Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

Well actually yes I am, I have alts that I would like to level up before SL drops, no chance of that seeing as I have to go to Chromie in Org.

Not for me or a number of players who missed out on the drop because you can’t loot as a Zombie.

And if I was in Exiles Reach i’d say ‘yay’ but i’m not, my chrs are now stuck at level 10 in Org because of this shambles.

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go watch any GDC regarding the killer player type.

you will discover that is event is awesome

Oh but they never will. That’s the good part.

Open world is open world, and that’s that. :woman_shrugging:

Ask someone to taxi you, and you have that problem solved.

Because you count as a pet technically, and if only pets attack you get no loot.

See my first answer.

well thats an easy report :nail_care:t2:

Because that’s not what happened. Conclusions were drawn by people. Wrong conclusions.

I never even used the word. And I won’t. Because it’s disgusting.
And Mion keeps trolling on about it. It’s pure harassment, that’s what it is.

Well its typical tactic of these people, when you dont know how to respond, just ignore and change topic.

Otherwise, is it really so awful to possibly die once to another player in like 1 day, oh how bad it is to res up!


You don’t get it.
It’s about the principle of the thing.
There’s warmode. That is for PvP. YOU DON’T FLAG PEOPLE FOR PVP WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT. You just don’t. It’s wrong.

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But the game is not just made for YOU alone Tahra, Just don’t take any part in it if you dislike it, it’s not so hard.
You are just being stubborn for the sake of being stubborn right now, you don’t have to be right ALL the time, you know.

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So ask someone to taxi me? What an absolute joke of a reply.

This is LIMITED TIME event for just 1 week to show the power of the scourge, what you dont understand? There is no YES or NO, you just go to battle, end of story.

I mean yeah, if you keep getting ganked, ask someone to fly you to Chromie if you don’t want to corpse run.

Or you can keep complaining, it’s up to you.

Pretty sure everyone consented when we agreed to the Blizzard ToS. where we allow blizz to basically do whatever the frick they want to our characters


I want to give the benefit of the doubt but to me it seems clear you were making a comparison to that act.

If you weren’t could you clear up what the comparison was because it really does sound that way :confused:


It’s okay, guys! She didn’t use the word directly so it’s okay! :wink:

After that, she back pedaled and tried to say she meant ‘literally anything else’ but then used examples that all included either victims of abuse or slavery, or worse.

Own up to your words or your opinions lack credibility.


I’m not compaining, I am making a point that the whole event would benefit from having an opt in opt out setup, and not flag a player as soon as they set foot in Org.

Imagine being a new player coming to WoW, and been sent to Org to continue their questing, only to be faced with this, not knowing what a Taxi is?


What does that even mean? That has NOTHING to do with the fact that the event would be better in warmode only. And that it has no downsides. None.

But I am right. Very much so.


You’re not.


Thats funny tell another :laughing:



You are, but…

Yeah, maybe it would, but it is not like that now, and so as I said before, either you play, or you don’t.

The choice is yours, and the event is sure not going to change, there’s too little time to do that.