Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

Tahra is fine, dear.


No. No not at all. Some did, sure.

Wow, that sentence is just full of downplaying the horrible problems that went on. It wasn’t ‘small few’. It wasn’t a ‘mild inconvenience’ and it wasn’t ‘a few times’. Stop trying to twist the truth to your agenda.

Memorable, sure. But for all the wrong reasons.
Just like how horrible incidents are memorable irl.

With warmode only, it would still be.

I don’t care to be part of it (again). No interest in that whatsoever.

They shouldn’t open ‘pandora’s box’ ever, though. They should leave it firmly locked. Or, at the very least, as I have been suggesting; make that ‘box’ optional.

Why don’t you just attempt to see it from the perspective of the player base that are NOT enjoying this event.

Your fun does not trump my fun. You can’t just tell someone to ‘go do something else’. We are both paying customers.

It’s also highly irritating, stupid and not fun in the least.

It does NOTHING to immerse me. In fact it does the opposite.
Because it’s irritating and ruins my fun.


LMAO! No it wasn’t. It was HORRIBLY received. That’s why they cut it short!
Stop lying!

Wouldn’t know, wasn’t there. I had quit near the end of WotLK because there was hardly anything to do for a player such as myself.

I want you to have fun. But not at the cost of MY fun.
You can have your fun, and more, in warmode. That would be the PERFECT solution. You can have all the chaos you want. Spread that stuff everywhere!
And I could just ignore all of it. Everyone would be happy.


Well played blizzard, for once they stood up to a whiney part of the player base.

These events happen ever so rarely, and have recently been entirely removed because of people being whiney and making it look like its the end of the world just because an event happened.

The GM stated it as simple and clear cut as it comes, either try to avoid it or just wait one week.

Alternatively, people can stop being spoilsports and join in on the fun, be it the zombies or the defenders, or both!

" I bought X game, I payed for it. In X game, the bosses don’t keel over and give me loot, but I payed for the game, so the devs should change it to suit my needs… it doesn’t really affect anybody since I’m just minding my own business "


And the ghoul stuff doesn’t have any story elements to it.
It’s ‘just there’.

And a lot of us don’t.

You CAN HAVE your tension and war; IN WARMODE!

Your fun is not more important than ‘our’ fun.

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Plays on PVP server.

Demands PVE server players to do.

Besides is hanging out in Stormwind/Ogg all you do at the moment? I’m sure there’s other things to do at the moment then just hang out in the main cities 24/7.

I am pretty sure most people on PVE servers picked PVE server for reasons. XD

I queue for stuff while playing AH. Whom are you to tell me I have stuff to do?

I dont have much to do. The only thing I am chasing is hivemind mount which I cant contineu due to changes to IC rn. I dont fancy killing rares in IC. Thats not content ffor me.


Always the same type of comments with you people… even thou you play on an Alliance infested pvp server… may I add…

Why dont you roll horde if you want your pvp on on that server if you like it?

I mean… 800 current horde players vs … 15k ally players? :o


I mean you sure as hell like to run on an overpopulated faction like yourself where ffaction balance is a huge issue :smiley:


I’m not here to witchhunt, but this entire post just reminds me of you telling me that I’m not able to accept new things.

Because we’re pretending sharding no longer exists, right?


People are having problems with this event?
God even if I try to I can’t be infected

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You can use one of the many other Auction Houses, including but not limited to; Old Dalaran, Garrison, Ashran

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Oh I can use those, or I can actually ya know, get in a populated shard to actually havve that MMO feeling instead of an empty old expansion dalaran :o

When was sharding a problem if your mentallitie is that of pvpers that join servers to pvp but join the faction they get the least amount of pvp on? :o

Stop moving the goal posts.

No they didn’t. The event isn’t in warmode. So they yielded to the whiny part of the player base. :confounded:

I’m not asking for it to be removed. I’m asking for it to be limited to warmode, so those who WANT to enjoy it, CAN.
I don’t want to take anything away from YOU. I just want to be able to ignore something and not be flagged for PvP without my consent.

That’s not acceptable. That’s as simple and clear cut as it comes.

Why don’t people just get it: IT’S NOT FUN!
Me, and likeminded people, do NOT enjoy this sort of thing. It’s NOT fun to us.

You can have your fun as much as you want IN WARMODE!
What’s so hard to understand about that? Why would it matter if it was in warmode? Nothing would change for you. But everything would change for me. Why do you insist on having this forced down people’s throats who want no part of it?! It’s a game; it’s supposed to be fun. Forcing stuff people don’t like IS NOT FUN!


How am I moving a goalpost?

I dont think you understand what moving a goalpost means.

That means subjectively, trying to move the objective of the discussion away, which is not what I am doing.

Welcome to Warcraft. :wink:


You just wanted to play the AH and queue. But now you need to be in a large city to do it.

What difference does having a cluster of player models do for your queueing exactly? Can’t be chat, trade exists.

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Doesn’t matter what server you join, or what population is like, if sharding (ever) works correctly, you should find a fairly even number of horde and alliance to engage with in WM.

What’s that supposed to mean?!
That statement doesn’t even make any sense.

Stop trolling please.

MMO? Socialise? Talk to people in local? Whats wrong with you.

Correct me if I am wrong… but you’re using very similar excuses when sharding wasnt invented… XD

I’m not trolling, far from it - but I am beginning to think that you’re intentionally trying to rile people up over a temporary game event that’ll be gone in a week’s time in an attempt to create controversy. It’s really the only way to justify why you’re being so needlessly dramatic.

It’s. An. Event.

Most online games have these from time to time.