Auction House Lag

“Item not found” - etc… All had been said, but adding a topic makes me think Blizz will think : “ok we’re getting spammed, let’s fix it”


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Been trying to sell stuff on the server AH, like profession gear and bags and what not.
It’s been completely impossible to do anything since items don’t show up, they just disappear into the void. People can’t buy them or see them. They do see items that sold hours ago and just get an error message.

For the love of god, do something about this. Add a cooldown to searching the AH or something cause it obviously can’t take the load and is now completely useless. At least the region wide AH somewhat works, you just have to try 50 times before you manage to buy something, but the local AH on EU Ragnaros for example, is dead.

Has Blizzard even said a word about this?


You have my seal of approval

I manage to buy stuff on it, but just like others have to refresh too often hmpf.

I have about 20 auctions on the local AH since 18.00 last evening and they are still lost in space, no where to be found. Can’t cancel them or even find them in the auctions list. A few started to pop up at 03.00 but still can’t do anything.

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Had the same problem including Binding of Binding design. Given its cost it really drives me mad. This happened before, usually items are back in your mail after auction time is expired.

There is an acknowledge from the support that this is happening (if you go to support ingame, there is a common problem “Auction House - Items disappeared”).

What I really can’t understand, is why they do not tell anything about if the items will be recovered in the bug description. Only that their developers are working to resolve the issue.

Would be much easier to wait knowing that items will be back, even if later.

Havent you heard that the all mighty Asmon said WoW is dead and no one is playing it anymore…how come AH is so busy and lagging because of it…such a wierd thing to happen in dead game

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It’s so busy and laggy cuz of non-stop refreshing by bots. But the locations rly seems empty

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They need to rate-limit the AH, because everyone is fugging the AH with bots & highly-auromated addons.

So weird to randomly bring up Asmon. Rent free?

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Totally agree with this.

Put up a 5 minute cooldown to be able to post the same item. No honest man needs to post the same item more than every 5 minute.
And put up a 10 minute delay before auctions can be cancelled.

This would probably solve the lag and at least alleviate the situation with all the bots trying to scam poor souls.


Could Blizzard please post something to at least acknowledge something is not right? Even if the news is not what we want to hear, we’d at least know Blizzard are aware. Keeping your customers in the dark (just like a lot of my auctions at the moment!) is so frustrating…

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Please fix this mess, it’s impossible to buy anything on the AH… I am spending min 15 minutes trying to buy. This is insane!

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Thousands of bots are messing with the AH and the lag is caused mostly by region-wide stuff you can buy/repost.

Kill region-wide AH and it will solve a lot of problems.


People are using bot-like AH programs without acknowledging it IS INDEED a bot. This is getting ridiculous. Whoever thought region wide AH was a good idea was nuts.

It is actually a good idea. The execution is horrendous tho.

Not cool to post a full bag of stuff :slight_smile:

So slow.

i put an item up on auction for 3000g, auction house put it up for 2000g, tried again same results. like wtf blizzard

They have to shutdown all the servers and remove this nonsense. I’ve been at the AH trying to buy profession accesories for the last 25 minutes now. Every single item says “the item was not found”… It’s worse than a provate server at the moment. With the amount of AH bots, this system sin’t working. We suffer, bots profit. Again.

I was hoping to make some gold selling green profession equipment, bags etc on AH this week. But when people can’t find the items and sold items still are listed for hours after they sold, it’s impossible to do anything.

Totally killed any enjoyment with professions for me. How hard can it be to put a cooldown on searches etc so you can’t refresh 5 times/second and kill the server?

Ragnaros EU local AH is pretty much dead. Can’t sell any equipment.