Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

The event is still going on… So… I don’t think you’ve won anything.


Not on anybodies side, just an Adult who can see that the whole thing is a mess that just needs to be dropped so that the topic of the thread can be discussed in a civil manner.

Give up, sometimes you really cannot polish a turd.

I think blizzard should make special offer just for you. Pay 20 $ to opt-out of event for a day =P

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I’ve never been put in pvp - how does that even work? Must only be possible on high population servers

We were talking about ‘the argument’. Clearly.
As for the event; yes, I suspect it won’t be changed before it runs out.
Won’t stop me from spreading the truth though.

Flagging people for PvP without their consent is not acceptable.
It is fundamentally wrong.

Well, there’s several ways, but the easiest; just enter Orgrimmar. Done.

Anyway, Blizzard ignored you with titanforging cries - they will ignore this too :slight_smile:

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You can handle one week of inconvenience.

And then this will not likely happen again.

(Although I hope it does cause it is very fun to see the world active.)

Nobody cares if its limited time or not.

Brewfest is limited time too. Do I care? No.

Day of the dead is what 4 days? Do I care? no.,

Let alone that I dont ccare about people thinking they are brain eating zombies (Guess what, They are not), when they are ghouls disturbs me and is acctually not RP friendly at all.

Not only is it wrong, it’s an insensitive event too. IRL we have viral issue ruining our lives in all kinds of ways and now we have it in game too.

Events/content has been pulled for less in-sensitivities.

I entered org, I killed many zombies, was never put in pvp that I could tell.

Or is it - you are pvp enabled but without WM talents and I failed to notice?

No, they ignored YOUR titanforging cries for years.
I never cried about it, because I loved it.

Don’t change things around dude.

Yes its totally imaginary, thats why at the last count we have had alot of different threads on the same subject.

All I can tell you is my personal experience, namely arriving in Org as a level 10, and finding myself dead before I could fart.

With this in mind, i have, as I said before, decided against levelling the alts I wanted before SL.

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Just so none of us forget.


I was in orgrimmar and stormwind on several alts and several realms for hours in high population realms, havent seen any action at all… Just bunch of skeletons from people who got anihilated as zombies as soon as they appeared.

Looks like you have never went to Tol barad or Wintergrasp…

Actually, I have seen actually lots of Roleplayers turn the ghouls into an IC thing, and they are having fun with the apocalypse, as am I.

How ? It literally references 0 to what is happening irl, It’s a magical Plague, not a virus, that turns people into ghouls, infact it is just the same as the event way, way in the past, except more tame.

I would just like to remind people that this is a video game.

This is peak 1st World issues.

I dont care if the event continues or gets scrapped.

Its 5 days.
Its pure insanity to care that much over a 5 day in game event.


PvP zones. Don’t troll.
Just like me flying to an opposite faction’s city.

Those are a given.

I am in my own city. Doing NOTHING that provokes PvP. So I should NOT get flagged.