Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

It’s for 1 week. 1 week! The game is in PVE mode for the rest of the time. Let the PVP players have some fun for once. Besides is hanging out in Stormwind/Ogg all you do at the moment? I’m sure there’s other things to do at the moment then just hang out in the main cities 24/7. :woman_facepalming:t2:

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the event started??

when? I aint seen any zombies o.o wtf going on o.o

The ghoul stuff is part of the story is a consequence for not having Lich king. The quest line just follows us infiltrating their base.

Agreed. The event is fine and all, but forcing a pvp flag on players is frustrating as all heck when you’re trying to do anything that’s not related to the event. You just get ganked, infected, die, become a zombie and then have to just explode and do a fun fun fun graveyard run, then hope you can get away before it’s rinse and repeat.


it is more fun still if ur ironman chalange … have to restart from start every time u get ganked …

The trouble is that it is not JUST limited to Stormwind. Trying to do the Nathanos quest on a low-geared alt for the weapon. BAM PvP flagged. Dead. Don’t get back to the event before he is killed, so no loot. Luckily the next group killed him just as a joined. Then trying to hand it in in Stormwind, again auto-flagged for PvP. Luckily someone had just killed the ones camping the mage tower so I managed to take the portal to Dalaran for the next part of this time-limited chain.

Blizzard developers had an option to keep the Zombie troll-fest to war mode only. That they chose not to, makes this another ticked off player.

I was looking forward to the event to get some catch-up gear on my newly levelled alts. Now my enthusiasm is totally gone.


This stuff is my bread and butter just * chefs kiss*. More please :popcorn:

Of course! In warmode :slight_smile: Have a blast.


Good lord.

Reminds me of Wrath. We all had great fun during it. Small few people moaning and complaining about the mild inconvenience of being killed a few times. The consequences of death have spiraled since then significantly. Want to know what we got out of it though? Something memorable, that we wanted to see brought back to the game - because it was fun, creative and mildly innovative.

It’s a part of the game’s world, at present, a part of its universe. You, being a part of that, are involved in something that might not possibly ever happen again. Blizzard VERY rarely open pandoras box for limited time events like this anymore. Just attempt to see it from the perspective of the player base that are enjoying this event. If you don’t want to partake and it’s too inconvenient for you, then maybe play another game until it’s over.

Furthermore - it’s barely PvP. There’s no balancing, builds, team compositions, etc. It’s random, harmless fun that everyone can jump into and enjoy. It’s not about grinding, or trying to one-up someone. It’s literally a small sprinkle of mayhem to make the upcoming expansion release a little more immersive.

Try to engage in it!

Just saying - The Wrath pre-patch was one of the more well received ones because of how enjoyable and different it was as a temporary event. Cataclysm pre-event was kind of immersive but lacking. “Oh no, some low level elementals to kill! … k.” I remember the pre-patch for Pandaria literally just being a scenario. Warlords pre wasn’t great either.

Let people have some fun for once before an expansion, lol.



I still don’t see any valid reason for disrupting the gameplay.

Storyline, backstory or lore should NEVER interfer with the actual gameplay! Game exists so people can play. When story says people can’t play, story needs to be changed.

Why on Earth would a game FORCE unpleasant things to people?

It’s like, once upon a time, there was this ingenious wisdom that created things like optional PvP flags and PvP vendors, separate PvP gear, etc.

Then someone or someones changed things and now it’s like “Let’s see how we can p*ss off our customers even more”.

Do they have ‘bad idea contest’ every month, and the winner’s idea is implemented? That’s the only way I can explain the zombie crap. This is the worst insult Blizz has done - FORCING PVP FLAGS ON!


It’s almost as if the game is an RPG. :thinking: Seriously though. It’s a temporary event and will not remain a core part of the game. A lot of us enjoy the extra immersion and tension of being in a world at war. Hence: World of Warcraft.

Not going to go too far off topic either but the lack of tension in games or the unpleasantness of failure being removed from everything is partially what’s making games so unsatisfying to play or finish. Story doesn’t say people can’t play. The story is saying that something is happening in the world and it wants you to be a part of it. That’s how immersive story telling works.


So… By your logic, the whole “There must ALWAYS be a Lich King” is not story at all? That the whole “If the crown breaks the scourge will be set loose to wreck havok” does not count as story? Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we’ve reach a conclusion, everything that has to do with undead is not story, meaning, no WotLK, Cata, Pandaria, WoD, Legion, BFA and now Shadowlands existed, we ended at Burning Crusade by the players logic. There was never a Lich King, there was never a Frostmourne, there was nothing. Case solved.

I’m sorry if I sound rude, but PvP and a 1 week even is the -least- of your worries.


Yup. doing that. already got that idea myself. Allthough it could all be a blast for everyone by just having it in WM.


You know, you’re right. I completely agree. Giving a world event a toggle switch is a great way to immerse the player base. Haha. Silly Blizzard, what will they think of next? Wish I could make people invisible too or delete large sections of the game map I find inconvenient. That’d be great! Gosh, we’re so limited.

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So out of context.

They could have spawned ghouls as pve, right?! right. Without the warmode stuff in WM off shards.


I can happily tell you, the people you refer to dont care, about the place being ruined. There’s external sites. But you know, oog oog brain.

I joined a PVE server before they were turned into WM options.

I did that for a reason. First time logged out thinking this will reset the 5 min timer. Did not work. I dont pvp anymore, what do i know.

Second time i just hovered above boralus trying to get rid of this PVP flag.

Forcing PVP on people wont do it. Not happy about this at all. I dont pvp. I play the PVE side of the game.


Then they should only use those and stay there.

mythic ilvl by doing world content? ok
add gladiator mounts earned via pet battles and tcg mounts for doing emissaries to the list please


what you think just because I do world quests and you are a a famed raider you’re better HUMAN than me? -_- I pay money for this game just like you.

yeah bro, there’s also external real life too, would highly suggest it for E part of RP.