI

It has nothing to do with philosophy. You don´t care that the game developer has more rights to access your system than you do in teh name of stopping cheating, good for you. That doesn´t change the truth that others, most importantly those that have the actual power to change things, do care. And it´s why many people like myself wouldn´t even consider installing such a product, we didnt´t spend years securing systems and fixing backdoors just so a random game developer can install their own backdoors at will. Because as soon as you have kernel level access, you can potentially do anything you can imagine with the machine. They can literally for ex. brick your windows login for cheating, or just wipe your entire system at will “because you cheated”…

Or it they wanted to be really vindictive, they could transfer explicit photos of underage People to your computer and freport you to the authorities… or or or, the possibilities are literally endless. If you don´t see how that ´s potentially a massive problem yet, I´m wasting my time further discussing it with you.

The basic fact of the matter is that it IS illegal in more western countries than it isn’t, esp most of the EU, for exactly that reason among others. And nobody, least of all the manufacturer, has any interest in spending millions of dollars defending themselves from lawsuits that could run the risk of losing them 50% of their playerbase by implementing an anti-cheat system that they knew was at best skirting regulations before it was even turned on.

And thatý why anyone with a vested interest in the future of videogaming and half a clue of the implications is very closely watching the brewing storm around Vanguard as well as being keenly aware of the Stop Killing Games initiative… because both have the potential to make online multiplayer gaming a relic of the past faster than most of us will even realize that the reason we can´t log in anymore is because the game was taken offline and /or the publisher was banned from doing business in our country.

I absolutely and fully support stop killing games. People who have opinions like Piratesoftware just take it ad absurdum. Again: Good gaming experience > nerd philosophy regulations. Change the regulations. I want them to open my kernel, open it good and inject it all. Here have my memory encryption! everything! just make it nice and smooth. The trust argument is bad. People trusted <insert the name of that very big security company that edited by moderator their windows version because they didn’t employ a good test protocols and edited by moderator over half the world, forgot the name>.

Ask the CS community - bet they want some of that.

Anyway, here we talk about how Blizzard can’t solve the problem because they don’t even know what the problem is.

The problem is easily fixable: (in high demand)

  1. Make smaller AHs for high demand times and just create averaged markets.
  2. If you click on an item, you join a buy fifo queue. You get 10s to buy. You buy, next in queue. Solves the “race condition”. That way you just queue to buy an item - sucks but at least you can buy stuff.
  3. Make a max buy (stop order or whatever it’s called): I wanna buy 10 marbled stoned for at most 400g / piece. And then every 1s distribute stuff.

Everything’s better than this crap.