Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

And that could have been achieved in exactly the same way with the option of being able to opt out of the event, even if it was temporary to allow levellers and new players to get what they need done in Org sorted, as it stands, i’d hate to be a new player being forced to go to Org just to begin, and be faced with this.


Youre really not helping the idea that you didnt mean to make the comparison it sounds like

I wonder if this complaint violates the ‘nerf calling’ rule. :thinking:

It’s almost like chromie time phases you out of all the chaos.

No, not really, and we are not either.

Blizzard is, and they have made their decision, as we can see.

New players, which, bear in mind, are forced to start in Exiles Reach, have immunity against getting attacked by the zombie.

Players who have been playing for a while should atleast have other options to be able to deal with this, friends, flying mounts, or otherwise.

Ask someone to help you get there ? I don’t get the big deal.

See my reply above. Ask for help. It’s an MMO, other players play this game, and most players are willing to lend a hand.

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So dont ignore my question, are you anti-masker? Because you use same exact points as they.

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For everyone (except the sadistic players who love ruining other people’s games - their opinion does not and should not ever count).

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Well that is debatable, but you have made your point, going around in circles is just making the thread into a peeing competition between yourself and a number of other posters.

Be the bigger person and walk away, don’t give anybody any ammunition to attack.

Also almost like being able to make it there without being hunted down.

She did say above she felt violated (word for word)

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Not sure she knows how

lol getting to Chromie in the 1st place is the trick.

But you can… Stop this claiming that you cannot level your alts :roll_eyes:
Go to chromie, pick an alternate time and get PHASED. E-v-e-r-y body using Chromietime, gets phased with other Chromie timers - Ergo No 50’s. And 50’s are mostly those playing this event= you can level your alt in peace.
You can still go do your quest in a different zone, it wont change anything in your progress or log.

OR just stay away from Goldshire/Stormwind - Orgrimmar/Razor Hill

It IS not harder than that.

ok you are trolling. Thanks.

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I can’t. I can’t let Blizzard get away with this.

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Lmao I’m sure they’re terrified of you


you aren’t helping either to be fair, the last posts have more or less avoided the thread subject just to attack…

Just walk away, or get the thread on track, otherwise it will be closed.

Not at all. It’s the truth.

I became against the masker. Not because i do not think it does not help, but because of all the crap idiots that now in the supermaket go stand literally jacket to my jacket. In the no mask time everyone saw each other as a potential danger. i want back to that situation.

Which is a total offtopic subject.

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Yes, because a one man crusade is going to make blizz change… especially when that person is you

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