Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

She literally just said that anyone who enjoys this event or enjoys zombie movies is someone who violates the consent of other’s and is a sadist.


This thread needs to chill. It’s turned into a simple message about PvP to a riot.

The only time I’ve been flagged is when I stand next to an exploding zombie or I stand in that green slime they put on you. Now that I’ve realised that I can just derp around without being flagged.

I think it’s really fun, I never got to experience the WoTK event so I’m having a nice time. A fun way to see out an atrocious expansion!

OR - you can pick chromie time and get phased… you know, away from all the level 50’s and go level in one of the many zones, or use one of the other AH’s or trainers at some of the many other hubs.
There’s SO many possibilities for where else you can level and sell your stuff. It’s only for a week, I’m sure you all will survive making small changes.

What I meant with that is: I’ve played that content before. And I hated it.
So it’s not new to me.

Hence; no irony whatsoever.

Yeah, use the zeppelin tower in the old version of Tirisfal Glades.

How? I just logged in on a lvl 11 char that is by coincidence in orgrimar and i got instant flagged? No zombies around. Lots of dead bodies though.

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You can’t at max level.

Need a mage, sir?

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I will google for that, thanks :slight_smile:

But he was talking of his alt now so…

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Yeah that’s why I was confused reading this! The majority of my characters are on Argent Dawn and I honestly was Online for the best part of 2 hours without being flagged!

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literally what else could it mean?


Trigger words?
I answered your question.

Lots of things.
It says something that your mind immediately went ‘there’.

But… I will give you this; all of what it CAN mean, none of it is good.
And that’s my point. This flagging without consent is not good.

She’s got to be trolling.

She’s just got to be, lol. Look at that back peddling.


Like? Name what “forcing onto people without consent” could ever mean?

Yes. It says that I’m concerned about people comparing a videogame to sexual assault, something I’ve watched destroy the lives of some of the people I know.


I am not interested in zombie rp. If I am wanting to do similar rp, I want refreshing stuff. I dont want RP something thats been arounmd since 96 that hasnt gotten my interest whatsoever XD

The point of the entire event, that only lasts 1 week, is for people to be infected against their will. There are many countermeasures you can take against that, given by the devs.

While there is argument to be made that it should be tied to warmode, your arguments are completely discredited based on what you tell to other people.

I find the event fun. Others find it fun. You don’t. Some people don’t.

Ultimately, this is a very Warcraft style event, and it has it’s place. The Plague is a serious thing in the lore, even though this is the third time it happened within WoW.

Also please don’t compare the Plague event to non-consentual intercourse. That’s just a stupid thing to do and makes you look dumb.


No, you made a very inappropriate insinuation, which I see now you are not owning up to.

So you have to put up with this a week. If it’s that traumatic for you then stop bloody playing. After this event ends it’s not coming back. Let people enjoy it. Stop being a control freak.


I’m afraid she’s not. Whenever she commented on one of my posts couple weeks back, a fellow death knight told me that I shouldn’t keep talking to her unless I like smashing my head against a brick wall. :joy: