Auction House Lag

They either don’t know how or don’t want to fix it, but a blue post acknowledging it would give the issue much more publicity than a few angry threads (which will disappear a day after the issue is gone).

stil not fixed

Same here, can’t buy anytrhing…

They can disacle AH completely. We are unable to use it anyway. I can’t even buy proffesion equipment

There are thousands of greedy goblins and AH Bot smashing refresh button hoping to be the first one who buys out mats auctions created by mistake.
Its been a thing since AH rework couple years ago, but now it not only scams thousands of people every day, it is also LAGGING the damned whole AH and annoying basically everybody on the server!
Blizz, i know you dont care about people being scammed, but at least STOP THE LAG! Ban few thousand bots if you need to, just make AH work correctly again, please.


Sadly the scammy listings aren’t against the rules and I suspect they have TSM or other addons set up to list and scoop.

The more people that are aware and double check before hitting list, the better.

If it’s causing the lag, I do wish Blizz could do something to stop it.


That’s it. The start and the end of the discussion. )


Imagine if they added a 5 minute cooldown to be able to post the same item id, and a 10 minute cooldown to be able to cancel active auctions.
Wouldnt really affect anyone honest and it would probably solve both the lag and at least alleviate the stupid bots trying to scam ppl.


hasn’t this been a thing since forever? I mean they used to have people/bots watching the Neutral Auctionhouse ( i am that old) for people trying to transfer cross faction.

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You have my seal of approval

but Auction House bots are

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Don’t you see, they are totally not using bots. Just botting tools that somehow skirts the rules!

The elegant solution for all AH problems is for Blizz to break the functionality of all AH add-ons.
Of course that would make AH goblins go “REEEEEE!” on the forums, which personally will be amusing to me.

I don’t know how there are going to scam people, if I even can’t buy any item, just receiving message “item not found”


There is nothing elegant in taking the cleaver and butchering the economy.

i mean actual robots, there is also no player behind it, we have 2024, bots are no longer as clueless as the honorbuddy bots were in mop

i have many of them on my server, most likely level 1 human priest with the name gfghdx zxgtha tqwhcyx etc… these bots snipe faster than tsm users

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The reason you are not able to buy anything is because THEY ARE FASTER and they buy everything before you can press your lagged buttons in AH UI.

Adding “buy orders” would be an easy solution, they should have copied GW2 AH when they reworked it

Ofc bots are. But are they bots or are they players with powerful AH addons? If you suspect a bot, then do report them and Blizz can investigate.

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and to think theres millions of players paying £10 a month and we cant buy stuff off the ah BLIZZARD FIX IT LIKE TODAY !!!