Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

agreed to op

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If “most people do like it”, then
a) why did the warmode-only version fail due to lack of involvement?
b) The count of likes on this page indicate otherwise?


The person you quoted is literally arguing against the OPs point you defeated your own argument congrats.

Those saying the wrath pre event was disliked by a small minority are being very disingenuous. The complaints meant the previous event was called short.

This time the event is just a week long, we know it’s only short term and the zombies are much easier to kill.

It is unfortunate that people are forced into being flagged. It would be nicer if the event was opt in.

Soon the expansion will be upon us and the zombie inconvenience will be forgotten.


The real question is : why did we not get some sort of mount :rage:
Re-skin would do.


That goes to show the amount of effort put on this event.
It’s cheaper to make people fight each other, otherwise they might clear the limited event content and they can’t have that can’t they ?



Because they’re too weak and people move out of range before you can even infect them. I managed to get people visiting the AH infected by going in there as soon as I got infected and when I turned into a zombie I started clicking the explosion right away. If a single one of them had paid attention and stunned me, nobody would have been infected.

The blue post they put out at the time said otherwise though.

I’m not sure what you are trying to say

Sorry, it’s late. There was a blue post that said the event wasn’t cut short.

Am I missing something with this ‘event’?

Because my experience so far is seeing barely a handful of zombies that live for about 3 seconds. During peak evening hours you literally had to fly around Stormwind for about 10 minutes to even find one alive.

A couple of us thought it would be fun, we tried to get infected and when we were able to we exploded near other people but most of the time it does nothing. It doesn’t seem to even infect other people around you a lot of the time.

My friends who played back during the original event say this is absolutely nothing like how it was then.

I don’t even know how anyone could describe this event as an inconvenience as nothing much seems to be happening.


you can last a week. If you can’t, then too bad.


Wll would you look at that. Of course its Tahra. The one Who quit. And the one Who wants endgame loot epic from everything. Be it skinning pigs in Elwynn or Pet battles.

There is no reasoning with her (or him).

To stay on topic: you should stomach 1 week of pre-launch event rules and not be the karen to ruin it for everyone else. GROW UP. Its temporarily.

Imbf “reeree dont silence my voice my opiniaan and ure wrong”


I think you have a misunderstanding here, I don’t want anything forced down people’s throats, but I also don’t want anything to change the course of the game just to suit people’s specific wants if those specific wants ended up limiting design creativity.

World of warcraft is the game we all like ( I presume… since we are here discussing it on the forums and are actively playing it )

The issue of it being in WM off is questionable, but that is probably a choice done by blizzard because they want the event to be… that impactful or simply because they way major cities have been designed to include both WM on and off.

Say, if the state of stormwind ever since release is to be under attack, would you complain?

Say, if the next expansion, stormwind got destroyed, and players are left without a major city, would you complain?

Maybe you wouldn’t, but I’m sure a lot of people would, this basically limits blizzard in being creative and trying to make the world… the world.

You telling them not to make the event or be given a way to opt out of the event ( even though there is a way to opt out which is just don’t go to SW ) basically means you are limiting their creative freedom.

It might not look bad on this particular instance, but as a collective it basically is the no fun police all over again.

Imo you should consider the event not a player related thing, rather a world event and a PVE one, with no regards to WM, and just like all games, there are fun parts and sometimes unfun ones, for example I LOVE darksouls, but I hate the swamp parts so much, I still play the game and struggle through them.


If I want to fight Zombies. I want to fight Zombies. So make them Zombies. Also make it so that if I log in, I don’t get lag, so that I can fight Zombies, because if I get lag and log in=dead because there are so many zombies, then that is absolutely abysmal game design. So either make the servers able to take it, or restrict the speed of the zombies so that it actually -feels- like a Scourge attack.

Zombies are the ones that should be lagging. Not the living!

Also next time I see a PvPer whinge about anything, we now have something to throw in their face and laugh at them about…


And a genuine new player boughot this game this week will know?

You’re so narrow minded.

Allready told you one time this pov, which you baltantly disrespect.

The blue post they put out at the time said otherwise though.

That blue post is just PR. and in this case its wrong PR.

A PR spokesperson should never tell theyr player this is an MMO and you get what you get. (This is the general tldr for his post). A blue post should acknowledge the fact a problem is caused by this.

you can last a week. If you can’t, then too bad.

Why do you bring up this and not actually discuss this matter? This is tiresome, and quite frankly, low quality throlling.


Yea, I think we all know that by now.


Actually, it’s even worse. The Alliance Zombies attack, the Alliance don’t attack the Zombies, but take advantage of the fact that everyone is flagged against their will, and so launch an attack that would be physically impossible in the game world (Like all City raids to be fair, they would all result in player death) So you have Zombies plus Alliance against the Horde.

I thought it was the Horde that were supposed to work with Scourge 2.0?

Anyway, even so, we can now tell any PvP whinger to just do one and shut their yap. Because that tiny scrawny leg they had left to stand on? Just got kicked away by Blizzard.


Well, that’s the thing; I don’t think swapping it to warmode limits ‘design creativity’. In fact; they could go even further. Because only the people opting in would be affected.

Yes, and that’s enough to switch. Things shouldn’t be ‘questionable’.

If that was a thing I’d probably not be playing, period.

Hell yes!
Unless we were promised a glorious rebuild soon after… (making it as sprawling and detailed as Boralus).

Freedom of choice is NEVER a limit to creative freedom.
That’s, frankly, just nonsense.

No. It’s the opposite of that.
I’d want them to do a full blown, massive event. With its effects reaching everywhere in the world. But only with Warmode On.

It clearly isn’t.

And there are already unfun parts to WoW. This need not be unfun, this could be fun for everyone. Instead of how it is now; only fun for those who enjoy this at the detriment of those who do not enjoy it.


Yes, and generally you can avoid the parts that you don’t find fun. However, it’s pretty difficult to avoid going through the capital city to get to other content (e.g. there are very limited ways to get to Pandaria of you’re still doing assaults).

I’m seeing more and more people PvP flagged when doing rares in ice crown. I’m on an Alliance-dominated realm, so if I get PvP flagged I’m dead. That happened several times last week after I accidentally flew too far and went over Wintergrasp, got PvP flagged, and got killed repeatedly when trying to kill a rare. Sure, that was on me for not paying attention and going over a PvP area - my bad. I don’t think you should be flagged and killed just because you went to the capital city.