Auction House Lag

id say its 99% an TSM issue and other addons // was with automated stuff, is what blizzard has tried to remove no ?

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Thats my wish in this game. For every addon to be removed

Then you’d be here crying about 2 hour long queues as DPS for LFG/R.

In order to win vs cheaters you have to become cheater too :smiley:
Addons are legal cheats, as long as they are allowed its stupid not to exploit them.

I haven’t been able to buy enchants off the AH in 3 days. It’s atrocious.

Like in gw2?

Plenty of lag with AH for days now. Nothing to do with add-ons. I don’t use any.

Please do something.

Block or severely reduce the auction house scanning by addons.

Do not allow the automation of sniping automatically via addon.


Same issue on three chars Item not found

I see 3 gear items that I want:
Item not found.Item not found.Item not found.

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I get the same Item Not Found when trying to buy an upgrade. If I remember correctly this happened at the very start of Dragon Flight too.

I suspect it is some sort of entering an item to a low price only to be withdrawn at the same time.

Typically you have to buy the same item, but to a considerally marked up price.

The AH lag is very tiresome. Posting over 30 different items after a gathering session takes soo much time.

Same here! Getting Item Not Found no matter what I try to buy…

I was trying to buy some goods and I kept getting “Item not found”. People are flipping like there’s no tomorrow.
It’s very annoying and happens even for rank 2 materials.

AH is straight up unusable right now :confused:

Posting items to the server AH, like bags and green profession gear, sends them into the twilight zone where they just disappear for hours. They can’t be found or bought or cancelled or anything.

I don’t understand why there isn’t a cooldown för like 5 - 10 seconds to search for things. Now addons and bots hammer the AH servers making it unusable.

Has anyone seen a word from Blizzard anywhere regarding the status of the Auction House?

You have my seal of approval

Microsoft-Blizzard doing Boeing things… as expected

49711 days on items that I have cancelled but still show as in auction tab… I blame the many auction house addons especially baiters/snipers use, you do not need any addons for auctionhouse imo! but yeah… greed is more important than people being able to use a feature, right?

A slow AH is one thing, but surely items being posted and not showing up in the AH UI, and items being sold but not showing as sold in the AH UI is something Blizzard could surely at least acknowledge? Being slow is one thing but not being able to trust the information the AH UI is showing you surely merits some comment?

This is a joke. Still no hotfix or at least ETA on a hotfix.