Auction House Lag

In case you haven’t seen:-

Having an addon with a bot installed in it is going over the line. No addons, no advantage to anybody and most importantly, no lags.

Thank you.


AH is garbage, there will still be lag


Not just limiting addons for AH.

There needs to be a buy order system and an option to buy at any price you want, not just the cheapest.


Well at least the people who are trying to cheat people out of putting items at an extreme low price on the AH have somewhere disappeared. They were going crazy at the start of EA.

You’d see someone putting an item worth 50+ gold up for 10silver, and then you’d see it disappear extremely quickly, along with a bunch of others that were put at the same price.

Unless you implement a kernel-level anti-cheat system, which may be effective only intermittently, banning addons is virtually impossible. Even if addons are banned, users will inevitably find new methods to circumvent these restrictions. For instance, in Final Fantasy XIV, where addons are not permitted, players have resorted to creating intrusive third-party software that overlays the game. This software can be more invasive than any addon used in World of Warcraft. People enjoy and rely on addons for enhanced functionality. To address this, if you want to eliminate auction house addons, the auction house itself must be significantly improved to meet the needs and expectations of players who currently rely on these addons.


Ban AH addon yes :dracthyr_nod:


buy orders and sell orders. Problem solved


katılıyorum kirwe-kun

They didnt disappear, the extreme lag made this very unreliable for them, so they just adapted and now scamming people with different methods.

True, I’m seeing enchants and gems going for stupid amount of gold, which just don’t make sense. Thankfully having guild mates to make things for you, is cheaper and better for them as they get to level up, and you get to buy it at a normal price of materials.

Like the chest enchant I have, the gold version is going for like 40 or 50k gold. Was able to get the silver one made from materials I had in my bags.

i would love to play this game addon free but then none what so ever just the tools Blizz is providing, but to do that a lot of dungeons need reworking, now they are designed in a way you need addons at least for the high ranking ones.

There just needs to be a limit for how many times per minute characters can access the AH database (scanning, posting, cancelling, etc).

Right now the AH is barely usable, and the closer we get to prime time, the worse it gets every day.


The goblin community is out of control!


Ban any and all AH addons. Let the dev make the AH equal for everyone.


I’ve been able to sell BoEs but I can’t buy anything myself. Have given up on the AH at this point.


+1, ban all of em’


Yup! Cant buy anything or “item not found” - its annoying …

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Having bots that constantly scan/buy/sell on the auction house, is way over the line in my opinion. It should have been banned a long time ago.


I agree, but we should have a massive public event where we uproot all the robots in the auction house, and fight off a huge gang of robot bank robbers.