Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

Not remotely the same

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Maybe i would use these terms for other situation.

I disagree with you in this thread but an opinion is an opinion, so it’s respectable in any way.

But im beginning to think you are trolling us. A marvelous trolling. But just a trolling.

Just as I was when I was at Nathanos, WM off, PvP off, still got infected.

Also why should I restrict where I play the game, I also got infected in Nazjatar at level 10…

Simple option…give the option to opt in or out. Would love to see how my level 10 can avoid players on a flying mount!!

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No. I’m not.
I feel violated.

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It’s Tahra. All they do is troll


Well i’m sure the European Court of Human RIghts can’t wait to take on your case… oh wait :roll_eyes:

I never troll. And I resent you implying otherwise.

Tbh, trolling stops being marvelously subtle when you compare in-game events to war crimes.

Jesus Christ woman

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Mion could you please, PLEASE stop this harassment. It’s becoming very tiresome and it’s very much breaking the code of conduct.

And this jury have decided that Blizzard is not guilty


No, but you can always take the portals, or even run out of the main portal in the stormwind portal room, corpse-run if you have to.

And then mount up.

Ask mages, or a flying mount, and fly manually to locations.

Again, not how it works, and it will never work.

You probably got hit by a npc ghoul then.

You’re not exactly doing any content in major cities, are you ?

How someone managed to get the infection there, I don’t know, but that sounds cool.

Characters from Exiles reach is immune to the zombie debuff.



I’m not harassing anyone or breaking the code of conduct. I am very much engaging in this thread and the ongoing topic.

I mean, if you want an example of code of conduct breach then…


Didn’t know that it’s so hard to just have an opt in option, if you want to join in then you can.

What’s so bad about that?

How convenient, shes ignoring that post :laughing:

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It would teach the pro people a good lesson.
I hope Blizzard will do this. Not because I will like it, because unlike you people that’s not the kind of person I am. But to teach you some damn lessons.

Welcome to bad/negative user engagement design 101.

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eh… i know. Really sad all these effort were focused against futile situations…

Join dots.