Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

That event doesn’t block you from doing anything you were doing to this point. Grow up.

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No. They are VERY VERY wrong on this matter.

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Counter argument
No they aren’t


So, what exactly are you aiming to do to with this thread, you’ve been around these forums long enough to know they aren’t read.

Prove yourself the bigger person, walk away and let them get on with it, otherwise it will be a matter of time before you get a forum ban, for one reason or another, and then all your concerns will be lost.

It does.
Or in the best case scenario; it makes it harder.
Not acceptable.

I can’t. I’m grown.

Not really, no, you are playing their game, and whatever they do well… You’ll simply have to deal with it.

ok Hi… Tahra

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It barely has any effect on regular gameplay, you wasted more time here complaining on the forums than zombies wasted your time in game…

Yes ofc because as a new player, they are quite prepared to do that.

I beg to differ, all players are tagged PvP as soon as they set foot in Org/SW

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No, you are not right, you are just so full of yourself that you believe that because you do not like something then everyone else is wrong, the world is wrong…

You do not like the event, we get that, but Are you trolling or you really believe that you are the center of the universe? The game is not about you or what you like.

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will just leave this here

I mean they should it’s an MMO

Tagged pvp, sure, but they can’t be attacked by ghouls. They literally have a buff that prevents that.

Yeah, that’s what I do when I am new to games, I ask for help.

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Probably nothing. But it needs to be said.

I won’t get banned. I’m not doing anything against the code of conduct.
They tried to report posts in this thread and they were hidden and then restored by a mod, because they could see I’m doing nothing wrong. Can’t say the same about them sadly.

I appreciate your posts though. Makes for a nice change of pace. :blush:

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The irony is that Tahra doesn’t do anything in game. No dungeons, no raiding, no pvp, nothing considered regular gameplay

so shes just complaining for the sake of complaining :laughing:


So I guess when you 1st started playing, you knew everything that was needed to know?

I know when I started back in 2006 I didn’t.

Several People Are Typing


So you can. Thanks for agreeing with me. Thread can be closed now.

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but he wrote what he enjoys doing, strangely no one saw that post kekw

At this point im convinced she goes on purpose against other people, just for the sake of it. All things that dont affect her are good and who cares about others, all things that affect her are bad, even if it is fun for others.

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