Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

Exactly my point since it’s an MMO I was ready to ask people for help…

Yea you are , you’re comparing rapists and getting violated to getting killed in the game by a ghoul


And yes you have said it, many many times, and in a way that isn’t exactly the best way to say it.

time will tell to be fair, but don’t take the chance on it.

Stop baiting, you are not helping yourself at all.

Not here for appreciation, just sick of seeing the crap.

All wrong.
I do, or have done, all of the things you named.

This. I don’t think there’s really going to be any discussion or changing of minds, this thread has just descended into repeating the same things again and again, plus insults and all sorts of nastiness.

You’ve said your piece, the likes on the original post show that there are others who agree, but I don’t think continuing to post here is going to achieve anything. For your own mental health, I’d recommend walking away. It doesn’t mean that you give in or that the other side has “won”. It’s just not worth the nastiness, imo. However, you do you :slightly_smiling_face:


So because you would, it means everybody should? No idea sorry, but the number of new players who may decide to not continue should be a worry to Blizzard, I know I won’t be playing for the duration, and as i’ve said, been here 14 years.

I now have a number of alts that I wanted to level up before SL, surely a simple opt in opt out would have been the idea, even if it was solely for level 10’s

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agree to disagree :sunglasses:

Yet some people still claim I’m wrong. So I’ll keep saying it.

I’m not ‘taking a chance’. I’m merely making posts on a forum. And abiding by the rules.

It’s not baiting. It’s the truth. Have you seen some of the responses?!

But then why are you even in this thread? I don’t understand that.

You know the amount of targetting/naming she is getting is bordering on harassment right? Targetting community members is against the rules.

She’s just expressing her opinion on an event which many people hate, an event which has made people quit the game in the past. And what she does in or out of game you won’t have any idea about really.

Like, lay off Tahra. State your opinion, but cease with the constant calling her out as its against community guidelines.


ah yes, alienating someone who is on your side… thats the way to win an argument

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Because you are.

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No because it doesn’t change the fact that flagging people for PvP without reason, without consent is wrong. Fundamentally wrong.


Yeah I dont mind that they are expressing their dissatisfaction with the event.

But the comparisons are frankly sickening.
And the fact she denies she means it that way but REFUSES to clarify her intent… all the while making more and more references to it.

Its just incredibly insulting.


The thread is of interest to me, listening to childish bleating with no chance of a happy concencus and conclusion isn’t.

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the punisher fights alone

not to mention trying to imply that this is some serious human rights issue :roll_eyes:

I’ve already won my friend. Because I am on the side of truth and justice.

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To be honest if i was new player i would be impressed by such event happening without 1000 restrictions, not the other way round. Considering you can have fun being zombie after yourself.

I had literally 0 problems leveling new alts or doing activities during this event. Im not sure where this is happening, or is it just whiners giving imaginary examples.

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Yeah thats deepend no doubt.

But I have no personal insult to it if you get what I mean

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Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you.
But I will not stop. Because the truth deserves to be heard.