Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

WM ON is only automatic in Orgrimmar and Stormwind so you had your pvp tag on somehow even if in warmode off.

Nope, had no PvP on, even made sure not to AOE the zombies, just a simple tag on Nath.

Played this long enough to know how PvP works.


Iā€™m not sure then but as far as iā€™m aware the forced pvp tag on is only in Orgrimmar , but I didnt do Nathanos so I cant tell

The event makes the world feel organic. This is an ESSENTIAL ingredient of an RPG. We are characters in a world, and worlds are unpredictable and donā€™t follow carefully planned rules. There are risks and unknowns. So events like this as a way to inject that back into the game.

For too long warcraft has been static. The world is well known and predictable. The mobs are predictable. The way we can change our talents and everything about us largely on a whim is predictable. It means we rarely deal with stuff weā€™re not fully prepared for. That is contrary to some of what an RPG even is. When you play a tabletop RPG there are unknown variables, blindsides, and you have to deal with them ā€œbest you canā€, thatā€™s what makes it partially an RPG isnā€™t it? You donā€™t get the option to completely rebuild your character to deal with that demon that was accidentally summoned out of that magic lamp so itā€™s a trivial encounter. If you could do that, it loses impact.

Regarding this event, it absolutely should not be ā€œopt-inā€, that is contrary to building a world that feels alive. The world is the world. There should not be an option to ā€œignoreā€ the world and pretend this stuff isnā€™t happening. There should be ways for you to work around whatever issue it is, but not to ignore it and behave like it isnā€™t happening. Thatā€™s just wrong.

So my only issue here is that level 10s from ER and ARs are thrown into the event and have no opportunity to phase into chromie time nor to move to another city (because they have to go through org/SW to start the means to do such a thing). For them, there absolutely should be a temporary immunity to the plague that ticks down, this gives them an opportunity to act on the additional exits/routes without being griefed, or to join in the event. If they attack a ghoul, they lose the immunity instantly. Higher level players have access to flying or flight paths to other cities, they have the means to avoid the event if they wish. These low levels thrown into Org/SW donā€™t, because their route to doing so is blocked by the ghouls and there is no ā€œget outā€, thatā€™s no great.

There should be a ā€œget outā€, but that get out is not equal to ā€œpretend the event isnā€™t happening for meā€, that is absolutely ridiculous. This is a roleplaying game in part, you can;'t just pretend stuff you donā€™t like isnā€™t the case because it bugs you out and demand immunity to the world.

More stuff like this (not necessarily pvp stuff) should be the case. There should be occasional risks to our everyday existence, raids, stuff that makes us go ā€œwill I go elsewhere or will I stick around to do something about this?ā€. I would welcome such very openly.

Iā€™m dismayed to see people in this topic who have argued that covenants are cool being locked because blizzard are promoting RPG values and stuff arguing that this event not being opt-in is bad. Itā€™s the same freaking principle, a throwback to old school RPG ideology of having a world where not everything is 100% tailored to your capacity and preferences and you either make do, or make changes, but what you canā€™t do is demand the situation itself changes so it becomes suited to exactly what is within your comfort zone. Thatā€™s just bizarre.

I am supportive of semi-locked covenants (soulbind balance is more my concern and multi-spec limitations but it;s ok) for exactly the same reason i support this event. It makes the game feel a bit more authentic and it creates this notion that weā€™re slugging it out in a world where weā€™re trying to do our best with what we are, rather than being amazing at everything all the time and everything works out for us all the time because weā€™ve planned and calculated it to be so. That mindset does not belong in RPGs imo. I know some will disagree with me on the covenant line (and thatā€™s okay) but i;d ask this doesnā€™t derail into that kind of commentary. Iā€™m just saying my reasoning here is thatā€™s why I think this event is okay - itā€™s the same thing to me. Itā€™s about ā€œbringing back the world of an RPGā€.


My guess is that to get to Nathanos, people will go via Orgrimmar or Stormwind and get PvP flagged. It doesnā€™t show as a buff/debuff so you may be completely unaware that you have it on. It does show on/around your portrait with an icon, I believe, but even looking at whether you are set to PvP enabled/disabled will still show disabled even though it is turned on.

To avoid this, Iā€™ll be taking the Dazarā€™alor portal to Silvermoon and then the teleporter to Undercity from there. Hopefully that will avoid an accidental PvP flag - other Hordies might want to consider this too!


Any source to that, everything Iā€™ve seen said it was called short.

I will need to dig for that then. I seem to remember reading a post back then from a blue that said that the event ended the way it was intended.

Personally I didnā€™t believe it myself, there was alot of complaining and the event just stopped.

Forgive me, but I think it should.

My L19 priest got zombie-whacked minding his own business outside the barbershop in Orgrimmar.

To me, thatā€™s part of playing in an RPG game. There will be other events going on (not all of them logical. At one point I had a quest to report to Nathanos, and one to go and kill him. :rofl:)

I agree with one of the previous posters that it would have been a good idea to let lowbie toons have a short timer to allow them to dive off I to Chromie time.

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The zombies were a lot worse last time compared to this time. We have to go hunting for zombie takeovers/invasions in the groupfinder whereas in the original event there was just no escaping it, all realms just did their own thing. They spread it far and wide so even if you were levelling in the outback youā€™d find some infected npc waiting for you at your hand in.

I do feel for every poor leveller who is trying to get to Chromie in Orgrimmar or just travel about as our Zombie Horde wiped them all out.

I absolutely hated the event pre-wrath I was trying to level but this time Iā€™m just waiting for the expansion to come out.

I do totally sympathise that people are upset at being pvp flagged upon entering the city though.

I honestly canā€™t remember the blue post myself, I just remember reading an article more recently. So was curious.

Do you have any idea how I can search for old posts?

I usually have to rely on google to have some record somewhere on an archive site. I started having a look last night but I was on my phone and itā€™s useless compared to being on my pc.

Donā€™t go to too much trouble for this :slight_smile:

I typed ā€œblue post wotlk prepatch eventā€ but that didnā€™t help me on Google.

Well, itā€™s not too much trouble Puny. Perhabs I was wrong in remembering something, so Iā€™m curious too now.

I canā€™t link you the post but I remember the tone of it.

Blizz basically said the event would be ending shortly, and it was totally when they had planned it to.

Thatā€™s how I remember it too.

[] O:
Thank the rng gods i already got my loot xD

So then you canā€™t make this thread either, hm ?

Tucked away, and why ? Itā€™s a week of inconvenience, new players are even immune against the plague.

Itā€™s an mmo, not a single player story mode game.

I just read the wowhead articleā€¦ love the fact that zombified players have been going out into the world and infecting botters :slight_smile:


I spent most of the day trying to find some zombies on my home server. It took until midnight before I was in a city and found some crates. And then I found out that I couldnā€™t trigger a self-sustaining zombie apocalpse so I gave up out of boredom.

Exileā€™s Reach immunity is funny though. So many confused ghouls. :laughing:

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Very nice, I took the opportunity to attack goldshire, it was really fun.