Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

Yeah I’m having a load of fun, would be nicer if Sharding was off so some cool RP could happen but it’s still pretty awesome


Proven hatred? Care to explain? How exactly do you prove hate to motivate a change to the game? Because you certainly told me that I should just accept Covenants despite me having risen up several arguments. :joy:


yeah u can always RP … try it out … Zombie catalyphs RP …

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Honestly. It could use some balancing - they’ve had time to do it. A few safe zones wouldn’t have hurt immersion any. Kind of hope they think about removing War Mode entirely. I doubt they’ll do something like this again but it’d be nice if they thought it out a little more. Contrary to the outrage agenda on this thread, zombies are pretty weak and easy to deal with.

Is it? Cause I keep seeing people chasing zombies to get infected. This is the funnies zombie invasion I’ve ever seen. The living are chasing the zombies.

Let’s face it. Even nerfed and even with the lag, the event is fun as hell.


Haven’t been on my Paladin for a while but assuming it still works as it did before
Wrath, can you still bubble with the debuff on to go insta-zombie?

No it’s not for me. Why can’t you accept that?

Hey you’re the one making stupid remarks that are meant to be ‘funny’.
Don’t blame me for being critical of your bad attempt at humour.

It’s NOT needless. It’s very very very needed.
That’s my whole point.

And there we have it. You are a sadist.
Done talking to you. People like you should have NO SAY whatsoever.

You know what they call ‘doing something to someone against their will’ in real life? … Yeah.

Won’t be responding to you anymore.


You are now just trying to bend and twist the storyline to fit your feelings. You are the one that’s illogical here, not the events.
I’d say ghouls running rampant actually makes perfect sense considering the movie with Sylvanas breaking the crown. Today I even saw the quests in Icecrown pointing towards who it is that’s placing those crates in the cities.

It’s part of the story line, even if it upsets control freaks like you.


Yes… its a Pity they nerfed it. A worldwide invasion with stronger zombies would be perfect imho.

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LFR andy gets to decide how the game goes cool, just because there is something they dont enjoy


Honestly I don’t mind it like this.

The only thing I would have loved was if the ghouls got a leap ability so I could get the climbers, but even so, it’s fun.

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Yes it is, for me. Why can’t you accept that?

Please stop invalidating my sense of humour. You’re ruining my fun and making me not enjoy myself on my favorite game forums.

You’re wrong.

It’s a game - and I’ll be reporting you for that. That’s bang out of order, sir.

This is quite frankly, a disturbing and disgusting comparison to make towards someone talking about a game on the internet. You should feel genuinely ashamed of your behavior.


And why cant you just agree with an opt in-out for the different type of players :thinking:

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But people like you should?


Primarily because it’s a temporary event.

It only result in playing a different game. Not sure that is what blizz is after.

No I’m not. There is LITERALLY no story in the game except for that 1 ghoul you kill and then get a quest from. That is IT.
That’s not ‘story’. That’s the event ‘just being there’.

Compare that to the icecrown questline. There is actual story and progress there.

I didn’t say that it doesn’t make sense. In fact, earlier I stated that it DOES make sense that they’re there.
But there’s no STORY to it. Virtually none. It’s a backdrop at best.

No need for namecalling. I just don’t like the event.
I want to be able to ignore it and still enjoy the game. Why is that wrong?

It’s the same game. This is an event. If you do not enjoy it, you do not have to participate in it.

Also, quick PSA: Be careful about arguing or debating with the author of this thread, or she will make extreme and demonstrable accusations against you.

Maybe for you. Others reactivated their sub for it.

I actually meant, i play a different game this week.