Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

Just going to leave this here again.


everyone is wrong expect him.

he is god’s gift, dutch jesus.

amend your sins, prayse the hyperbole


I would rather it be a true invasion. And not just an excuse for players to act like d-bags.
If the invasion was like the Legion invasions, that would have been awesome. Totally awesome.

No. Because store items ARE OPTIONAL.
This event is not. The only ‘optional thing’ is not playing. And that’s not an option; that’s unacceptable.


Citation needed, most players I have seen ingame is loving this right now.


Aye so did I, still got infected.

You keep saying this
Have you cancelled your sub?

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Legion invasions werent threatening at all, this event, however, partially can be.

This event is also optional (according your shop logic), dont go to main city or take a break for 5 days, i havent been attacked once in these 2 days.


Yes, i play different games for this week :slight_smile: I never said i will not survive :smile:

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to be fair, I have had so many players logging due to them hating it, so i guess nobody really knows. What should have been done it to give an option to participate or not, and not just automatically throw players into PvP.


I personally can, but that’s not what the essence of this thread is about.

It is FUNDAMENTALLY WRONG to enforce PvP flagging on people. It is truly and totally unacceptable.

So my message is not only just concerning this week long event, but a warning to Blizzard for the future. Don’t EVER do this again. This is constitutionally wrong. Morally wrong. Fundamentally wrong.

Exactly, this version only allows the minority who like it (griefers) to annoy the majority of the player base who neither like it or want it forced on them.


If people really do not want to participate just… Stay on a flying mount, it’s not really harder than that, levelers can use chromie time to escape it, and max levels can use flying mounts and do their world quests, or, whatever they feel like doing.

Just avoid major cities and it’s fine.

Just so I know, you’re exaggerating for effect right?


the majority of players I saw in chat online last night were pretty into the zombie event.

hell even the people in my guild who dont like PvP at all got into the vibe

If you remove the option to participate, you remove the entire point of the event - to be organic, immersive and to add a sense of tension to the state of things in the in-game universe. If you remove tension from an RPG, you’re left with a dress up simulator.

If there’s no risk of you ever dying, or having to deal with anything challenging, troublesome or problematic - if there are no obstacles whatsoever or you can just ‘turn them off’, there’s no longer a point.

It’s a temporary event. It effects the world directly. If players don’t want to participate in that world for the brief period it’s active, then that’s up to them. There are ways around it, ways to avoid it and ways to avoid participation entirely.

Welcome to Warcraft. :wink:

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We literally get flagged the second we get to the portal room. We can not be mounted there. And i know no other hub to get around the world than the main city.


It is also “fundamentally wrong” to have microntransactions in full priced game with sub fee, yet here we are. And the fact you call the event morally wrong, but not microtransactions is just topping on the cake.

I actually agree with this to an extent. Combat in portals room/spawning areas is a huge oversight. Not something that should have been overlooked.

Out in the world, everyone should be free game.

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can we start an election campaign??

vote me and i will make a new constitution

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Let’s infect all the raids a few days after they open in Shadowlands for a week. Just avoid raids and it’s fine. Let’s see how that goes down.