Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!


are you inferring it’s similar to rape.

That’s disgusting.


And that is fine, isnt it? I want everyone to have a blast :slight_smile: Why would an opt in-out option hurt that fun of those resubbers?

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I’m genuinely actually disturbed and upset if I’m being honest. Don’t think Blizzard will do anything about her, but yeah. With the people who come onto these forums, you’d think she’d have more tact. That’s just blatantly wrong.

It’s literally like saying that people who enjoy zombie movies are equivalent to ‘those types’.


I know. We had our titanforge discussions since legion :wink:

I hope she didn’t make comparisons between RNG mechanics and the ‘harshness of reality’. It’s genuinely pretty twisted.


If you payed attention around you, you’d notice quit a bit of story regarding the scourge rampage that’s been kicked up by the same event which will lead us to the Shadowlands.

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God I thought people saying “you like being evil in a game therefore you are a bad person” was bad, but now we got this stuff which well… Is blatantly insulting to survivors of sexual assault.


I think she never meant this. I hope.

It’s like I said. I wouldn’t tolerate that anywhere. I actually feel pretty sick now.

Imagine accusing someone of being an apologist of that type of behavior because they enjoy zombie themed events in an online game.

this game is no resident evil where u fight zombies this is world of warcraft …

There is an opt out. You can go to many zones and have no zombie issues. This will go away forever next week. I don’t see why it’s such a big deal.


Saying this during a pandemic. You should feel ashamed.

We fight zombies since w3.

She did, very clearly.

There’s literally no other way to interoperate that.

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Care to give an argument other than “proven hatred”?

That’s your conclusion. I never used that term.
And yes that would be disgusting. And wrong.

I need to be in the main city for going around in the world, don’t i? Or, how can i go, for example, to icecrown without orgrimar? It is an honest question.

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Some 3D chess playing going on here.


I think you think that if you are gonna use trigger words you are gonna win the argument. Which is a very good argument against giving people like you a voice.

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Then stick to those sites please, keep ERP out of my game.

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