Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

I wonder how much fun it was for the people playing in goldshire :frowning:

Attacking Goldshire is so much fun I cant disagree

Always the same silly argument.

Warcraft yeah, doesn’t mean we need to harrass each other.
There’s plenty of war to be waged against monsters of all kinds.

The biggest problem with this event is the automatic flagging. That’s unrelated to ‘the fantasy of this event’.

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oh give us a break this isnt world of peacecraft where we all hug each other all the time

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Don’t know, don’t care, that place needs to be sweeped clean, and so I did, I won’t say why, but if you have played WoW for like… 5 minutes, you should know why.

And it was glorious, I had so much fun honestly, 10/10 will do it again today when the raid starts once more.

If there wasn’t forced flagging, the event would be 100% less interesting, now no one can hide, besides the only ones that can flag you are the NPC ghouls, so just stay away from them and, problem solved.


That’s not at all what I’m saying. Stop that nonsense!

Yes it is , killing players in a game is not “harassment”

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It would be 100% better.
Flagging without consent is evil. Pure evil. It’s wrong. Very, very wrong.


Just entering a city. Using a portal. Those things flag you.
And that stupid flag STAYS. It doesn’t run out after 5 mins.
It MUST be bugged. It MUST be fixed.

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Yeah the thing is, i do care about other people. I dont want to make other peoples experiences miserable. I even think there is something in the ToS about that subject too.


And here we habve another typical “Gametitle arguement”.

Then you are playing the wrong game ? This is an MMORPG and we are at war between factions , in this case it’s the scourge agaisnt the alliance and the horde , this isnt world of peacecraft. Do you also ask people if you can kill them before you do it ?

No, not really, just avoid the npc ghouls and you don’t have to deal with forced flagging, or stay mounted in the air. It’s not hard.

Do this following thing, leave the city you got flagged in, and while the flag is still up, and it will be, you manually turn on, and then disable the pvp, and then it will go away after 5 minutes.

So again, the solutions are there.

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I am not? I am playing this game in a perfect way with warmode off. There are a lot of very good reasons we have that option.


PVE players: PvP players should do ALL content in game, even PvE

Also PvE players: Blizzard should not force me to do PvP!!

No? I always supported the pvp players in their fight against forced PvE.


Oh don’t be daft. We all play the game in different ways.

No, we’re not. We WERE in BfA. We are no longer at war. Fact.

You’re a minority.

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Didnt know Alliance and Horde were at peace now , when do I get to talk to the opposite faction and join their guilds ?

Yes, i am only 1 person. So?

Nope. Only selfish people do that.
I’m entirely for total gearing seperation between the two. I’ve made numerous posts about this in the past in many threads.