Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

It is scourge controled by players. It auto flagss pvp ON. What is not PvP about this?


It’s still a ghoul

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It are still players. and we get auto flagged pvp on.

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I really don’t get why we have events like this every like 5 years.
Lots if not most players hate it and they just keep doing it.

Just missed out on a change at icecrown bag because of zombies and that’s not fun.

Luckly we have garrisons, had to clean my bank/bags anyway.


PVP flag is probably, because of Blizzard spaghetti code, to allow attacking players. And yes they are players, but it would have almost no difference if it was just AI fixating random people constantly. To be honest thats what i thought partially the event will be, in addition to players controlling some zombies.

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Exactly. To allow players to attack players. PvP.


So explain me the difference between player attacking you randomly, and advanced AI (like in islands) attacking you randomly.

I told him the same earlier lol

If it is really difficult to understand yourself by logical thinking then there is nothing i can explain to you.


And i tried to explain. But you just have a different mindset. So things that i hate in this game is just nothing to you. You dont want to understand it.

As usual, cant respond to the question, ignore it and resort to insults.

Well it kinda works both ways.

So things that WE like in this game is just nothing to you? You dont want to understand it.


Insults? We have been called karens, deperate, cryers, whiners, etc :thinking:

i am sorry for not being native english. I can’t explain. You ask something that for me is “why is 1 not equal to 2”. I can also not explain that to you. It is different.


Lol event will come to end before this thread stop gaining momentum

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I have said now more than 100 times that i dont want to take anything away from you. But i do think you will have more fun with people doing this event that actually like the event. So a pvp event among pvp’ers. Have a blast.


And you should keep that to WM.


So then you would be ok if players couldnt control them, but you would be constantly fixated by AI zombies?

We go in cycles about this question. I have answerd also 100 times already that with “Yes”.

Talking about people insulting others… :man_facepalming:


Ok so now, explain me what difference it makes to you personally, that zombies are controlled by players, other than very very few shards that make raids.