Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

We’re in a world of warcraft, and we are at war with the scourge.

This stuff is cool and adds a level of dynamicism to the world, it makes it feel like the world exists as a world and not just as a playground for people to dress up their characters in

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And we need more ones that are more active like this.
Currently WoW events are just “duplicate of real life holiday with a few things to collect and also a boss that can be facerolled with 5 dps”

We also had that in legion invasions without this forced PvP crap. And now it is in a main city we have to be in if we want to see (and do) anything of that world.

I don’t know what you’re talking about to be honest. I’ve never been on a PvP server. I can’t use similar excuses when I don’t know what they were to begin with.

There IS controversy.

Blizzard is forcing PvP flags on people without their consent.
That is NOT okay. Not in any way, shape or form.

And there WAS a solution: they used it on the PTR.
Limit this event to warmode. It was perfect.
But then some people whined. And Blizzard actually listened; god knows why.
And now we’re here… with a game ruining event.

It. Would. Still. Be. An. Event.


If they’re optional; sure.
Forced? No, no we really don’t need any of that.

Oh the irony.

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Care to explain this?
Or are you just in it to troll?

Just don’t log in?

Yes it is.

Likely because people care about the game.

War Mode is UN-intuitive, poorly implemented and would literally suck all of the fun out of this event by making it War Mode exclusive. Nearly all of the points you make about ‘yuh fun is not as important as muh fun’ are things that I can all parrot back at you.

If this event was a permanent fixture, then I think every rational player in the community would agree with you - but it isn’t. You’re ghoul bait for the next week or so. You can join in with the fun or you can not partake. These options are both available to you.

Oh no I just still vividly remember how you told me that I should learn to accept new things into my life, speaking in the context of Covenants. I’m just enjoying your double standard.


She has a point. Blizzard will unusually not get involved unless there’s a major incident and even those are least likely to get investigated if there’s no report spam.

Also quoted for burn!

Logged in on a char in ogri. Instant pvp enabled.


The one good thing to come from the automatic pvp flagging is how so far I haven’t seen anyone attack anyone else during Icecrown rare fights yet who happens to be pvp flagged, as I think everyone accepts the fact people are flagged against their wishes and so people aren’t being jerks about it and attacking them… at least from what I’ve seen so far.

I am factually right.


Right, that’s it! How stupid of me.
Oh wait, I’m not the one being stupid… nevermind.

You would have the SAME THING, but without people who don’t want to be part of it.

Well… Why would it make it un-fun for you in warmode?
Actual reasons. No nonsense about warmode itself, because that has nothing to do with the actual event; that would simply be ‘the divider’.

That doesn’t matter.
Not being able to enjoy the game I want is not okay for even a day.
Look at what happens if the servers go down for a few hours or there’s horrible lag for a while… People start yelling and moaning and asking for free time or refunds. This is no different. It’s not okay.


Impossible because of the involuntary flagging.

The only solution would be to totally avoid it or not play. Neither of those options are acceptable. Blizzard MUST change this. Simple as that.

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Literally what happened to a friend of me at his last bag-rare kill atempt.

I’m just gonna keep quoting because I’m laughing so hard.

I’m gonna have to link quotes from our conversation at some point.

This is not new. I was there the first time. I hated it.
It is proven hatred. So nope, no irony here.


How brilliantly condescending. I ought to take you more seriously! Jeez. Thank you for showing me the light!

Uh, bro. You’re the one bringing up War Mode. It wouldn’t be fun in War Mode because of needless sharding. The whole point of the event is to infect people against their will. If you take that away, it’s no longer the same event.

This is the same game - it’s just slightly different for a week. If you don’t like that, you don’t have to play it. A lot of people are enjoying it. Stop being spoiled, lol.

I disagree.

Or you could play something else for a week.


i belived BFA whould be the moust terrible thing what ever happen and now this … I was wrong …

Yeah and lots of it. You love telling people they need to accept new things when it suits you. And here you are raising a fuss over an event that will be gone in a week and maybe never to be seen again.

Prosident hit the nail on the head, so to speak.