Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

Good question. I’d like that answered too. Would solve a lot of issues.

And I agree with you, however look at the little support PvP players have on these forums and you will see what the majority thinks.

  • STEP 1

Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4.

  • STEP 2

Butter a 2lb loaf tin and line the base and sides with baking parchment.

  • STEP 3

Cream 140g softened butter and 140g caster sugar until light and fluffy, then slowly add 2 beaten large eggs with a little of the 140g flour.

  • STEP 4

Fold in the remaining flour, 1 tsp baking powder and 2 mashed bananas.

  • STEP 5

Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and bake for about 50 mins, or until cooked through. Check the loaf at 5-min intervals by testing it with a skewer (it should be able to be inserted and removed cleanly), as the time may vary depending on the shape of your loaf tin.

  • STEP 6

Cool in the tin for 10 mins, then remove to a wire rack.

  • STEP 7

Mix 50g icing sugar with 2-3 tsp water to make a runny icing.

  • STEP 8

Drizzle the icing across the top of the cake and decorate with a handful of banana chips.


I dont think we have numbers of that. Most people i am playing with are supporting the PvP players. They are by the way not on the forums.

I’m on diet, but thanks :smiley:

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Hell no , no thank you , we are still at war thank you very much.

Idk, i have Jaina a hug in the storyline before entering Eternal Palace. So i think she has forgiven me my role in attacking her in BoD :smile:

Yeah I’m talking strictly forums. Can’t quantify the situation in game.

Actually, it could be classed as harrassment if it keeps on happening, that’s actively harrassment to stop someone from completing a task in the game. And that’s the issue here. There is a timed event which has some reward and achievement point but if said people are not able to complete said tasks without being camped all the time and sorry pvpers but camping isn’t a skill.

The you have to understand the anger from the other set of players which really doesn’t help promote PvP at all, if all they’re going to see from this event is the negative side to PvP.

The event should’ve been arranged in another way to allow a more positive view of that side of the game that could’ve helped bring a lot more players to this side of the game and helped in getting numbers to queue up for battlegrounds and all.

Both sides are heated right now, both sides do have a case. Blizzard did something that wouldn’t help either side get closer but instead push pve and pvp players further apart. That’s not helpful at all.

It only takes a few small fixes to ensure that things can run smoothly out of warmode.

No pvp flag enabled around questgiver and portal room of both capital cities. Head out of portal room though and that’s where the pvp flag turns on.

You still get your fun in the city, people can get their quests done to get the achievement for pre-expansion event and maybe both sides can have fun during this event.

The developers have to stop trying to force one playstyle to another on both sides, it only causes more rifts and resentment. Time to change your tactics here Blizzard as this isn’t helping anyone at all.


lmao. boohoo. Its one week

It doesn’t work like that. Multiple posts in this very thread have made that very clear.

No, the automatic flagging needs to go.

Automatic flagging shouldn’t even be a thing!
Having a work-around for an additional bug is not a solution.


What is it with people from Argent Dawn being complete dramaqueens. It’s not harrassment, it’s an event that Blizzard added that was meant to be played this way. You don’t have to like it, but just stop with this nonsense.


No we are not. And that is a fact.
You can deny it all you want, but that doesn’t change the facts.

Yeah but now it is a thing, either deal with it, or don’t play, the event is staying

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Prove to me that we are at peace and i’ll give that to you.

Sure glad i’m not on that server. Man the drama

We shouldn’t be forced to endure it.
We should have the option to opt-out.

Automatic PvP flagging is horrible. It’s wrong. It’s unacceptable.


There is absolutely no reward to killing zombies.

“Fun” is the only excuse.

I dont play Gmod, or CS1.6 zombie servers, ya zknow, where that game mode got pupularised.

Yeah but now it is a thing, either deal with it, or don’t play, the event is staying

Doesnt matter. During wotlk it got alot of critique, and so it will happen again.

I´m not interested in this topic anymore, but i do want to do something.

Hugs Tahra, and wishes her a lovely day


Typical person of 2020+ - “offended by everything and everything has to change”.

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Hello, where my hugs at?