Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

Read back. If you draw the conclusions that you are claiming, you’re not very smart. I said from the start that ‘that’ was not what I was talking about.
And you stubbornly, and very much malignantly to troll, keep claiming the opposite. You are harassing me. Stop. It.

If you can’t differentiate between complaints and an opinion/making a point, then well there’s nothing I can do for you.


My small Dwarven legs aren’t big enough to outrun all these ghouls! Ahhhhhh!

Ok being serious now:
I don’t mind being auto tagged with PvP, I die anyway so doesn’t bother me being ghoulified, but I understand where people are coming from.

Would be nice if there was even rewards or something for participating in the event (maybe a mount or something IDk) but on Argent Dawn it’s quite fun to see people RPing defending places from the ghouls! I love to see it

all you have to do is outrun the gnomes :grin:

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While there is an interesting discussion in this ‘opt out’ line of thinking, I wouldn’t say Tahra’s extremist social justice take on it is the appropriate means to accomplish a meaningful discussion. In many ways, she presents her argument in the style you would expect of someone performing in a pantomime or play.

I’m not harassing you. I am blatantly just informing people that of what you have blatantly implied in this thread. I’m definitely not trolling. Anyone can see the chat log. What you’ve said is extremely damaging to real victims of hateful crimes and abuse. It’s abhorrent and you’re literally very much in the wrong. If you cannot stand up to the voice of scrutiny, then your use of the forums is questionable at best.


It means that there’s a lot of people actually having fun and enjoying this tiny event (which you create a storm in a bottle of water over :woman_facepalming: )
Demanding that it gets shut down or changed, because you decided to create a crusade against it, is pretty much hinting that you are in the belief that this game is made to cater for you alone.

And why are you even going to waste your time with this. Its a short tiny winy ultra nerfed event, easily avoidable and only lasting for a week. It’s not like they are going to change it anyways.

Unless… of cause, you are only being this stubborn to rile people up for fighting on the forums :woman_shrugging:

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Guys dont fall for Tahra trolling and changing topic tactic, the thread will get deleted in no time like this.

And blizz can do whatever they want, they could Thanos your account and you would have no say in it, so just deal with this minor event.

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No it’s not going to change, which after the debacle of the original invasion pre Wrath, and the tihstorm that was brought up during the PTR setup makes you wonder what Blizzard were thinking.

As it stands, there literally is no point me logging until SL drops, as what I wanted to do, namely get some alts levelled up is a mess.

sure he is going to read it.

and please take covid out of the discussion, i have lost 2 family members and mine father was close too.

enjoy another report


It always amazes me with every new Tahra topic, just how in the hell she hasn’t be perma banned


:woman_facepalming: Are they sending mails to everybody about how disgusting it is to have gaming companies promoting war, death, dictatorship, kidnapping and so on? :face_with_monocle:
People these days :roll_eyes:

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This, in a nutshell. She’s using a lot of tricks in the forum troll handbook and it’s not overly subtle.

  • Over dramatizing the issue using exaggerated language
  • Hypocritical action, ie: one moment identifying as a victim and then victim blaming
  • Singling out opponents of controversial opinion via ad hominem
  • Questioning people’s intelligence when backed into a corner
  • Using buzzwords and controversial phrases/implications to bait in more sentimental suckers
  • Repetition of words/phrases to express the same point when they’ve ran out of things to say

Do you know the difference between games and real life lol? Also, are you anti-masker by any chance?

Stop this nonsense. As a person who lost 2 relatives in this Pandemia i vomit when read this thing. Are you really compairing the plaugue in this stupid game to the COVID situation??? REALLY???

You aren’t helping yourself to be honest, You’ve made your point, just put the thread on mute and carry on.

They wanted an event that gets people engaged. And they sure have made that.

Not shut down at all. I’ve never asked that in any way, shape or form.
Changing it to warmode only makes it BETTER. Factually better.
And they could then make it even more ‘extreme’ if they wanted to.

Because it’s the right thing to do.
Because what Blizzard has done with this event is unacceptable.


I believe there’s a word for ‘those’ people. :thinking:

It’s so engaging not being able to level low level alts before SL :open_mouth:

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The right thing? For you and others. For another piece of the playerbase isnt.