Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

Probably you never know what “HARRASSMENT” word means if you qualify this event in this way.
Its a more serious thing than a world of warcraft event.
My eyes are bleeding.

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There is a truce. That is different from ‘peace’.
But we are NOT at war. ← this is my claim. And it is a fact.

My claim is NOT that we are at peace.

kneels down, then gives Noremorze a great big snuggle

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hahaha thanks!

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as someone on the forums would say (i forgot his name) it’s a SLAP IN THE FACE

Time to move on people SL is next week

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folds arms with a huff …no one told me this was a hugging thread~ I want hugs…

Thank you. Outside of WoW I will have a lovely day I think.

/sends in pet to hug Faefu

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The infections aren’t constant, so there will be times when the number of zombies out in the world will be far less. Hopefully during those lulls you may be able to accomplish your goals. If not, these events should be over in about a week.

Now would you look at that…

Taken from

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noticed Myrita in the far distance Oh hello! walked towards the NIght elf and noticed she is saddened by something Awh, come here you spends 5 minutes hugging the Night elf

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I would love to hear the reaction from people if they were only allowed to PvP or raid and such at specific short times for a week. The outrage would be deafening.
So most of these kinds of reactions are very hypocritical.

If people would then be told: it’ll be over in a week, the reactions would be nuclear.

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Yeah but the thing is, PvP/raids/dungeons are instanced so that won’t happen.

When do you think I actually care about what a PR person does?

I dont. Thats not how it works.PR is just PR and unrelative to game development and what not. Its not like they magically will go over it.

It should. Just to make things fair.
They should make an event where instanced places are ‘invaded’. By other players.

You want to do a raid? Tough. There’s a raid of pvpers waiting for you there. No raids for you.

Yeah, the reactions would be horrible.
And don’t get me wrong; rightly so. So I don’t get why people don’t understand, and empathize with, OUR current complaints.


hugs the Bloodelf back, enjoying a moment of warm comfort before needing to go back to the frozen wastes

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Ah, so you don’t wish it to happen to you, but wish it to happen upon others ?

Again, the event is staying, and I will be enjoying it greatly, if I get killed, so what ? No skin off my back.

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Read the rest of the post.

Which you added in after the fact, but okay, I will answer it.

Good thing that this will never happen then due to how raids are programmed.

Thank god i havent yet even bought sl when devs are so ignorant


Too bad this event was nerfed to oblivion before release, was looking forward to zombie mayhem in open world, but now havent seen almost any zombie who doesnt get anihilated instantly. How dare scourge be threatening for 1 week event in a MMO. Atleast blizz did good thing with auto-flag.


Seeing this narrative makes me feel like I was playing Divinity 2 again :smiley:

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