Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

No you’re not, you’re harrassing me with stupid remarks that are either ridicule or downright insults.

I’m not. And I explained this to you. You ignore that.
You are in the wrong here in that regard.

You ‘say you dislike covenants’ but you never actually played them.
I ‘say I don’t like this event’ and I actually played it.

Now stop being so silly.

Reported. And done with you.

Stop being demonstrably apathetic towards survivors of serious offenses.


I’m not done with you though. :+1:


Im not sure what there is to say.

Blue post says it is what it is, and comes with a reasonable justification. I don’t think you’re in a position to argue it’s wrong (or right), only that you either agree or disagree…and that doesn’t have anything to do with the validity of it at all.

At the end of the day, be it plagues or covenants, blizzard are the authors here. We can voice disagreement but to say they’re wrong in carving out what they desire for the game is tilting at windmills. Particularly if you support them exercising this author autonomy in one field but rail against them doing so in another.


If that is a valid argument then all the people who keep making a fuss about covenants are wrong. Why? ‘because that’s the way they turned out’.
Yeah, I’m sure such an argument will go down well with them. :upside_down_face:

Same for any system basically. They’re all the best they can be ‘because they turned out this way’. No man, it doesn’t work like that.


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It’s acceptable, Lemongrab.

Covenants are an expansion spanning system… This is a week long event. Your use of comparisons needs work.


That’ll just make her come up with even more ridicuolus comparisons. I’d say don’t feed the troll, but the results are quite funny from this particular specimen.

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I enjoy some of the Covenant mechanics, and I play for fun, so I’ll pick what I like rather than what’s most functional.
Also, some of the sets are a delight. :man_shrugging:
But yeah, ocean madness.

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Except if you want to complete the PvE questline (or gear up alts) you HAVE to go to Stormwind. Several times. It is also the main portal hub if you are trying to level up alts / do old raids etc


Oh you’re also starting to be like ‘them’.

I guess we’re done too.


Since there’s no more decent conversations going on, I’ll call it a night.

Maybe if you were reasonable and weren’t quick to jump to the conclusion that people who enjoy fantasy media are uh, criminally handicapped, people would take you more seriously.


I’m curious what your definition of decent is.

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I disagree with your stance, so yes I’m like them.
Your points are tired and asinine.

There’s ways to all the other regions in the world, other than that portal room. Get out there.

The PvE thing may be an issue, but you could always ask for someone to carry you on a flying mount if you’re lower level or for a mage portal.


People usually say SL is another Legion expansion where everyone gathers to fight the big bad.

Well I remember a event where everyone gathered, from lower levels to higher levels to fight the Legions invasions everywhere.
Now that’s immersive.
You feel the whole world was at stake.

This event is unoriginal, because it’s been done when the player base had over 10 millions subscribers, unlike now and goes along very well with BFA narrative: a divisive one.

If you like chaos, Sylvanas and griefing, it’s fair enough, but people who don’t enjoy it shouldn’t had to have to go along.

Zombie apocalypse 2.0 ? :yawning_face:
I fought the Legion, this is nothing, just as this entire plot.
