Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

No. Do not change anything, this event is perfect and if people dont agree with that they could play something else where there is no " War " in the name of the game.

Tl;dr : it is World of WARcraft


Sure, but WAR does not mean PvP. We can fight npc’s too in our WAR.


Nominated for dumbest post of the year. Perhabs stick to roleplaying.

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Why do people always think its good to arguement game titles like that?

Thats a very bad arguement.

It will not last forever.

I dont understand why people complain… This is part of the game, this is what everyone was asking. To live in a world of war and violence.

You dont understand that people with warmode off are complaining when they get forced in pvp?


Yeah, I remember a lot of folks were upset because they couldn’t carry on with their regular questing outside of towns.

Although a casual pve player myself, I didn’t have a lot of sympathy with them. It was meant to be a global event in an MMORPG. It should affect us.

I was disappointed when the event was quite short as I found it rather entertaining.

I just went to Nath, WM off no inclination for PvP yet managed to get infected!

Logged for the week, complete shambles just as it was back in the Wrath pre patch.


The complaining is glorious


and yet jusitifed


Not at all but hey you do you

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The event shoul;d not interrupt me from questing in BFA or what not and the fact I have been killled there on an alt that is lvl 30 ish in vol dun makes me wonder why you ccant show ‘sympathy’ to others?
And uhm, need I remind that once agaizn, cata pre was the only reason to be felt by everything due to how the world reshaped, while BFA played a minor part in making continents more one sided?

Not at all but hey you do you

Who are you to judge another costumers view that isnt hapy about the current state of theyr product.

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The event reflects the current story telling and setting it up for SL.It’s quite good and atmospheric,and it wount last long.

of course it is, not everybody wants to do this, I didn’t in Wrath and had no intention of doing so this time, however, when I am forced to take part, in being infected with WM off, and no PvP, I think it is justified.


It’s a prepatch event , you should be forced to participate in it.

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No, not at all, nobody should be forced to do anything in a game if they don’t wish to.

I understand the storyline, and the reasoning, but the forcing of players to partake in it, is not on.

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I honestly have no idea how this event effects people, ive seen like 3 zombies.


It’s a game , they choose the story you play , they said you’re going to participate in the event if you go in major cities , you have the option to go to a different city.

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Go to Nathanos, take a look at the number of zombies there,try to get the loot after the kill, find out that if you are a zombie, the loot doesn’t drop…


Yes despite the fact that I got infected at Nathanos, with WM off!
Nowhere near a city!

You do read the posts, or just guess?