Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

Is an event based on griefing other players, if you give people a way to opt out, then you don’t really have an event, do you?

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A fix is for something that is broken, not for something you do not like.

I want the zombie invasion for everyone not just for Warmode.


You’re a sadist who did that without consent :scream:


Not to start a regular chaos here… But you know, there’s infected rats and bugs, and a LOT of crates. Fight the critters, or simply click the box and you will get to be a zombie super fast. Sprint all you can near to people and press 5 to explode - Then watch them become zombies :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s not the point, is it.

The point is: If the people defending this horrible automatic flagging would be put into a similar situation where they can’t do the content THEY like to do (or would have to jump through silly hoops to do it), they’d more than likely complain. But because in this case it doesn’t affect them, it’s fine. Yeah that’s hyprocrisy. Pure and simple.


Hugs don´t kill :blush:

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It IS broken.

You like forcing people to suffer through things they don’t like?
Your name is perfect for you.

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Again, the event is staying, and I will be enjoying it greatly, if I get killed, so what ? No skin off my back.

I honestly have no idea why you are moving goalpost because the event isnt gonna stop for you… lmao

Way to look stupid?

Carry a plant around so the oxygen you wasted is replaced. Thank you.

This is what the zombie men do:
put all their gear in the bank
Go zombie, leave green pools
When they get killed they spirit ress and fly back to the green pools to die there and go zombie again

Yeah. And if they’d done the FULL BLOWN event in Warmode, it would have been perfect. Everybody happy except for the sadists, but they don’t count.

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I know all these things. But roaches, rats and crates have to actually be there before you can fight or activate them. Also, I could raise more ghouls (from NPCs since it was late at night with very few people around) by just attacking them than by exploding and running back to my corpse.

Well …Blizzard …you didnt get it right this time.
i was creating a new char to day a L10 started in oggrimar…
Do i need to tell was happend when i try to go to AH …
Im not happy at all . We should have a chose to NOT be PVP automatic

Think i go back to WOT again there are at least safe in the garage


Trust me, I am not the one looking stupid here, I never changed goalposts, lol, but you have.

Not to mention, I am not the one QQing over this event. You are. :slight_smile:

Oh no, mild inconvenience for a whole week.

Or perhaps, you call it qqing because you think its fun to mock people whom have valid complaints?

I dont QQ, I have my reasons why I complain. So do others. Why cant you respect that? You’re not affected by this.

And you very much moved goalpost by claiming we want to cancel the whole event.

You think we want to narrow this event out of the game.

We dont. We want you to have fun, but not at our expense. Hench the WM only option, provides a way for you to enjoy it, and me to enjoy my stuff along with other people whom want to do theyr own stuff.

We allready tolds you , and if you actually played this game, you very well know there’s infected zombie npcs at hubs that dont have argent healers to clear that stuff. So me, having an alt, I cant really do anything on my alt now w/o this issue.

And this type of comments are pretty much what I mean:

Oh no, mild inconvenience for a whole week.

You mock everyone who doesnt share your pvp POV.


Your opinion is subjective, it shouldnt be just for warmode, though new players and players with level below 50 shouldnt be attackable, otherwise the event is mostly optional, personally i havent seen any zombie live more than 10 seconds yet. Whole point of this event is to create mayhem, not to cater to special snowflakes who dont like this “inconvenience”.

I do find it funny you complain about this event, when not long ago were defending shop items against people who complained about those. Oh how the roles reversed.


Yeah, I am not affected by this, and what should I respect ? I am simply stating what happens, that the event will run, and that I like it.

Ah yes seal it behind the warmode which phases it out of the large world.

Scourge invasion ? Nah not here, nope, everything is fine. See how that does not work ?

I do play this game, infact I am online right now, and guess what, if you activate chromie time, and go out in the world… You don’t have to deal with the zombie invasion, because it is only levelers who play on the chromie time.

“PvP PoV” what.

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Of course oppinions are subjective, but i do not think it is that wildly thought that a pvp-event should only be warmode on.

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This is not pvp event, this is scourge (somewhat smarter than AI) vs players.


Exactly this