Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

Oh no you don’t find it fun? What a bugger!

I don’t know. She’s definetly got a thing for wanting a lot of attention and being a control freak.

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YOU asked for examples. And not all of it are of that extreme nature.

So now it’s okay to make jokes about threatening people based on movies about serial killers and labeling them a sadist because they enjoy fictional zombie apocalypse-themed events?

Double standards, indeed.


Ah yes,
Indentured Servitude, Slavery, Imprisonment, very not extreme.


Well, they could. They tested a warmode version on the PTR.


Can’t imagine the torture you must be going through this reset. Really terrible.

How very manipulative of you… you forgot another term I used.

Yeah, I was part of it. It was awful.
Barely any involvement, in some places. May as well not have been happening.


Is the discussion portion over and you’re now just trolling and harrassing?
Because then we are done talking.

Peer pressure?
You know that is a force that has driven countless people to depression, addiction, anxiety, and suicide.

You’re insulting real issues by comparing them to this game. Seriously, go outside.


Because putting peer pressure on a list of war crimes to try and veer away from the extremely serious comparison you made without any self-awareness on your part whatsoever makes you sound like the high exarch of moral righteousness.

Maybe don’t invalidate or minimize the suffering of victims because you’re either:

A: Trolling
B: Not enjoying your favorite game for a week

Grow up.


Well, that’s because they didn’t do it right; they should have gone with the warmode only version; but then basically the original perimeters of the WotLK version. I’m sure that would have been ‘fun’ for those who like that sort of thing.


We all know what you really mean by that statement.


No. Because that would have the same issue as Warmode and normal are in the same phase in main hubs.
This is the best outcome available and I like it.


I’m still discussing - still pointing out your double standards. Just like how you

I will also not stop posting until you realize that you’re the living definition of double standards.

You don’t like Covenants? Just accept them, but Blizzard should change the Plague event because I find it unfun.

“Sounds like you just hate the game, you should quit” but at the same time you are holding out on what are arguments that have actual validity to them because you made those arguments.

Edit: Covenants are supposed to be an important choice so don’t change that. Plague event is supposed to be non-consentual infection so change that.

It’s not and I don’t. :man_shrugging:t4:


While actively disparaging victims of serious crimes. You forgot that bit.


okay but most people do like it.

you’re in the vast minority here.


Oh no don’t make that argument she’s gonna strawman it into oblivion I speak from experience


It is. That’s why it turned out this way.

You don’t have to. Go to another region till its over.